

— bajasauce07 Report User
What would the Academy have to gain anyway? 16 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
100% of BET awards are black...
Probably one of the most meaningful tattoos I have ever seen 19 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
Died of renal failure. The T waves are abnormally peaked and the qrs complex is widening.
Just a thought 24 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
I'll get more worked up when the BET awards nominate a white person.
Dear college 13 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
Actually, there are multiple economics research papers showing that it's actually government intervention that cause tuition to go up. Had the government stayed out of it tuition would have been forced to stay at more reasonable prices... but it's cool if you just want to voice ignorant opinions. That's good too.
Dear college 13 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
Poor art majors...
Homer is a good dad 6 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
This is how socialism is... everybody wins, and you know this because they tell you so, but in the end its like nobody wins.
This may seem like an inappropriate idea 19 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
When Bernie sanders makes everything free the debt won't matter. #fact #democratmath
Things that melt 5 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
I'm not saying climate change isn't real.... but this is sort of wrong. The ice caps are larger than ever now. They're not melting...
If you get your morality from the law you're gonna have a bad time 15 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
34thgiraffe wins the "missed the point award"
wut 7 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
I laughed so damn hard... like uncontrollably so.
Relaxing in traffic 4 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
Look at his face.. that man just walked in on his girlfriend cheating or worse. That's the look of a bad day.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
A good first step 58 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
Lol. No, seriously. Google this. It's common knowledge among all but the willfully ignorant. Yes your book is wrong then as is your professor.
A good first step 58 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
You can't argue with morons.
A good first step 58 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
Actually no, all studies that control for profession and education (female doctor to male doctor) show that there is no actual wage gap. You're welcome for the free education.
Only in Ireland 6 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
Nice shoes! What brand?
Chuck Norris is nothing 15 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
RIP to both then for sure.
Chuck Norris is nothing 15 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
You're talking about the OP, right? Because I'm pretty sure chuck Norris already killed him...
It hurts a bit 20 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
Which is proper
Remember this doucebag? His company is losing money 19 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
I'm so glad at least one other person gets it!
Hidden treasure 10 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
ISIS member left a box. Momentos of places he had bombed, and the true love of his life. It's romantic.
Really need help 8 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
That's not how it works sir... by believing it, you ARE it. Now be free and just act like a rich man, because you are one!!! You don't need the actual money, or genetics, or degree of a rich man! That's the patriarchy holding you back. Or the 1%... or something.... I think I just triggered myself... I need to lay down.
May the force be with you..Always 9 comments
bajasauce07 · 8 years ago
What did he die of? I'm sorry for the loss. He looks young.
Ban hammer 45 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Actually, food, being necessary for a good restaurant, the right of the people to have food shall not be infringed.
The people have a right to form restaurants... to ensure that, we shall not ban food... comma's are a beautiful thing.
Ban hammer 45 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Logical fallacy man here... Your logical fallacy: "false comparison"
Banning murder is not the same thing as banning an object. If you don't understand this then you're probably too stupid to discuss it with! *flies away*