
Never do something you're good at for free 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Clocking in WHEN YOU ARRIVE AT WORK is in no way fraud. The company may say they do not do any overtime whatsoever and won't pay for you if you go over or won't pay any time clocked in before the "start time", and they may disapprove of starting work early (to the point of firing people if they do it, most likely because of the above not wanting any overtime) but it is in no way fraud.
Now, as to clocking in early to take a shit, while its technically legal (you are clocking in when you are supposed to and you are required to be able to use the bathroom, even if it is as you arrive to work) Many states are At-will employment, and if the boss found out about it, would fire them on the spot or at least tell them to stop doing it. Even if they aren't At-will, no employee is 100% perfect, its not hard to find an excuse to fire somebody
Never do something you're good at for free 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Its not timesheet/clock fraud to clock in when you get to work. timesheet fraud is putting down extra hours that you didn't actually do. For example, Larry works at an advertising agency. Joe's Repair Co. Hires Larry to do some work for them. Larry puts in 8 hours of actual work, but knows his boss requires a minimum of 12 hours every week and this was the only job Larry had all week. So he says he actually worked 12 hours and Joe's Repair Co. gets billed for 12 hours, 4 of which weren't actually worked. Its more common in consultancy type work where its hard to prove exactly how long was worked on things, and timesheets are usually only done once a week/month/project length, rather than every day.
Now if you have an actual timecard you clock in every day and then manually change either the timeclock or just the card itself, that would also be fraud. Or if you had a coworker take your timecard and clock in for you when you aren't actually there, that is fraud.
Who's your mother? 19 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Ya its not something that happens everyday, but its not uncommon for a girl that gets pregnant super young to have her parents pretend to be the parents. It was even more common back in the day when premarital sex was more frowned upon than it is today. They couldn't let the neighborhood know their daughter was such a whore, so she would be "sick" for 9 months and the mom would be "pregnant"
Good husbands 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
There are also lots of negatives, just don't let the potheads hear you say them
*runs off before all the potheads get here to tell me about how great it is*
Saving money on an iPad 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
This seems very ineffective cost wise. Quick google shows some old ipads going for a bit over 200 bucks. 300 for more recent and better shape ones. He spent 78 on an old laptop and 50 on a screen so 128. He likely had to upgrade quite a bit on it that isn't listed (either that, he bought a really good almost new laptop super crazy cheap, or the "ipad" he made runs like shit). He then had to spend a LOT of time both to actually build the thing, and also to get all the software installed on there (and this is assuming he pirated all the software he puts on it, that shit aint cheap to just buy). All of this to make a cheap "ipad" that won't run nearly as well as a true tablet, all to save $72. Or even less if he found a cheaper deal on a real ipad than my 1 minute google search.
Saving money on an iPad 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
notebook is another word for laptop
Saving money on an iPad 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
notebook=laptop netbook=mini laptop. notebook/=stack of papers bound together (in this case)
Revenge 13 comments
guest · 11 years ago
And that would matter how exactly? She isn't the one showing up positive on a drug test. Also why would the company or the drug testers even care who's brownies they were. All they care about is the positives from the drug test
Great Point 45 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Honestly I would say this is hardly the reason in most cases. Most guys I know that are really big homophobes are bigger guys. Its even a common stereo type. The really big muscley steroid guy being a homophobe. Do you really think most of those guys are subconsciously afraid of ANYBODY physically harming them? It would also mean they'd only be homophobes towards guys that could physically "take" them rather than all of them in general
Hospitals 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I'm positive you completely failed this class. I'm positive there is nothing you can do to keep this job. "positive" is just a confirmation of something, so yes if you are checking for a deadly disease, of course positive means bad
Badass Mule 58 comments
guest · 11 years ago
So, do you cry yourself to sleep every night then? I mean literally millions of animals die EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
The most meaningful tattoo ever 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
OH! thats a g....kept reading it as a space and then an S. mor san......morgan makes much more sense :)
I'm tired of hearing about this crap so here's a reminder to everybody 23 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Unless the child is really young (like unable to crawl yet) they also have a means of getting out before they die from heat exhaustion. A pet does not (unless they are extremely talented at opening doors).
Not saying its worse when a pet dies than a human, just saying I think its worse when they have absolutely no means of getting out of the car to prevent it
Let that sink in for a while.... 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Just let it sink in, if you know what i mean
To all colorblind 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
it says "fuck the color blind" for you color blind people out there....but this ones still kinda hard to read
Thanks to Deshoes we can all be scarred (Slightly NSFW) 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
We still giving college advice? Here's some most teachers won't tell you 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
At my college, pretty much every teacher emphasized that stuff (school of business so that probably had a big part in it). Anybody can learn the material, whats going to get you places is being able to communicate and make contacts and friends
Useless 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
But if its for as long as you'd like....he could just never stop!
A different look on fairytales 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Right, she fell down a giant rabbit hole, talked to animals, was attacked by playing cards, drank/ate things to shrink/enlarge herself.....all while completely sober. Makes sense
The patriarchy 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Well that seems like an appropriate response. "WHAT! you want to pay for my dinner!? blargh RAGE!"
Society 23 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Then it comes time for the check and the group of 100 people decide to pay the $100 dollar check. Since that first guy took 37 slices, rather than pay $37 (you know, since that would be equal) they decide that he's better off financially than the other 99 people, so he should pay oh I dunno, $80. Ya that does sound about like our society, your right
Falling microwaves 16 comments
guest · 11 years ago
that doesn't mean it needs to be reposted on the same site multiple times. (not the same guest)
Sometimes some things can't be fixed 30 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Technically, it could be a plastic plate, or a plate that just didnt break when it fell. Also if it did break, you know.....fix it. Glue it back together and buff it out. Could make it look like it never broke. Or if you just couldn't get those break lines to clear up, you throw some dyes on there (so it sticks to the crack lines) and have a plate much more colorful that looks pretty awesome
Looking for jobs on Craigslist 3 comments
guest · 11 years ago
If I were a dwarf I would totally do this