User correct3 Banned

#lethersplash 6 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Zen pencils makes me cry 12 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Zen pencils also makes me cry. Cuz hey, how can someone be so damn self righteous and still fucking function. Like the artist of this shithole would probably shoot himself, but guns are a technology discovered thanks to chemists and physicists. Honestly once he realizes that literally everything in his life exists because of math and Engineering hell probably go drown himself in the ocean or some shit.
Grounded girl gets creative 18 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Oh you were grounded? So how come someone was in your room photographing you from multiple angles the whole time?
This actually makes sense 4 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Most of them just make sex jokes and jokes that only work because they're women. I don't often see a female comedian make a joke that would make people laugh regardless of who is telling it.
The fandoms as booze 9 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Actually fnaf is the 0% alcohol imitation beer that underage kids drink because they think it's cool, but it's actually viewed as pathetic and cringe worthy by the rest of society.
Hilarious struggles only cat owners will understand 5 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
The close up of the cat's nose finally explained to me why the term 'pussy' is used
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Dude it's a billion times more likely for there to be an idiot McDonald's worker than a CEO. If you deny that, you're a delusional retard.
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
What with all the safe spaces and trigger warnings, I think his predictions actually did come true
Memes within memes 4 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
You do realize that 99% of the posts here are from nine-gag, right? This site's slogan should be "nine-gag posts, a week after they trend on nine--gag"
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Hey if ur quoting something it's ok I just thought that you thought Tesla was a Sheldon knockoff lmao
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
I... I.. holy fuck.. wow... I... Just... Just get the fuck out. Please.
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
I love how people here think it's progressive that Tesla believed that women were superior to men.
Finally innocent 45 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Actually she's still not sorry
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
I think we should sterilize stupid people, too.
From Iran 11 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
I love how this is so obviously taken from nine-gag
Dual wedding cake 8 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
The iron man looks kinda like it suffers from down's
Finally innocent 45 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
False rape accusers should get 2x the punishment their victim got sentenced for.
Awesome proposal! 6 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
You just described 99% of all proposals
Awesome proposal! 6 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Lmao r u the bitch of the relationship
6 · Edited 8 years ago
Vaccines 29 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Except you DON'T get vaccinated for everything all at once.
Vaccines 29 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Especially since viruses grow into stronger strains when in an unvaccinated host. Anti-vaxxers are the scum of the earth and should be deported to some shithole island where they can't harm normal humans.
Vaccines 29 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
I genuinely believe that you should look into maybe committing suicide.
Little Help 77 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Hi, I'm a thrice convicted felon who has raped, tortured, and killed many innocent people. I've also mailed entrails to the family and friends of my victims. I am also a member of the Westbrook Baptist Church, along with ISIS and every neo-nazi group in Europe. I've pulled strings in high places to get many well-meaning and honorable upstart politicians assassinated, and framed other innocent people with the murders. But thanks, person who has never met me, for claiming to love me even though it is literally impossible for you to love a person who you do not even know a single thing about.
Vaccines 29 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Tldr anti-vaxxers don't deserve human rights
Vaccines 29 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
I think anti-vaxxers should be required to sign a form. Once they sign that form, any children they may have should be taken from them and vaccinated, finally getting sent to foster homes until they can get adopted by an actual human family. Once that is done, the anti-vaxxers should be physically made infertile (no painkillers, of course. That is reserved for humans, who, unlike anti-vaxxers, have the ability to feel). Once that is done, they should be branded on the forehead and sent to work in labor camps until they die of starvation or dehydration. New legislation should be made which defines the anti-vaxxer as a new species of animal, special only because it has none of the rights reserved by any other type of animal, because anti-vaxxers, unlike any other being, make the conscious decision to revoke their humanity and sink beneath the realm of insentient beings.