
This guy 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Iirc, he could bring a family member with him, but he was asking complete strangers if they wanted to use his pass and save money from buying a ticket on that exact flight.
True story bruh 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
My ex had the very unfortunate trait of being absolutely adorable when she was mad, the exact opposite of an ugly crier. Everytime she would tell me about work, friends or anything else that had upset her, I had to actually focus and not silly-smile at her complete cuteness, because that's how you get stabbed in your sleep.
The captions make it 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
All six of these statements (two in post, four comments) contain at least 1 error. Example: The first guest is missing a comma.
Say what? 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
My local theater did this. Easy way to sneak in snacks? Throw lots of loose feminine products on top. Are you a man? Throw lots of dirty dog toys on top of the snacks. Not once as someone asked to remove these layers. Get caught eating in the theater? Boldly (an absolute must) state you have diabetes, you're hungry and you're not going to lose a foot eating their non-doctor-approved food and if they need more info, tell them to talk to their manager. It's against USA's federal law to discriminate against someone's disability or medical necessities, and places can get even get in huge trouble if they ask for proof for non-essential reasons. It may be a shit move, but so is kicking someone out of a paid venue for not eating THEIR food.
This kids going places 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I've seen this floating around but without the red writing. Why do people have to ruin funny by trying too hard.
Feelsbad 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Porn. Example: a woman falls asleep during a movie so her boyfriend fucks her best friend right there on the same couch.
See me thru the phone 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Who are you to say what's inconvenient? Do you know what's inconvenient? Tapping everything around you with a long stick. Depending on an animal who won't even live that long for basic needs. The never-ending need to be constantly aware of your surroundings based only on sound. Practically shoving your fingers anywhere they can reach to get a detailed physical sense of something. Having to learn what patterns millions of bumps make to understand something or having to wait for some kind soul to read it to you. Needing to memorize every little thing in your life so remotes and phones are nothing more than muscle-memory. Yet these are the tools of a blind person and you would be hard pressed to find one so ungrateful for what they can still do, that they would call it an inconvenience. You do not speak for them, and clearly you do not understand them either. Shut the fuck up.
So many popped balloons 22 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Nothing wrong with long posts, but your tl:dr was almost 125 words. That's not how that works...
Listening to the Radio 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I was driving on route 66 through the desert for hours and only two stations were avalible. Both were native Americans chanting.
You go Jaequan!! 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Why would someone complain about Jaequan when the school clothes are racketeering?
That IS what heroes do 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Your true self is not who you are, but who you are when things get tough. The fact remains that these old folk were left to die by people who had proper training, because money was more important. If everyone walked away, there would be murder (or at least neglectful death) investigations on everyone, but two good men with no training whatsoever made sure only owners and management would be charged. They were also the ones to notify the police, everyone else simply left. 16 people could have died, and if they did, would you still say the workers were blameless?
True??? 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Trees breathe in through their roots and out their leaves. That's why cutting leaves off is common, but watering too much will drown and kill it. Soo... It's more like its face is underground and it farts out oxygen above ground.
Wait... Which drink did I drug again? Ahh I'm sure it will be fine 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Are we sure it's ghb? I've gone to the movies with various people who've passed out cold and I had to almost slap them to wake them up. Hellboy with a co-worker was the last time it happened (I didn't blame them). College is draining and unproven claims like this can permanently ruin someone's reputation. Get the authorities involved or STFU.
Mama has a good message 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
But the kids aren't the focus of contention, the couch is ("riding my furniture down", "couch is materialistic it can be replaced"). An exception is made because they're young adults that are safe, but WHAT are they doing exactly to normally cause fussing and cussing and bringing up REPLACING the couch!? Are they not allowed on furniture? Not even if one if them is her(?) own child? I'm a non-millennial (older) adult and have never heard of getting rid of furniture because some kids fell asleep on it. I'm still so confused...
That's why I buy Adidas and Hugo Boss 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Those designers and those Nazis are long dead and this shit is not even showing signs of slowing down.
Mama has a good message 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I don't understand, naps aren't normally allowed on the couch? Does it really make a difference if they're sitting very still or sleeping? Is the couch just for show and they were supposed to be on the floor? I'm so confused...