

25 years old girl, half russian, half bulgarian. Photography is my hobby, and I'm mean :D

— Akasha Report User
David Bowie's Greatest Achievement 20 comments
akasha · 8 years ago
Babe with the power
Shoplifter being detained by shop owner 16 comments
akasha · 8 years ago
Yeah, the first message of this thread is actually a question who is the photoshopped guy...
Shoplifter being detained by shop owner 16 comments
akasha · 8 years ago
I don't mean to be a buzzkill, but see the other photos
Shoplifter being detained by shop owner 16 comments
akasha · 8 years ago
And here comes the time, when kids don't know who Buttcrack guy is... So sad...
Back off 22 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
It's kinda creepy when you're not american and have no idea what actual height is 5'6 or 7'5 or whatever other numbers are there. And you know what 1.7 or 1.8 is in metric, and you sit there and imagine some mutants that are tall 5 m and 10 cm...
Epic PS skill: Removing the cage 8 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
Actually you can do this in maximum 2 minutes with only one tool... Not so epic :)
it's actually kind of sad when you think about it 11 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
There's very interesting book about him - The minds of Billy Milligan by Daniel Keyes, you should read it. He actually was able to draw different types of art, and some of his personalities knew different languages and were experts in science, medicine, electronics, can play drums, sax, harmonica... It's unbelievable, how one man can do and know so many things at his age. (22 by the way)
Such wow 12 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
At the photoshop store :)
When We find liquid water on Mars 4 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
It's an infection. "When infected, the hosts would also develop cracked skin (especially around the mouth and neck) and blackened teeth, as well as an internal fission in the host's body that produced the water."
Wind + frost 6 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
More like capturing rivers as they flow down Iceland’s volcanoes, and have nothing to do with frost or wind...
Fiercely adorable 10 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
The second photos is so badly photoshopped, I can't even...
When I see a "dads are the best" post as someone who grew up without a father 19 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
Well, My father wasn't abusive, and wasn't gone but still. Indifference in his eyes, no love at all egotism and yelling and stuff, and I've stopped talking with him 3 years ago, and this 3 years was the best years in my life...
And I truly believe, that without that dad I could've grow less stressed and more sane...
When I see a "dads are the best" post as someone who grew up without a father 19 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
Rudy is the best!!! Loved that scene!
The power is yours 3 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
I did this once (well not once, but for the same boy) after he was telling all his friends that I begged him to sleep with me, and after 2 years he finally bang me, so I would stop bothering him...
I was going after every new potential girlfriend of his and just told them that he's got very ugly big hairy mole on his penis, and showing them a picture from the internet, and that actually we never slept together, because when we undress and I saw it, I just ran from there, but he's so insecure about it, and asked me not to tell people, that we hasn't slept together, but I can't do this to fellow sister, you should know before you go there...
And this piece of crap never found out why nobody wanted to sleep with him...
I bought a box today. I don't know why.... 4 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
I actually thought that when I came home with that box....
It would be a nice change 21 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
Ex_Machina, Skeleton Key, Seven, The Silence Of The Lambs, Saw, The Usual Suspects, and korean Oldboy and I Saw the Devil (This one is kinda twisted because of the image of who is the bad guy, but still, amazing film)
Not the "take over the world" but the bad guys win in these films. In some physically, in some mentally...
Compilation of super cute baby animals! 24 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
The "platypus" baby is actually a penguin...
As 25-year old woman who doesn't want kids 12 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
OMG, I'm 25 years old girl with no desires for kids too... Amen sister!
Glad I never owned one 17 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
And 3 or 4 months later my mom comes to me and tells me - See, sunshine, I've told you not to watch horror movies alone, haven't I?
This fucking woman picked up the box from the trash, and scares the shit out of me every morning for months, throwing the dolls stuff from the window on the door, because I disobeyed her and watched horror movie alone and throw all my toys away...
Glad I never owned one 17 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
When I was little I haven't had a furby, but still. I have no memory of how and where I find this movie, but I watched Dolly Dearest... Alone... This satanic doll screw me up so bad, I thrown away all of my toys that had faces. All of them - dolls, bears, cars with eyes... My mom was furious... And I had this Barbie, that was my favourite, with almost broken legs and arms, because I was trying to bend her elbows and knees (she was not bendable) and I throw her away as well. With all the stuff - clothes, chairs, shoes, blah blah blah... One big box with all the toys gone... And the next morning I found near my bed a Barbie shoe... And every morning after that I was finding some shoe, or some dress or jewelry on the floor near my bed. For months. I was so fucking scared, I cried myself to sleep...
Russians and their names 5 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
Are you even know one russian name? This stuff ^ is bullshit..
can't wait 23 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
Yeah, I got my first tattoo at 17 without my parents knowing.
can't wait 23 comments
akasha · 9 years ago
They're like 16. They're not grown ups....