
More math 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
School is less about teaching facts and more about teaching processes. They may not list out "How to follow oral directions & work together with a group of others towards a common goal while also paying attention to patterns/rhythms."
The processes are where you find the information you need, and how to use the tool that can help you find the answers. Technology progresses, if you can figure out where to find info you're aces.
Honestly 95% of taxes are pretty much spelled out for you. If you don't make enough money the tax companies or tax professionals provide free help and filing (this is why the Fed doesn't make their own tax filing program which would make everything even easier, at least as far as gathering paperwork, they made an agreement with the tax software companies that if they provide this then they will never compete with them). Having also worked with (with, not for) the IRS, they said point blank that their forms and translations are at a third grade reading level.
Humanity Is weird 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As wasteful as they are, pre-peeled/separated and encased in a plastic container produce are actually very helpful to the communities with mobility disabilities. They may not be able to peel apart an orange or a banana or cut up an apple, but they can get them out of the container and enjoy fresh produce.
"the brownies" 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
To spoil the "joke" even if marijuana is legal in your state this is technically a boobytrap, which is illegal.
Do not do this.
You, not the thief, can/will get fired and arrested.
This applies to all "don't eat my food" things - drugs, laxatives (technically poisoning as well), super duper hot sauce, etc. As much as breakroom lunch thieves deserve a place in Hell, don't get yourself in trouble, bring it up repeatedly with HR until they put a camera in and catch/fire the thief.
Tell him you have no business being a parent and let them both alone 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
When I saw this on Reddit last week they said something about finding the details and it was a set of siblings they were fostering where the boy was violent, aggressive, autistic, and uncontrollable, while the girl was none of these things. They could not physically handle the boy, but did want to adopt the girl that they could provide a better life for. There was a whole thing about at first glance this sort of question fired up people who didn't know the background. Can't find the post in my 10 second google-fu/reddit search but one from about 5 months ago with the same picture but not the extra info. It's not choosing one just to spite them, it's about what they can handle and afford.
Making abortions illegal will just make them more dangerous and more expensive 102 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Pregnancy can cause both lethal and non-lethal damage to the woman carrying the child/children. It is their choice to continue or not, the father can provide their opinion but it should not ever be their choice over the person who would be at risk. It is the reason why there are birth control (hormonal) for women, each and every one has pretty terrible potential side effects but those side effects are less risky than carrying a child to term.
Your brother may have been willing to raise the children alone but simply carrying them to term was a risk to his ex-wife's life (especially with multiples).
And with the "scream their heads off...when the Dad refuses to pay for the kid..." child support is to support the child, who had no choice in their being born or not. The money is supposed to be for keeping them fed/clothed/housed/alive. It's not supposed to be "hey free money for having a kid" as your comment would suggest, and most child support payments don't come close to 1/2.
I made it 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Agreed, Kinder Joy are just sadness and everywhere, Kinder Surprise are fantastic with a cool little toy inside. Kinder Surprise are still banned in the US, even in whatever state you're from. Usually it's the Canadian border where you hear about them being confiscated and fines of $300+ per egg for trying to import them because the FDA is worried that some idiot is going to let their baby, or some drunken fool is going to swallow the toy capsule and will choke. Sometimes you can find them in a store where people somehow snuck them in for super inflated prices, but standard import for Surprise is a no.
Don't forget to water your plants 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Then you 100% should check out the tiny planters they have in various locations (Amazon, Etsy, Ebay, etc.) (handheld size) - an adorable porcelain Bulbasaur where the thing you plant will be sprouting from its back, or the 3d printed more blocky Bulbasaur (same plant position) and Oddish (out of its head)
Statue drama 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I'd be more inclined to believe your comment then the hashtags. Marble, especially the size required for this sculpture, is heavy, hard to mine (a solid piece this large) and immensely hard and expensive to move. The time involved to sculpt it would not be valued at zero, so he may not have been thrilled with the material but it's not like he was all "Oh no, woe is me to have this million dollar (or whatever the equivalent for the time period was) slab of marble delivered to me, whatever shall I do?"
