

— rachelburianek@live.com Report User
Out here seeing for free 2 comments
bookaholic · 5 years ago
Only 35% of adults naturally have 20/20 vision!
Sad pirate 6 comments
bookaholic · 5 years ago
Right click the image and click open in new tab! It will do the same thing as the view image button. This will only work for computers though!
The non-vegan lifestyle 15 comments
bookaholic · 6 years ago
High quality animal products probably means meats with no antibiotics, msg, or hormones. Also free range eggs and organic milk and dairy Products.
The Aurora Borealis in a ring 7 comments
bookaholic · 6 years ago
May I see it?
Not your party 5 comments
bookaholic · 6 years ago
It's just about empty.
Lemon turns your eyes red 9 comments
bookaholic · 6 years ago
That isn't actually true. While limes do turn yellow when they ripen they're still a different fruit.
Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life 98 comments
bookaholic · 6 years ago
You know what really grinds my gears. When people say it's not killing because it's a fetus not a baby. Like if you wait a couple weeks what to you thinking it's going to become a monkey???
A German castle 2 comments
bookaholic · 6 years ago
Where is this?
The cat cafe in melbourne 9 comments
bookaholic · 6 years ago
There is one here in Indiana too.
Why I love twitter 16 comments
bookaholic · 6 years ago
Now I can't say this with 100% accuracy because I've only given oral to guys but I'd say girls have it a bit more difficult. I have to say gagging around a guys junk is not pleasant. Maybe it's more fun for girls who don't have gag reflexes but I have one. That being said I don't think it's easy for guys either!
I also like how "as ***" is now used as a measurement tool 15 comments
bookaholic · 6 years ago
These aren't my words but they say it better than I can. "It is a magical word which, just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, love, and hate. In language, "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories. It can be used as a verb both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive (Mary was fucked by John). It can be an action verb (John really gives a fuck), a passive verb (Mary really doesn't give a fuck), and adverb (Mary is fucking interested in John), or as a noun (Mary is a terrific fuck). It can also be used as an interjection (Fuck! I'm late for my date with Mary). It can even be used as a conjunction (Mary is easy, fuck she's also stupid). As you can see there are very few words with the overall versatility of the word fuck."
3 · Edited 6 years ago
When arson is more preferable than finals 9 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
For mine it was only if you were hit on a crosswalk.
When you're feeling down 12 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
Books! They're like a temporary escape. When I'm really stressed I only read ones I know will have happy endings.
99% of the times 3 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
I'm doing both now at the end of the month for my trip to Ireland!! Thanks for the post:)
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
I noticed the shape of your face. You have nice a nice jawline and cheek bone. Also a very friendly smile!
This levitating wireless charger is DOPE 11 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
I think I'd reach for my phone knock it off and break it!
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
I'm posting a selfie just for this post! Will someone do me?
· Edited 7 years ago
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
Okay this is fun! I'm going to do one for all the comments.
@sassypotter I have a nice smile! Also nice teeth. That might be a weird thing to notice but I don’t like my teeth.
@rayofsunshine I noticed your small waist first.
@spazz My first thought was you look very young. I hope that's not insulting! You thick hair was actually the most noticeable to me!
@yukihaki In this photo your eyes stand out but I looks like the lighting in the photo hides the prominence of your nose. Not that having a distinctive nose is a bad thing!
@rosalinas For me your jaw line and eyebrows were the most noticeable.
@serosenpai Your hair cut was actually the most noticeable thing to me. At least in the first selfie!
@grimreaper You brow line was the first thing I noticed. You have prominent brows.
@jade My first thought was you look like Jennifer Lawrence!!!
@cakelover First thing I noticed was your eyes they are very dark.
@amadog19 I noticed your lips first. They have a nice pouty shape!
Women 5 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
Trump has a wife.
Catgirl 18 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
It bugs me that it's a thumb in her mouth in the first picture and an index in the second.
Violence everywhere . 2 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
Also I'm still afraid of Ghosts. XD
It's not too late to change 24 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
I used the My fitness pal app to lose 25 pounds. It helped me to realize how unhealthy certain food were and it also helped with portion control. The only down side for me was that it didn't clearly show how much fruits and veggies I ate. For me eating healthy is what really helped.
It's not too late to change 24 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
Sometimes people are raised on unhealthy diets and they continue to that way their parents did. Other people are really picky and won't eat veggies or fruit. My brother buys the fruits and veggies but can't make himself eat them. There are tons of reasons.
Turn your frown upside down 15 comments
bookaholic · 7 years ago
Grrr this makes me so angry! Standing someone up is one of the meanest forms of rejection. You're not only hurting there feelings by rejecting them you're publicly embarrassing them (at least in this case)! On a side note I've never been able to eat white castle burgers because my dad calls them gut bombs.