
I-- 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I think it's the strong masculine chin.
Reason to sleep more 2 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Jesus didn't sleep for three days. He was dead for three days and resurrected Himself. That is why He is The Way, The Truth, and the Life, the only way for anyone to reach Heaven.
Get back at your ex boyfriend 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
All that does is show that you still wish he was the guy fucking you.
Ye've warmed tha c*ckles of ma heart 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
How the fuck can't someone understand metaphors?
I got neither 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Motivational Mondays #9 - Life and Donuts 23 comments
guest · 10 years ago
You know, God does judge, that's much is true. It's His right as everything is His creation. He has to because God is good, and he despises evil. But just because you might have done something that you're ashamed of, or committed an act that you think can't be redeemed, it doesn't mean you have to separate yourself from Him. He can forgive you, He wants to forgive you. All one has to do is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that he died on the cross for you. That Jesus, because he loved you, took your punishment. Once you do that, you are forgiven, it's done, it's completed. You don't have to go to church, you don't have to give up rock music, you don't have to start hating gay people, you don't have to change a single thing about yourself. All you have to do is accept in your heart that God loves you, that he loved you so much he sacrificed his only Son for you. That's it. Something so simple, that is worth so much yet costs so little.
Motivational Mondays #9 - Life and Donuts 23 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Go back to smoking your weed loser.
Things to be proud of 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I wish I could upvote this ^ a thousand times. mgoveia hit the nail on the head. It's not just on here, but all around the Internet we have naïve, yet well meaning teens, who think they know all the answers because they saw something on either television or the movies or read it in some teen romance novel. Get a job, pay rent and bills, balance a household budget, watch the people you love grow old, sick, and then die, and then tell us how deep and learned you are.
Yours is no more valid than anyone else's. 61 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Atheists complain that praying is allowing Christianity to have it's way, but when no prayer is allowed, it is the Atheist who is having their way. They're okay with that, after all, it's not like they're forcing everyone to do what they want to do because they believe in their heart that they're right, oh no. Only Christians do that.
For real tho 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Velma is the sex
Sometimes You Can't Go Against The Current 56 comments
guest · 10 years ago
You say you're not following him around, yet you know him well enough to know he's bothering taggedhash?
Someone had to say it 24 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Why? Some of us guests aren't bad. We're just too lazy to create accounts basically and don't mean any harm. As for turning gay to support gay rights? I would gladly open my manhole to the biggest queer I saw if it meant sticking it to this horrible world these homophobes created.
Someone had to say it 24 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I hate homophobes too. I think every guy should take a dick in the ass to show our support. It's not enough to say it, to really show the world? We have to mean it! Men everywhere, open your ass cheeks and let your gay brothers enjoy you, it's their right!
Atheist are good 33 comments
guest · 10 years ago
A lot of this is just trolling. Sad, lonely people who are bitter and simply need others to feel miserable so they'll feel less alone.
Atheist are good 33 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Get over yourself. For as long as The Word has been written, people have been trying to do away with religion and yet, there it still is. The day you should be worried about is when there are no more Christians on this world, because frankly, who are you going to blame next for your failings as a person?
Respect others 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
You're gay and don't want anyone to make you feel bad about it. We got it. Now move along.
This guy deserves a big hug 34 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I wonder if he got lucky later on that night?
Sorry, just felt like it had to be said. 159 comments
guest · 10 years ago
There is one thing 80's and 90's kids both agree on: the 2000's suck ass.
Elsanna everybody 86 comments
guest · 10 years ago
After gay marriage is accepted and legalized, beastality, incest, and pedophilia will be the next causes championed by the "poor and downtrodden.". If you think not, if you think surely no civilized society would condone those things because everyone knows they're wrong, just remember... they said the same thing about gay sex.
What's wrong with this society? 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It's because we live in a progressive society, where things continue to get progressively worse.
These people have too much money 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
in Dubai, there are no gay rights. gay men are imprisoned or killed if they are found out :( boo Dubai!
Why? 22 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Imagine 40 years into the future, when China becomes an even bigger world power. All the nations of the world unite to try and stop them on the eve of World War 3, all of them except America. That's because the soldiers are too busy butt fucking each other and have no guns, because a bunch of naïve, arrogant, teens who only life experience is what they've seen on their phones decided that's what was right based on the fact of... well, it was the cool, popular thing to do. China crushes the opposition, enslaves the world, and takes away everyone's cell phones.
The time bank 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Does anyone have change for a decade?
The religion golden rule 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Lucifer is a little bitch still complaining about his break-up with God. He got his ass handed to him by Michael the Archangel, was humiliated by a meek little carpenter, so his only recourse is to attack the children of God. Figure that - it's like he's the obsessive psycho stalker girlfriend who was spurned, arrested, and jailed, and as soon as they got out of prison? They go and attack their exes kids.
Feminism intensifies 43 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'm constantly amazed at all the feminist bashing on this site. So much for being progressive, eh funsubstance?
It really bothers me 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
In my experience, I have never seen a fat person park in a handicap spot. It's usually "entitled" seniors who feel because they're old, they deserve a close parking spot. By the way, since we're on this fucking topic, why the hell are there handicap parking spots anyway? I thought handicapped people didn't want to be treated any different from other people? I call bullshit on the whole situation.
They'll be dead at 50, but have great self esteem! 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Oh please, come off of the ivory tower. This world is filled with people who do narcotics, have unprotected sex, and consume alcohol in ridiculous quantities. It's all unhealthy and dangerous, yet no one says word about it because the brainless masses have deemed it to be 'cool'. No one cares if anyone else in unhealthy. Really - who, besides a doctor who has a financial stake in the issue, walks down the street, sees a stranger, and goes, "Wow, I hope the person doesn't have a polyp in their colon.".