To all anti-vaccine people this is why you vaccinate your children 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
...What the post is about (a nonvaccinated child bringing back measles and spreading) is probably referring to, as typically happens, is the antivaxxers live in a community of antivaxxers and so the measles spreads easily among them. "Larsmo is... some 5,000 people, many of them members of fundamentalist religious communities. The child who fell ill ... visited a prayer room where other unvaccinated children were present before being diagnosed.
...epidemics were common in Finland..breaking out every 5-7 years, but the illness has been virtually eliminated in the country since 1970. [People born before 1970, have a > likelihood of having had or being exposed to measles, and thus having natural protection against contracting the illness again]
...a resurgence of the virus in EU. The WHO says that a record 41,000 people were infected in the 1st 1/2 of the year, w/ 37 deaths... up from just over 5,000 cases just two years ago. The WHO attributes the explosion to lower numbers of people."
To all anti-vaccine people this is why you vaccinate your children 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
...If you were hurt due to some rare thing from vaccinations Guillain-Barre, anaphylaxis, a simultaneous illness, or some other complication/side effect, sorry, but in general the larger population is more important, and by having the ~90% needed for herd immunity to protect the 10% who can't have the vaccines from other vaccine available viruses in the world. The antivaxxers who go along with it because they're uninformed and it's trendy in their groups, are the people provaxxers think are idiots, not those with legit reasons not to receive vaccines. If approved by a doctor, children do get DTaP at 2, 4, 6, 15-18mo, 4-6yr, then Tdap at 11-12yr & every pregnancy; MMR at 12-15mo (quick immunization schedule check). Some vaccines take multiple injections to be what is considered fully protected; if some no-reason-but-ignorance parent allows their infected child near others before those ages they are potentially, willingly, harming the ones just waiting to age in from preventable harm.
To all anti-vaccine people this is why you vaccinate your children 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Some vaccines can't be given because kids too young & are at risk. Some people have their immune systems compromised (like chemotherapy destroying bone marrow so can't produce enough white blood cells to fight off the disease, or they are simply ill/injured from other things and it's easier for the virus to infect them). Some, very few, people legitimately cannot receive vaccines due to allergies to ingredients. Some viruses mutate in the child which then can then infect those who would have been able to resist the original virus. Provaxxers aren't saying there are 0 people who have serious negative reactions, they're saying those idiot parents insisting that vaccines cause autism and cancer, or are some conspiracy, because they've only lived in the communities where there are high vaccine rates & haven't seen the preventable damage/death that the diseases that can be vaccinated against can cause (polio - paralysis, smallpox - disfigurement, etc. brain swelling, blindness, deafness)..
Diffuse the situation 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Worked with a (non military, but worked on cleanup of govt sites and in his late 50's) EOD guy, he was
-super nice,
-had all his fingers,
-had had three heart attacks and still ate at Brazillian steakhouses (the red half/green half pegs where they keep bringing the various meat on a spit as long has you have the green half turned up) because in his line of work didn't see any reason to bother with healthy eating.
That comment 100% sounds like something Ricky would say.
Panda-shaped solar farm in China 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That was the design/illustration of it - go to snopes (since it doesn't like links) fact-check/panda-solar-farm-china/ - the image closest to the source is how it actually looks.
Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear a red suit 21 comments
guest · 5 years ago
A coworker used to work on the legal cases that dealt with disgusting sick people like this guy. It's not just an attraction thing, it's a power thing (yes, I know it both are horrible). If you chemically castrate it doesn't stop the abuse, they just use fingers and foreign objects. Chemically or physically castrating won't solve the issue as nice as the fantasy that it would is imagined to be.
In Finland, products are left free 10 days before the expiry date 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The sales on short dated items vary by store in the US, for those making these comments and not actually ever grocery shopped here.
