
Well Yes but No 23 comments
guest · 5 years ago
@guest_ you can call people bigots all you want but it is only your belief that they are as such that has any standing. There is no universal truth for anything outside of religion. I assure you it is you who is the bigot and not the person standing up for their religous beliefs. You and others like you prance around as if your word is the holy gospel itself while bashing those who do the same on the basis of religious belief. And another thing, if God is real and what is written in the bible is true, then your belief(and mine for that matter) of what is right and wrong is utterly worthless. If God isnt real then again your beliefs are still only opinion. You should take a step off your horse and realize your opinion is just that, an opinion and not universal fact. This will probably be down voted to hell but I feel if I don't say it no one will. Also it should be noted I'm not exactly religous but can't stand when people are attacked for their beliefs.