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Mum is disappointed 3 comments
balroghuzzah · 6 years ago
Oh how the tables have tabled.
It's not about the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean 3 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
It's not about the motion of the ocean, its about the angle of the dangle.
Explain this 16 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Ahh, Shakespearean finery 6 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Young fry of treachery!
Stubble 2 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Not the only tiny thing in that truck.
Flat Earth daylight 12 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
The dense magic field slows down light, causing the illusion of time zones, etc.
Can't change history. Good or bad 36 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Oh, someone took a photo before Erik demolished the place.
Wtf what u mean earth is not flat 6 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
The TV is curved so that, with the larger size, you can't tell you're being ripped off!
Honestly though, is there a real benefit? It seems like marketing to me.
Wake up, sheeple! 6 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
How many layers of irony are you on?
Apocalypse pop culture 10 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Apocalypse Pop is a pretty good band name.
Quality of news dropping 4 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
did they think it was a pram/stroller/whatever?
For the Queen! 16 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Canada has the same queen, but different kebabs...
Queen is a kebab confirmed
bunny's flee from the flood..on sheeps 3 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
*eye twitches*
*moves on*
19 Tiny But Brilliant Inventions That’ve Made The World A Little Bit Better 14 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
side note, depending on which bathroom it's in, that floor TV could get pretty disgusting really quickly.
19 Tiny But Brilliant Inventions That’ve Made The World A Little Bit Better 14 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
The highlighter one seems a bit silly.
Text doesn't move around on ya.
Thavage 5 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Tom cruise wiped out on his bike, and the dentists couldn't save the middle one.
From space 8 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
good one...
I might use that (I'll probably forget)
Mr. Burns cosplay 8 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
I am not OK with this
From space 8 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Wonder what it's like to live on the edge...
(side note, the internet NEEDS sarcastic punctuation... so we can be sure. Like a type of parentheses.. Sarcastises?)
ElonMuskMasterRace 14 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Works good, doesn't sounds
· Edited 7 years ago
Only in USA 26 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
hol up.
the fox guy is Canadian, I recognize that photo from my city paper.
Myth and Truth 5 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Most asteroid belts want you to SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT.
Round earth is a fairy tale 11 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
In an astral plane that was never meant to fly...
The most important places in each state 22 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
The less important places are always more fun to visit.
Daily Dose Of Artwork 2: SpaceGate 7 comments
balroghuzzah · 7 years ago
Enclosed is a PDF attachment. a picture of yourself on a boat on a river. It's a river that flows in 2 directions. Make that 3. It's a magic river, that's how. It is flowing down the eerie canal to...