Discounts in "super stores" (Target, Walmart, etc.) can, but not always, go to 50-80% off for things that need to be used in the next 2-3 days. Easiest place for them to do this is in bakery items, but I've seen yogurt go from being $1 each down to $.33 each. Some grocery stores will add coupons, best place I've found for this is Harris Teeters w/ a standard $#off for remainder, where due to sales I've gotten paid (change but still) for buying things (like the cheese & nut snack packs) that were about to be un-sellable due to dates even though they were perfectly fine.
They may not do this free, but when I'm paying $2.04 for 1lb of butter at Walmart, $5 for a 3lb+ rotisserie chicken at Costco, I want to say $3, $1/lb for tomatoes on the vine, $2/3lb bag of oranges, our daily prices (not Whole Foods types) are dramatically better for meats than Europe.
I kind of hate Disney 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yes, but it's not a remake of an animated film into a cg/real life monstrosity.
We 100% have not needed those remakes of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland x2, Jungle Book, Pete's Dragon though that was already a mix of real life and animation like Bedknobs and Broomsticks and such were back in the day, Aladdin, Lion King, Mulan, Pinocchio, Snow White, et al.
They've been burned trying out new things rather than remakes of animations (John Carter, Mars Needs Moms), and the quasi-sequals & prequils are iffy (Christopher Robin, Mary Poppins Returns, Brooklyn Family Robinson, Solo), and who knows how many more they'll continue on with the "villians/alt side" (Maleficent x2, Cruella, Rose Red). But
These people own the entire Disney franchise, Marvel, 21st Century Fox, Lucasfilm, ESPN, A&E, ABC, Buena Vista. If anyone could take a risk on a bit of original content (with reduced$) it's them, instead they do big budget remakes trying to con on people's nostalgia.
But does it have marajuana seeds? 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Incorrect. They do not have racalcitrant seeds (mostly tropical - avacado, mango, mangosteen, cocoa, etc) as they cannot survive drying or freezing temperatures.
Bananas do have seeds, the most common commercial bananas do not have viable seeds as they are clones of the species that have been bred until the seed (in those the tiny brown/black flecks) is useless, much like seedless watermelon have been bred to have the fruit ripen while the seed is undeveloped. Potatoes do have seeds, the flowers can set fruit which produce seed pods, but commercially they are grown from portions of the tubers.
How many number 1s are there 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Part of it is how carefully specific they get, "#1 Kid's Animated Film this week" "#1 Action Movie opening last weekend" (only #1 because there were no other [genre] films, or specific type opening that weekend, etc.)
Jontron making good use of time 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As someone who doesn't care for the cookie of the Oreo, the Oreo thins, especially the mint ones, are IMO best. They have thinner cookies as well as the thinner icing but the ratio works out better, a bit of crunch and proportionally lots of the gloriously terrible for you filling. If you've never tried them, really give it one shot (if you like mint chocolate, again go for the mint), was very pleasantly surprised.
How to fight d*ck pics 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Honestly try contacting the FBI, ( child exploitation is in their scope. There is a tips and public leads link off of that site. Unlike local government/police they can work across state lines (not needing to know the location of the person posting, nor needing to know where the crime occurred).
I need this 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Looks like it's The Ace Family Size, which are 80"x144" (slightly over 6 and a half feet by 12 feet) which is fantastic, but man are they and their bedding expensive.
I expect nothing short of rotisserie chicken 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Costco rotisserie chickens are at minimum 3lbs, 20 McNuggets are nowhere near that, go for the Costco!
Top ten most alchoholic drinks 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
...Seriously? I understand it's a common american pie-esque joke but in the best part of summer for watermelons being on sale they're $5-6, any other time they're a few dollars more. Going with the cheap season, if you're going to fantasize about bruising yourself against the hard rind of fruit for however watermelon would feel on your parts (not a guy but it just doesn't seem like an appealing texture) splurge the extra change ($6.50) and get any one of the Tenga Eggs, something designed for exactly that, lubricant included.