It's just another way for losers to think themselves superior, as in, "I'm a 22 year old virgin stoner who lives in my parent's basement and works part time at Wal-Mart, but at least I'm not fat like that guy.".
I doubt any of them even considered it 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So you found yourself then llamafish? Because calling someone an asshole simply because he doesn't think the way you believe he should isn't very respectful. Ouch! Got ya mate - stings, doesn't it? When a mean old smart person comes along and crushes your little fucking Barbie Dream House of Superiority. Now get back into the crowd with the other brainless parrots and maybe someone will feed you a cracker.
Which pill do you take? 51 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Spoken like the true emotionally retarded emo hipster you desire to be. Congratulations on surviving this long without a brain.
John oliver interviews stephen hawking 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Is anyone else creeped out by those little snaggle teeth Hawking has sticking out of his lips? Why doesn't someone tuck them back into his mouth?
Words of wisdom from Disney. 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Sure, try telling that to an atheist.
Sudden clarity clarence 39 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Except evolution doesn't work that way. It takes millions of years and man is still a very young species. Nice try though, but I still expect some members of the gay mafia to try and pervert the truth to fit their agenda. You can lie all you want, it doesn't change the truth.
That's a strong bond 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Double plot twist: he's so fat that he'll die from diabetes soon, but not after she leaves him due to impotence as his sperm died from the excessive heat from his legs rubbing together.
Well, you got me there 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If the roles were reversed, some feminist would be making a comment about rape.
Yup 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The pot-heads of today are the senile old farts of tomorrow who'll eat up tax dollars as they'll need to be taken care of in old folks homes.
The face of a new father of quadruplets 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The answer: "You didn't pull out."
Read the books 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Hmm... unprotected sex leads to babies. So if a woman doesn't want to get pregnant, why doesn't she carry around birth control or condoms, or... better yet... keep her damn legs shut and not be a baby killing whore? Yes, men should be responsible, but if a female is mature enough to have sex, then she should also be mature enough to realize men are douchebags and not expect them to be decent human beings.
Solution: Oral sex. No one ever had any regrets from a good blow job or having their pussy eaten.
You could base a History project around this 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Then Japan went, "Oh shit! Round Eyes got better weapons then all of us! We surrender!"
Then everyone else got jealous and envious, so they called America fat, took away it's jobs, and convinced the next couple of generations to be a bunch of condescending liberals that should be ashamed of everything this country does. It worked, and then the emo-hipster cell phone generation elected Barack Obama because gay people were crying that life was unfair and everyone thought they would get free health care. THE END.
Makes me feel good about life again 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If prostitution was legal, we would never have rape.
Black science man 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Now lookee here you dumb little cracker, don't you be trying to out razzle ma dazzle the Chief High Science Booty Poobah, Missuh Neil De Greasy Tyson! Dumb lil honky, why he don know nuthin' bout no high faluttin' matmatics. I betche cant even say his bananamatics past 5 gozintas. Here, lemme drop de ed-u-ma-ca-shun on you: one banana can gozintas 5 bananas, 5 times. Two, now two bananas, can gozintas 5 bananas two times wit a lil bit left over. Now you put that little bit in yor pocket and saves it for later, mebbe you might need to flavor sum kool-ade or sumtin. YeeHaW! Back up de white wimmen!
That Facial Detection... 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
One: It's detecting a face somewhere in the darkness that we can't see.
Two: It didn't detect the rather sad looking person sitting on the stairs.
Countdown to Nopeville: 3...2...1
I can't believe people can be so heartless! The nerve of some people... 50 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'm a white, obese, heterosexual, Christian male - imagine how much the world hates me lol
My new favorite tombstone 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I imagine it like going for ice cream.
If you believe you're going to get ice cream if you behave, and if you're right? Hey hey! You get ice cream! If you're wrong? Well then you won't notice the difference. However, If you don't believe you're going to get ice cream and if you're wrong? Imagine how disappointed you'll be standing on the outside looking in at everyone who believed they were going to get ice cream enjoying their sundaes.
Believing doesn't cost a single thing and does no harm, and if one argues that they'll belong to a group of people they don't like? Well, a lot of evil people wore shoes - does that mean you'll go barefoot to avoid having anything in common with them?
He's just a terrible person 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This is going to happen more and more. Ever since the media successfully guilt tripped everyone into feeling bad for homosexuals and convincing them they're saintly and good - watch as more and more unscrupulous people take advantage. A good reason why never to kowtow to anyone one group simply 'because'.
I ... Uh ... Thanks? 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
But you wouldn't let them sleep with you, would you? Sorry, just that it seemed you picked your words to play upon people's liberal guilt, all so that your gay brethren could score some straight ass. Admit it, there is no bigger thrill for a gay man than to get a straight one in bed.
Nice dude 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Does anyone cares what Chris Rock has to say anyway?
Black Science Guy/Neil Degrasse Tyson strikes again 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Dat dere's right chillun. Now if it be de dead negro black zombie mon type of person, I, Neil De Greasy Tyson have hy-pot-to-nized that de negro black zombie mon be satisfied with either some Kentucky Fried Chicken or a white bitch. I would gladly shows my work to you all, but I have serious doubts anyone of you lil' crackers on dis here site would understand my high falutin' matmatics. Hollar at yer boy!
Hes in denial 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
As he grows older, Daniel Radcliffe is growing more and more weird looking.
I Will Accept Nothing Less 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Oh, what... it has to be a man? Why couldn't you say it could be a woman too? You are so homophobic. Your hatred disgusts me, as do all these gay haters who down vote this comment.
too late 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Why are gays so interested in bringing information regarding their sex life to little children? What, do they ride around in white vans offering candy if little Tommy watches them butt fuck each other?