

Im normal

— bstacy Report User
FeelSubstance 4 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
My dad is somewhere in that line
My side good your side bad breh reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 3 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
works both ways - left - right, they're all mentally deranged
horinbood 3 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
manipulate? Isn't that the spin - the redditors played by their rules - so who's the one changing the goal posts?
We love to see it 9 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
“Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?
Rainbow obsidian 5 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
It's impure - throw it out
Raccoon city art gallery 3 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
Now get a gorilla to do that :-)
I Imaged the Rosette Nebula with my telescope! 20.5 hours exposure 1 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
do you live in the arctic? how can you get a 20 hour shot?
A robin made its nest and laid some eggs in the middle of my hanging basket 3 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
awfully perfect nest and eggs there, Martha Stewart
Sleepless comparable Goldfish 12 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
Seriously? You try to bring up a logical scientific question, but that Prof with 4 degrees and 3 diplomas tells you to STFU, sit down and learn what I say. Happens ALL THE TIME, so then certain sciences must also be a religion or a cult.
I would watch this Netflix series 5 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
They also have to buy a license to watch TV
Another wild Saturday night 1 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
It takes time to replace all the stickers on the Rubic's cube, I get it.
This was a clusterf*ck 10 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
Funny that throughout human history where we have Billions of people who've lived and died, but we only have a few ghosts haunting some 17 century manor in Europe. WHERE IS EVERYONE!
Neil Armstrong’s family watching his launch to the moon-1969 3 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
The movie had her at home crouched around the radio. WHAT'S REAL!!
He went to great lengths to pretend he didn't like it 3 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
That's a Freudian slip
Love Django 4 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
Sorry to be that guy - Jesus was a toddler when they arrived - read for once
Adulting sucks 13 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
Reminds me of the Moody Blues - Nice To Be Here
Don't tell me this isn't life goals 8 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
As an Introvert, this looks more like a reclusive hideaway - People may drain my energy but I don't 'avoid' people
She's from Delhi, I'm from Wyoming. This September it will be 7 years of Cowboys and 3 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
Red Dot Indians - not feather Indian
Feel like this belongs here 3 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
I saw the original video - woulda shit my pants with a cat like that
Black beers have a thing for a apples, allegedly 6 comments
bstacy · 3 years ago
Nature's pub
Aqua teen hunger force LIVE 3 comments
bstacy · 4 years ago
is that an uncooked meatball?
The mums are the time keepers 7 comments
bstacy · 4 years ago
LOL - a generation is defined as 40 years not 25 so its more like only 50 women since 1AD
Heavenly moments in Switzerland 1 comments
bstacy · 4 years ago
Is there someone who mows the hillsides?
Conditioned erratic reactive Chicken 1 comments
bstacy · 4 years ago
They did that in 1810, get up to speed already