Top ten most alchoholic drinks 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
What's dangerous is when they do the drunken melon type things (cut a hole in a seedless watermelon, pour a bottle or if a small melon whatever will fit from a bottle of everclear in, put rind or plug back in, refrigerate, take out and cut up for party to produce super strong alcohol infused fruit; can also do by dousing fruit salad and stirring occasionally so it absorbs). You don't realize just how strong it is and get absolutely trashed on what seems like just a little/handful of boozy fruit.
We will DRAG them, kicking and screaming, into the future 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Because it's more secure than email, and faster than hand delivery (in most cases).
Don't get me wrong, I hate facsimile for it's lack of ease, but if you need to send something secure, in a way that can't potentially be hacked (medical info, documentation with PII/identification cards, sealed/private contracts) then faxing it is one of the best ways to do it.
Safety standards back in 1960s 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The angle of it looks intense, but there's not "that much" distance between most chairs and the slope. It wouldn't be fun, but it's like 7-10 feet from the ground usually (and when there's snow it's a "soft" buffer) which is easily survivable with minimal injury if you don't land on your head/neck.
Chivalry isn’t dead 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I had a flat tire once, pulled off the highway onto an exit ramp that had a wide shoulder and started getting the stuff out of my trunk (spare, tire iron, jack). This wonderful guy pulled over behind me, in his suit gets out, showing me his business card while telling me where it was (nearby) and proceeds to do the entire tire change for me under the "let me help you with that" comment but not actually letting me do anything else, not even put the damaged tire back in my trunk. I am not a waif-like damsel in distress looking lady, but that man was amazingly kind. I tried to pay him with my emergency $20 (buying his lunch at the very least) and he refused (if he had left the business card he would have gotten a gift certificate or gift basket delivered, but he did not and I was so frazzled by my first, and hopefully only, flat tire I couldn't remember the name or job), just said that he hopes someone would pull over & help his wife if it happened to her. People can be wonderfully kind.
Wait what! 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Likely with a very strong proof alcohol ;)
The real question 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
In addition to the comments earlier that "menu" is just a list/a list of the food available to eat, a menu could easily be orally communicated rather than just read. A waiter telling you "the special" that isn't included in the printed menu, doesn't make that item any less included.
However on the 'can they read' portion, in Tolkein's writing (The Simarillion) he leads us to believe that Orcs are just the decedents of elves (the eastern Elves, Avari) who have been corrupted. Corrupted or not knowledge is passed from parent to offspring, so it stands to reason that at least rudimentary literacy is there for some.
HoneydewNOT belong in there 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
To be fair, the store bought fruit salad usually has the abomination that is crunchy, mostly-flavorless, unripe (if you're lucky it's just under-ripe) honeydew and cantaloupe (and sometimes watermelon) that are mixed in as weight/space adding filler instead of more expensive berries.
If you buy your own and get one that smells ripe/sweet (if it doesn't have a scent don't even bother with it) and is a more yellow/orange in it's rind they are wonderful. Too many people just assume if it's in the store it's going to be ripe.
Always me 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
An easy and inexpensive way to make the lunch/snacks last longer is to have some raw veggies (in particular baby carrots since you don't have to clean/prep them, but cucumbers cut into sticks or similar things work too) and a dip (hummus, peanut/almond butter - plain or with honey, cinnamon, whatever mix ins, tzatziki, cream cheese, ranch, etc.). It's fast, doesn't have to be cooked, the veggies will help fill you up, and the dip will make it tasty. That way you can eat that when you're hungry before lunch and then have your lunch later.
What now? 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
bah, just now noticing I did "you're" because I was going to put "you're held in contempt of court" and then switched it to what should have been "your." Guest so I can't edit it, but I know the difference :/
What now? 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You don't testify and you're butt gets contempt of court jail and/or fines.
Don't eat raw cookie dough 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If you look on the FDA site for their article "Raw Dough's a Raw Deal and Could Make You Sick" from last year there are more details including:
"Flour, regardless of the brand, can contain bacteria that cause disease. In 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local officials, investigated an outbreak of infections that illustrated the dangers of eating raw dough. Dozens of people across the country were sickened by a strain of bacteria called Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O121 ... And don’t make homemade cookie dough ice cream either. If that’s your favorite flavor, buy commercially made products. Manufacturers should use ingredients that include treated flour and pasteurized eggs."
