

— cptndisaster Report User
Hideout in Bali 2 comments
cptndisaster · 6 years ago
I got twenty mosquito bites just looking at the picture
Frenchman saves American couple from scammer in Paris 2 comments
cptndisaster · 6 years ago
Watch their shadows! You literally see the second lady come up behind him while the lady holds up the clipboard to distract them. Shady peeps.
At least you get half a can of soda 15 comments
cptndisaster · 6 years ago
Such cry babys!!! Airline travel has never been more affordable or accessible. You can literally pay a few hundred bucks and get anywhere in the country in a couple hours. Know why people used to wear suits on airplanes? Because it cost a fortune! If you want better service, nut up and pay for first class. Otherwise STFU, put in your headphones, watch a movie and chill out while you fly at 30,000 feet at 500 mph for $170.
Yet humanity decides to give millions to semi-literate guys who chase a ball on the grass 38 comments
cptndisaster · 6 years ago
Pic is a fake. Gloves and gowns are completely clean. And the guy is wearing sandals.
Iguanas swim underwater 17 comments
cptndisaster · 6 years ago
Two spots... But he paid for both! 8 comments
cptndisaster · 7 years ago
In my opinion, the guy on the left is actually the one who messed up. He's way over the line so Whoever parks in the empty spot on the left is going to be crowded into the next spot. If you park in the right spot, you're suffered between the RV and the already crowded car. Took one for the team in my view.
2 surgeons after successfully removing a set of brain tumors during a 32 hour surgery 10 comments
cptndisaster · 7 years ago
Staged for sure. No reputable hospital would ever allow surgeons to operate in sandals or any open toed shoes. If they really are brain surgeons this is in a country where you definitely don't want to have your brain operated on. Also their gloves and gowns are completely clean. No blood or anything. Not at all what surgeons look like after operating
2 surgeons after successfully removing a set of brain tumors during a 32 hour surgery 10 comments
cptndisaster · 7 years ago
Nice sandals. Nothing says clean and sanitary operating room like bare feet.
This 7 year old and her mom have nailed the Disney dress up game 24 comments
cptndisaster · 7 years ago
Some people have WAY too much money
Is narcissism a modern thing? 2 comments
cptndisaster · 8 years ago
Similar to still life paintings, self portraits were often studies in various uses of color and lighting. As artists were often poor they couldn't afford models to sit for hours at a time so they would use themself in a mirror. They weren't necessarily narcissistic.
18 · Edited 8 years ago
Hero of a Generation 22 comments
cptndisaster · 8 years ago
Mad respect. Could have made billions but gave away his discovery for the benefit of his fellow man. But he was born October 28th. ;-)