
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, everybody. 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Additionally I would like to say that the west isn't innocent of such deplirable acts too. Calling the views held by violators of the west as the values held by the entire west would be unjust indeed. The same applies here.
Calling Islamic culture as oppresive impies that you think Islam is the root of all evil. That would imply that you do not have any understanding of the religion itself.
Muslim feminists would love to have western feminists join hands to help thier sisters but that requires of yoi to not dehuminize people along the way. Rather than having a look of pity in your eyes, I hope you try to help women( and men! ) worldwide with some empathy like a true feminist.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, everybody. 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
What this video continues to assert is that western and Islamic values being different should be argued upon until only one comes out the victor. It is senseless to say that Islamic values are inhumane and unjust whereas the morals held by all the people that happen to live in the west are in the right. The religion itself does not oppress women and it's wrong to imply as such. The women who do choose to be Muslim don't deserve to be riduled or belittled because of thier beliefs. If you want to have an open discussion on religions feel free to do so but there is no need to act condescending towards a party just because thier beliefs are diferent from yours. The crime rate would have increased even if the immigrants would have come from any part of the world because it's not easy to moniter large movements such as these. Security issues do arise when known criminals become anonymous and charge free as they move to a new place. Islam isn't the scape goat you need to blame for atrocities.