
And she looks so happy 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It... Lol
Man, I miss this 22 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Is it weird I still have one of these..
'Murica logic 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I don't blame America for Detroit. I blame the people they elected in Detroit.
WTF school?! 23 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Sounds my school Le Girl: comes I. Class to give teacher something from other teacher. When suddenly a boy steals her pencil.Le Teacher Go back to class.. Le girl But he has my pencil Le teacher that's a negative Le girl ask for pencil Le teacher That's a nother negative Le girl try's to explain to teacher what happend Le teacher then calls parents she didint get in trouble from mum or dad but got suspended. Sucks it was on her yearbook
Heard this from a 6yo girl who was crying like her cat just died. Seriously 27 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I am 13 and I have a 5 I wanted a ipod but my parents gave me a iphone anyway. Now seeing a post like this and a bunch of 6graders having more then 7 electronics that act like dicks to teachers and still get stuff from parents I saw a flunked 7th grader and guess what he had after that a Mac and Samsun phone