

I don't post much but when I do its an original meme...and probably dead

— cheesecrackers Report User
Interesting .. 6 comments
cheesecrackers · 1 year ago
Uh idk where you're buying eggs but commercial eggs, even free range, shouldn't come from hens with access to roosters. So no dead chick embryos there.
Oh bother 7 comments
cheesecrackers · 1 year ago
It looks like the knife is long enough to cut 1/3 of both apples lined up together.
mexi 6 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
I am Hispanic/Latina. It's hard to categorize Hispanic or Latino people in general, since it's not quite a race, and it's difficult to ethnically or culturally generalize a group of people that cross whole continents. Add into that the fact that the most widely spoken language is gender binary by nature. What I've learned is that when it comes to terms, or what Hispanic people 'want to hear' there simply is no correct answer. I personally grew up not liking the term Latinx, because my parents are Mexican and spoke Spanish and the term did not sound right to us. But there ARE other Hispanic/Latinos who do use that term. There are others who say 'latine' or 'latino/a' or 'latin@', and even this does not encompass all the unique ethnic minorities that exist south of the border. Best rule of thumb I have is to let people identify themselves. If they say "I'm Columbian, I'm non binary, I use the male gender for adjectives" then do that.
He's actually looks a lot like the original book art 11 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
I mean Wednesday Addams is a fictional character. You could cast an afro Latina, those exist. Could cast an Asian latina, those exist. White Latina works as well. Could cast a trans woman as well. The whole point is that if the only hinge point is ethnicity then it doesn't matter what her race is. But if the goal is to combat colorism, if we would consider it unfair to cast the family as white Latinos when indigenous, mestizo Latinos of color are constantly refused roles in preference to their lighter skinned counterparts, then no, Alexis Bledel shouldn't be cast. At the end of the day thats not a decision on the storyline of the Addams family, since skin color plays little to no effect on the storyline, that's up to the producers and directors to hold themselves accountable to fair and equitable casting practices. And that goes far beyond this one movie.
He's actually looks a lot like the original book art 11 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Latina here, it's an ethnicity, not a race, as you all probably know, so there is no 'classic' look. Bledel is right to identify as Latina, even if she's white. Most Hispanic TV shows are casted entirely by white Latinos, and it's blatantly unfair and exclusionary. Of course white latinos have a place in media, every race and ethnicity does, but the preference for light skin is what's hurting society. All our affirmative action and quotas can't fix how rampant colorism is throughout the world and it breaks my heart.
Basic economics: Something is only worth what the free market is willing to pay for it 17 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Paying money doesn't prove your love and getting paid does not prove your worth. Relationships are not transactional.
Stones from a glass house 2 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
is that what people's necks look like when they turn to look around bc i may just keep my eyes forward on god for the rest of my life
MeN dOn'T lIkE sTrOnG fEmAlE cHaRaCtErS 13 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Too much fixation on male audience here, bc a lot of female characters just exist for the male gaze, and then chars like Carol Denvers were filmed seemingly with one goal in mind and that's to be 'better' than what men expected, but thats not what makes a character good or interesting or strong. But then female characters who are written with real character development, like Ripley, shocker, are more interesting. They exist for the story, they're multidimensional. (I think some very likeable fem chars are also written in movies with the female gaze, that is, written from the perspective of women without a sexual component, where their male counterparts are written specifically with a sexual component, also achieve the same thing)
Keep on trolling in the free world 5 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
I have discovered, that wearing a mask when sick is probably a good idea. I went to church recently wearing a mask, I was the only one at that particular church wearing a mask, and someone approached me and said that I should put more faith in God, because "He is greater than coronavirus" and I was like "uh I have strep throat" and he responded "ah" and then awkwardly shuffled away. So that's my go-to now. Just feign another illness. No one argues with strep.
Those blinking lights are pretty convincing though 18 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Also, lastly, 5G is really only established in large cities. If your mother lives in a small town or country-side, or even a suburban area far enough outside the city, there is probably no 5G waves even making it out that far. She need not worry about it.
