Justin Farrell


— Justin Farrell Report User
Don't Expose Your Children 84 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
People who get the influenza vaccine still get the flu... The same with chickenpox however the chance is reduced greatly, also with the common administration of the chickenpox vaccine being with the measles and mumps vaccines it can potentially cause seizures in the child that are vaccinated... Also the cold can potentially cause all the same things that the flu causes yet we don't vaccinate against the common cold... hmmm
Don't Expose Your Children 84 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
Influenza isn't what kills those 250,000 - 500,000 people a year. Influenza itself is harmless, the most you get from it is a severe headache, however while your body fights the virus other diseases are able to attack the body such as pneumonia and bronchitis... try again...
Chickenpox is the same way in many aspects...you are very unlikely to get Toxic Shock Syndrome because its main cause is bacterial such as strep or staph. Sepsis being more prominent in today's society for potential drastic complications only because bacteria has evolved to become immune to our vaccines and antibiotics, therefore disease such as pneumonia (which can cause Sepsis) become harder to fight. Encephalitis is the result of your immune system attacking your own brain when it is fighting an infection, this could potentially happen with any disease know to mankind now...you could get it from a cold... The chickenpox virus does not kill, however it can lead to your body contracting something worse.
Don't Expose Your Children 84 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
That and the process to cure people from them has led to them not being able to thrive... honestly this can go on for a long time -.- Also to prove your first point wrong we have the flu vaccine, which is a relatively harmless virus, also chickenpox, pretty much harmless except that it increases likelihood of shingles when you get older...
· Edited 9 years ago
Don't Expose Your Children 84 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
Yet most of these diseases are nearly, or are eradicated from the world. Therefore why do we need to put a virus in our body that is gone from this world? Here this should help everyone, both for and against vaccines http://vaccines.procon.org/#arguments
· Edited 9 years ago
Don't Expose Your Children 84 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
Also many respectable pediatricians and medical facilities have stated that a natural immunity is hands down better than vaccinations.
Hand crank phone charger 5 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
I have one of these, It is helpful, but tedious work if you don't precharge before you go somewhere.
Don't Expose Your Children 84 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
saltlakesnark can I see your resource for your polio 'fact'? also just because you get vaccinated doesn't mean you won't get the disease.
Don't Expose Your Children 84 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
So if the disease has been eradicated for over a hundred years, why do we need the vaccine. It isn't around anymore, so we just put the disease that isn't bothering us in nature into our bodies to protect us from a disease that isn't bothering us in nature... doesn't make sense. I don't think my children will get autism but I want them to build their immune system naturally, through playing outside, touching stuff and eating dirt. worked so many years ago and it still works today.
Don't Expose Your Children 84 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
isn't using formula just the same as supplementing your baby's diet??? since it has all the vitamins and minerals needed added to the base formula?
Don't Expose Your Children 84 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
It's called let them run around outside and eat dirt... Vaccines only work until the virus mutates, then your vaccine fails... Also since people seem to get mad at the natural approach, many big name medical facilities in the United States have stated that improving your immune system through natural means, i.e eating dirt, touching people *gasp* is a more perfect immunity then vaccines can produce in people (in layman's terms: Eating dirt is better than vaccines)
· Edited 9 years ago
Stuffed toothless 22 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
People were asking for the link to purchase this, I was welcoming them for providing said link sadly it is expensive...
Sleeptalk stories 35 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
One time while visited home my mom tried to wake me up (I had spent the last 36 hours travel across the country twice.) and I sat strait upright and came within a couple of inches to punching her in the nose. The next weekend I ended up punching the headboard, I don't remember doing any of these things...
Equality? I think not. 62 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
Either way you look at it lindsmolinari you don't understand that if this man did choose to hit this women, it would have been in defense from potentially deadly force...which is legal up to the point of subduing you assailant.
Baby godzilla 11 comments
byssin · 9 years ago
Your right, and the blocks spell Gojira the "I" is just hidden behind him (look next to the "J" in the first picture.)
Stuffed toothless 22 comments