Crystal Abbeduto


— Crystal Abbeduto Report User
When math gets really hard 3 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Pedro means Peter
9 year old kid accused of sexual assault? 26 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Ok, now I actually HAD a kid about the age grab my butt look at me and smile like, "What you going to do about it?" He went to fast and I was working or I would have maybe had a conversation with his parents but I would NEVER have thought about calling the police over something like that.
Yes! 7 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
And it's on Black Friday
This can't be right. Cats hate everyone equally 13 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Oh wow! A cat tore down a wavy bright colored peace of fabric!? Yup, cats don't do that. Definitely a personal attack against you.
· Edited 5 years ago
It costs $2239.50 to look like an amphibian snacc 1 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
It's not easy being green.
When your phone vibrate for nothing 8 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
I used to think my phone is phone was vibrating and then there was nothing until I finally figured out it was the zipper on my hoodie rubbing against the button on my pants.
Bending the rules 9 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
Third guy from the right is definitely more dedicated than the other two. He even matched his safety jacket!
Jenga master 3 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
The reaction of the guy who did it! He can't believe it worked
Smoke lavender 12 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
So I AM a bug! I knew it....
Another life hack 4 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
I love making beautiful cupcakes, and although I never say anything, it TOTALLY grates on my nerves when people do this to them.
Got what he deserved 9 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
I have met INDIVIDUAL cats I've been alright with. Mostly it's the stand offishness and then occasionally the pet me or I hurt you switch. As far as living with them... They lick their butthole then lick their whole body and then rub all over the entire surface of your home. I feel like I'm living in a giant cat butthole.
Got what he deserved 9 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
I do not like cats, but that cat was WELL within his rights.
My imagination hurts 6 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
The truth is pretty bad too! Apparently this photo is lifted from a documentary about couple's with large age gaps
Nightmare fuel 3 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
You can tell he had his face turned and not straight on.
Dj khaled 5 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
Uh, "ibn" means son of. His dad's name was therefore Abdul Khaled. He is Khaled Jr.
Anon’s gonna be an author 10 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy. It's old and long but if you want a story where a man does everything to pull himself up from the depths and achieve success and then his past makes his life and the life of everyone else around him disintegrate anyway, this is the one for you.
"You're mine now" 7 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
OP you look like you could be my husband's brother.
I feel like I'm gonna drop it 2 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
No one should ever be upset about someone politely declining to hold their child. I would much rather someone do that then take my kid and they get hurt cause the person is so nervous.
Turtle trying to drown a croc 4 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
That's a gharial.
Exposed 9 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
I feel like "babysitter" is being used loosely here. I knew someone who "babysat" and it was everyday picking the kids up from school, making them dinner, helping with homework. Like after school care but more. Probably the parents saved enough money on daycare it was worth the cost of the car (and it likely reverts to them if she stops working for them)
Please be friends 1 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
Cats have a tendency to go towards people who don't like cats because they are territorial and when you look at them they feel threatened. So if you WANT kitty cuddles, avoid looking at them, if you DON'T, stare strongly and they'll head the other way.
More puppers less gunners 8 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
Labradoodles are amazing.
Cool hammock 2 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
But is it made out of fingernails?
Probably a good idea 9 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
Mine has always been the ability to manipulate matter. Which would include the ability to manipulate myself into ANY other powered individual thereby having their powers.
That's the answer 2 comments
cryscross · 6 years ago
I used to have a professor in Bible college who would start each test by quoting Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’ and then follow up with, "unless you didn't study, then you're on your own."