Don't eat raw cookie dough 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Actually, at least in the US, it's the raw wheat (flour), not the raw eggs that tends to be the bigger problem in having bacteria that will cause sickness when eating raw cookie dough.
Nice and blunt 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Sword in the Stone's Archimedes is good for them too -
[Arthur} "That big fish almost swallowed me and Archimedes saved me!"
[Archimedes] "I did nothing of the sort! I intended to eat him! Young perch is my favorite dish, you know that!"
[Merlin] "Oh Archimedes, why would you half drown yourself for a tidbit of fish? And after such a big breakfast?"
[Archimedes] "Pinfeathers and gully fluff!"
How do you break the news to him? 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If you go with any character showing up in Marvel comics as ok to put in the tattoo letters, then with the DC vs Marvel crossover that happened in the 90's then you could say they're both correct.
Bigoted Bill 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
In case you missed it (watching it with closed captioning), the great caption at the end when Bigoted Bill is waving is "*flappy sound of a racist man waving politely*"
We set a heat record here today 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's fake. To have popcorn that pops it needs to first dry (the stalks are dry and brown like straw when it's harvested in Autumn), that corn in the picture is not dry, the kernels are still plump and pressed tight against each other, then cook very hot so fast that the scant bit of moisture left inside boils making it essentially explode inside out. This is just an ear of corn with some popcorn glued on.
Why’re my eyes so bad??? 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Agreed, I have bad eyesight, and quite often tell them it's the same, but also if you have an "O" to look at, or a "P", it helps to look at the round parts, how those change shape slightly (Squishing/stretching/which looks most circular), pick the one that looks better for you and just say "They're basically equal good/badness but I like # a little more."
Watermelon is a risky investment 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yes, it's the judge by the spot method that is easiest to use (even the people who knock on them for hollowness can use this then their method to their preference), the more yellow it is the longer it ripened on the vine. Once they are picked they do not ripen any more so if it didn't ripen you get that bleh lack of flavor. It makes it really easy to see which are the best in a big container of watermelons.
Caveat - if the watermelon is soft don't pick it regardless of the yellow "sugar spot" the only thing worse than a flavorless watermelon is a mealy and rotting one.
When you recently moved out and your parents call to check on you 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Or Emma Thompson, Stranger Than Fiction did quite well with this.
I tried to read this 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It would have been nice to throw in a "red" and "led" too.
This ukelele playing dog 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Kinda like that Animal Crossing dog (K.K. Slider)
One man's trash is another man's treasure 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Likely a textbook warehouse for the local school district getting rid of old (outdated or physical vs the ever increasing trend of digital only) textbooks. There just isn't the space to hold on to everything.
Male students protecting female students in Bangladesh 17 comments
guest · 6 years ago
A country's worth is not measured by the way they treat their women.
A country's "worth" is measured by their assets and debts, if you're going to generalize like that try for something like a country's people are measured by how they treat those in need of help" or "children/elderly/disabled/animals" or "those they disagree with. In India, and I assume Bangladeshi's caste system is the same since they share a border, if you think anywhere else is whatever-ist/-isms (race, sex, whatever) then oh my goodness you should see the casteism/prejudice against other castes, you won't be praising the country for one instance of students being protective.
If you see someone protecting women of their community/country but also making any random person's life hell you wouldn't think they were a good person or a person of value.
Dont look here 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's an MS Paint Enamel Pin, $18 if you do a quick google.
Two mature male actors re-enact Youtube comment arguments in an epic short film 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's good, but that Sprint commercial set by James Earl Jones and Malcom McDowell still reigns in this sort of genre.
Totes magotes.
You wh*re 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Technically as a female [unspayed] cat, not a dog, she's a queen, not a bitch.
Starbucks to the rescue 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Well not only that but also the sort of sippy cup lid they made in order to "not need" straws takes more plastic than the regular lid. It's just the PR trend of the day.