
16 going on 17. Likes subtle humor. Draws a lot.

— Report User
*insert Thank you* 21 comments
cactuscake · 5 years ago
While you shouldn't say that you have a serious issue for attention you also shouldn't doubt your own problems existence in fear of offending others. Do research on your symptoms (keeping in mind source criticism) and see what action you should take. Mental illnesses in particular are affected by a million factors so don't just take one persons word for it.
its those pesky iphones 21 comments
cactuscake · 5 years ago
School teaches us about this stuff, you know?
Yes 7 comments
cactuscake · 5 years ago
If my man is cool with it, sure!
May humans live on 17 comments
cactuscake · 5 years ago
The Rosetta Stone vol 2
Introverts anonymous 4 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
High self awareness but low self management
What if I told you this is a drawing 13 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
I didn't know you were an artist spiders btw, could I see your art sometime? :D
What if I told you this is a drawing 13 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
hey I'm an artist too so I also hate it when people go too soft but I honestly think this pic is amazing so that's what I said. If it's not then I won't say that. However, knowing what you did that worked can be just as beneficial as knowing what could be better as it directs the focus straight to the problem. Just saying it's pretty good after tearing into it will sound disingenuous since you lack the advantage of friendly body language over the Internet.
Ofcourse everyone takes to different kinds of feedback and if going straight to the flaws work for you then that's great. The sandwich is just a safe method when you don't know the person.
What if I told you this is a drawing 13 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
You gotta do the sandwich when feedbacking mate. "This is a really amazing piece, you've captured the emotion in her face perfectly. Perhaps if you added to texture to areas such as the hands, wrists and ears it could look even better however. Looking forward to your next piece because this is honestly beautiful." The basic formula being: compliment the art, brief pointer, compliment the artist.
Take him home 9 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
I mean Ica is kinda weird :)
Take him home 9 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
Ica is a grocery store.
Fox eating Amanita mushroom - credit Niko Pekonen 10 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
Vikings used to eat them for a good time in the woods.
Amber needs a new friend 9 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
It's probably the black butler guy
Diver frees Whale shark from commercial fishing rope 8 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
I imagine it kinda hurts, like when a string of hair gets into your wound mush and you have to mess up the wound again to get it out. Ultimately for the better but hurts all the same
He can't be the first to do this 8 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
I feel so bad for the guy
Great artwork 27 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
The colours are very muddy from overblending as well
Just an idea, to bring world peace 16 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
Oh it's Just the uses of entire paragraphs as responses to one sentence jokes that gave me the impression of aggression. We get what you meant about the joke, no need to explain further. I love that you apparently got the impression that I got offended, we just don't really think in the same wavelength do we, huh? Lots of love, bud.
Looks like My Uncle is out of a job. 7 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
@title ayyyyyyyy
Just an idea, to bring world peace 16 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
Dude chill, i think everyone understood that you were exaggerating to all heck. Just joking back. It was a stereotypical dazed joke but I do admit it was not delivered very well. Cheers mate.
Just an idea, to bring world peace 16 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
30kg Oreos is more than half of my weight.
My therapist said 1 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
My therapist said to plan fun things along with work. Even simple things like taking a nap or watching some tv. That way you won't be stressing out over your work while you're supposed to be relaxing.
3.14159265358979323846 7 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
They do, it's just impossible. If you think about it too much your matter will fall in on itself.
Noggin to noggin 2 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
Oof my heart just exploded
Is this true 9 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
Wonder what Griffin and Nick would think about this
This shirt 4 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
I love how the supreme font was made by Barbara Kruger in an art piece that was making fun of overblown consumerism. And now since overblown consumerism has consumed that font it is now being peeled away to make fun of overblown consumerism. That's a proper 360 right there.
Where can I buy those tires?? 31 comments
cactuscake · 6 years ago
Hell yeah! Don't pay those guys any mind, you're about to get so gosh darn strong dude!