
What will be the price? 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
ngl, I actually like that splotchy pattern as a nice, no-thought-required backdrop piece.
When people say the Satanic Temple are anti-religious bigots: 23 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Same. I saw the 'Satanists offering support' headline and went looking for that particular story, but nothing comes up anywhere about them beating anybody. And if they did then they're not Satanists.
There we go 52 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The flag does represent southern heritage. The southern heritage of hating black people and losing wars. Seriously, the Confederate flag is a flag that represents the Confederacy, period. Battle flag or not, it's a symbol of the Confederacy, it stands for all the Confederacy stood for. Now, if you have a fifth grade education and can read, you can see for yourself that the Confederacy was formed to defend the "particular institution" of slavery by reading the states' secession declarations. This is not rocket science, people...the entire southern argument for keeping the flag, once you fact check all the ignorant bullshit, is "we don't ACTUALLY know anything about it, but them darkies hatebit so it must be something we proud white folks should defend."
FOR HONOR , FOR GLORY, FOR GONDOR. shitpost5 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Welp, if more people would actively agree to help change things, the peole being discriminated against wouldn't get to the point where violence is the only way to make people pay attention. But instead everyone agrees to pretend the system works perfectly and that nobody who looks like themselves could ever act so terribly *cough*sportsfans*cough*drunkcollegekids*cough*BostonTeaParty*cough*
Something to think about 32 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You. Chill. Everybody understands that obesity is unhealthy. Nothing in this image says it isn't. What this image does say is "it's honestly none of your fucking business if somebody is happy the way they are regardless of the effects of their lifestyle on themselves." Fat is unhealthy. No shit. So is smoking, and drinking in excess. Guess what? Smokers, drinkers, and yes, even fat people, could not give any less of a shit about your weird issues with other peoples' bodies. If you don't like fat, don't be fat. It's not complicated. It does not require a screeching tirade because you desire to control whether other people are allowed to be emotionally okay if they don't fit your standard. They have their own standard. Whether it's high or low compared to yours is none of your business. It has nothing to do with romanticizing "fat" and everything to do with people being allowed to simply go through life being content if they so choose without being harassed. Take a pill.
The other side of the popular 'girlfriend pictures' 2 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Aw, that's not true. Lots of guys are into travel and culture, that's where most of the older cultural sites come from in the first place. Why do people keep painting all guys/boyfriends/husbands as the stereotypical bored and uninterested in anything that's not boobs, beer, or bacon instead of as interesting people?
Double standards 30 comments
guest · 9 years ago
"I'm a woman/minority/insert qualifier that I think somehow makes my point more valid here" does not magically make you able to speak for all members of a group. Nobody cares what junk you have, people need to stop starting comments with that. That being said, the post makes a valid point on the ability of an inebriated person to consent, BUT is worded very similarly to the "what do you think of THAT, feminists?" posts, and I can see how it might turn some off to reasonable discussion.
Sexual assault on men 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Fun fact: literally zero feminists agree with this douchecanoe who thinks this is funny. This is called misandry. Fun fact number two: dipshits on the internet will continue to use this as a representation of feminists, because it's easier to paint all victims with the same Angry Vagina brush than help make any sort of change. Fun fact number three: feminism is about equality between sexes so that domestically abused and sexually assaulted men can come forward without being emasculated and ridiculed as weak-willed pusses for being victims. *sits back and waits for the angry meninazis*
What the eff 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
While I could not care less about anybody in that Kardashian klusterfuck, the little bit I saw of the video showed that the driver who was killed was also not maintaining a proper and safe following distance. I see accidents like this--multiple vehicle ones--regularly on my commute and once even witnessed one happen. The blame lays equally with all involved, not solely on a single driver.
Patty-Cake, Patty-cake 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Patty-Cake, Patty-cake 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
love wins:D 56 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Except the declarations of southern states attempting the secession that began the war explicitly mention the states being allowed to own slaves as the divisive issue. The big thing about the Confederate flage today is that white southerners view it as a symbol of history, which it is, and black Americans see it as a symbol of slavery, which it ALSO is. Like many aspects of history, it has a double narrative that means different things to different people. The huge issue is that the flag is plastered literally everywhere in the south, has been hijacked by hate groups, and is viciously protected by much of the older white south who understandably wants to have a heritage to protect. They see the removal of the flag as a disrespect to the thousands of Americans that died fighting amongst ourselves, while black Americans see it as a symbol of the millions of slaves that died and of the modern active hate groups. Many whites swear this doesn't exist.