Crystal Abbeduto


— Crystal Abbeduto Report User
I love Mondays 10 comments
cryscross · 2 years ago
*leaves to go brush eyeballs*
Knitting a fence 4 comments
cryscross · 2 years ago
Her smug smile makes it all even better
4 · Edited 2 years ago
Milk chocolate > Everything else 20 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
Yeah! Recently developed third kind of chocolate (fourth if you count white chocolate) it's pink and is mild and creamy with very fruity notes. Tastes kind of like strawberries and cream to me. Chocolove has a very good bar they make of it.
Milk chocolate > Everything else 20 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
Dark, really dark or ruby chocolate
Seems obvious, but it’s not always 3 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
Don't put the weight of all of your relationship needs on just that person. Maintain healthy friendships.
We must come together and defeat this unholy evil 6 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
No. No. But think about it. Now any smear is in the area where the most water pressure is. Good idea
Demotivational message to start the week 2 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
Anyone saying this is to lazy to Google and just wants you to do their job for them 2 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
"It's in a video."
"What are his sources?"
"Other videos."
*Actual conversation with my sister*
*Google how to hoard electricity* 10 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
They actually had some people sign up for an "eco" account that have the power company the right to change their smart thermostats
One of them is jewish 6 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
Isn't this how most people think of things? 14 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
This is me
Levar Burton 2 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
He does an amazing podcast called "Levar Burton Reads" it's several seasons of short stories, mostly speculative fiction. Super good
Aw man they left 2 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
Is this a parenting joke.....
Imagine it, just imagine it 5 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
It is, in fact, not chocolate. Scientifically speaking, chocolate must contain both cocoa butter and cocoa. White chocolate only contains cocoa butter.
The wilderness must be explored 9 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
I mean, it did have a talking dog.
Texas is knocking 13 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
Even where we didn't have weird weather, way up in Iowa, there are people getting $1500 utility bills because of what happened in Texas.
Pretty much accurate! 1 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
I mean, you could just buy an $8 steak, but ok
It all makes sense now 2 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
The shoebill stork is terrifying
According to my research- 10 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
There were plenty of people against it when it was invented
My wife is tough as nails, but can't stand minor discomfort 1 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
I'm feeling personally attacked.
Astronots 5 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
But then there were episodes where he had to show emotion and it was a huge 180
Introverts dilemma 5 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
Our pod family is introverts. They just cancelled plans for the third weekend in a row. I don't even know how to respond. I'm about to lose it.
Astronots 5 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
It's a tribute to Brent Spiner's acting that I can look at this photo and instantly know who is Data and who is Lore
I made the best cake I've ever made today 9 comments
cryscross · 3 years ago
Geeeermaaaaaan choooooocolaaaate *drools*