Those blinking lights are pretty convincing though 18 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
completely debunked at this point is 5G causing or increasing risk for COVID. That is a rumor that has it's roots from a European doctor living in Wuhan, who noticed that the city had 5G antennas, and made a baseless correlation and returned to Europe spreading that information. A few studies have been conducted and have shown zero correlation between COVID and 5G. So. In conclusion: that particular device, can it disrupt 5G radio waves? I don't know that brand or what it does, but absolutely it could, washing machines can as well. So can the rain. Lots of things can disrupt those waves. Is it useful? Almost certainly not. Unless your mother is a meteorologist conducting weather data collections.
Those blinking lights are pretty convincing though 18 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Impact how well 5G functions. Also, while tech companies are marketing "full 5G" devices, this is actually untrue. At least until 2025, most 5G devices are only using about 10% 5G data, and 90% 4G. We are years away from having enough 5G antennas around the world to be able to handle all of the mobile traffic that goes around on the daily. Now, that being said, there are actually are legitimate concerns when it comes to 5G. One big one is that 5G waves HAVE been shown to interfere with metereology and weather devices. It is a concern that interference due to 5g traffic can cause problems, since meteorology data is used to help predict and project 1) local weather reports 2) natural disasters 3) agricultural decisions and even 4) air flight planning. As a result, there are a few lawsuits from W.H.O that ban certain frequencies from different areas, but more research needs to be done on these effects. None of these concerns are related to public health, though. One concern that has 3/
Those blinking lights are pretty convincing though 18 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
waves used in mobile tech are extremely weak and cannot penetrate even the external layer of skin in animals/humans. There has never been conclusive evidence as to cancer development from mobile tech. 5G, as I previously stated, are even smaller and weaker waves compared to 4G, they are even less likely to cause health problems in living people. In fact, one of the big problems with 5G is that data waves are so easily disrupted (can't get through thick walls, even rain can distort them) that tech scientists are struggling to make 5G even possible to use in all areas of the country. Geography and infrastructure can drastically/2
Those blinking lights are pretty convincing though 18 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Ok, I did my senior undergrad thesis in 5G tech (studied computer science), and hopefully can at least shed some light on this. 5G, like all mobile technology, uses radio frequency electromagnetic energy to function (aka very smol radio waves), which carry data. Unlike 4g, which can travel longer distances and between towers, 5G waves are much smaller and faster, and use special antennas which are designed to receive multiple waves at a time, process, and produce waves back. This allows the tech to work "faster" than 4G. A lot of misconception and fears about 5G are rooted in the fact that unlike 4g towers which can be placed far away from homes and communities and at fewer intervals due the longer distances 4g waves are able to travel, 5G towers are more abundant and must be placed nearby communities (because waves can only travel a few hundred meters before dissipating). Here's why this isn't a problem, health wise: yes, electromagnetic waves CAN cause cancer, but the types of /1
Please don’t kill me 6 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
I feel like it was staged and she was in on it lol. That would be funny
Coffee Art #20 - Outta This World 3 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
I thought this was tomato soup at first and it made me very excited
And you don't have to make your bed everyday 12 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Chewing with your mouth closed, or not taking too large of a bite, is good manners for western culture but not necessarily for eastern culture
Shark Jesus is coming! 5 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Google says yes! Biology is so interesting.
Symbolic daddy issues 1 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Oof, and then the hero is the one non-religious person who is smarter and more logical than everyone else. Don't get me wrong, 'religion is corrupt' can definitely be a theme, as long as it's clear the context behind the community and emphasize what they are doing that is specifically immoral, as opposed to 'they are on the losing side simply because they believe in a higher power', which is just propaganda in my opinion.
Well played 3 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Battlestar Galactica doesn't fit >:(
What makes a ferret 4 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
271% joy
You've Heard of Elf on a Shelf Predictive Text Game 29 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
You've heard of Elf on the Shelf, now get ready for Chad is a big deal with my cats
Agreed 11 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Cooked, seasoned vegetables or death
It's difficult, tricky, but you can do it 17 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
It's impossible to write a sentence using only the letter e.
Please 6 comments
cheesecrackers · 2 years ago
Yes it was, you sick ass mf you