Crystal Abbeduto


— Crystal Abbeduto Report User
I’m going to Evan’s for Thanksgiving 1 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
It WOULD be sushi...
The top part 10 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Once only in my life have I seen a man sit in such a way that I felt it qualified as manspreading. His knees were three feet apart. Feet probably about 5 feet apart and splayed across half the bus aisle. Other than that most men I've seen only spread a little, as REQUIRED, and are aware of those around them
It's got a different ring to it 3 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Well said
It's got a different ring to it 3 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
I think the difference is MLK is addressing apathy, while LeBron is addressing burnout. For this first time in history we have constant access to the scope of Injustice everywhere. We see it in all corners all the time. To feel like we personally have to fix it all is exhausting and impossible. Sometimes you just have to pick one thing and make a difference there
I think twice until now 8 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Wouldn't have been born. C-section baby.
Attend thy hootenanny 3 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
We need a version of a midsummer night's dream with witches and cowboys instead of night and day fairies
5 · Edited 4 years ago
We need name suggestions (see comments below) 37 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
So very sad. RIP
Just throwing this out here 19 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Oh woops. Sorry thanks for pointing that out
Just throwing this out here 19 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Pretty sure the "white slaves" we're indentured servants that agreed to a certain number of years to pay their passage into the new world. They weren't kept forever and then bred like cattle
We need name suggestions (see comments below) 37 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Have you picked yet?
Are you ready to be sad? I sure wasn't 15 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
I finally realized a few years ago that the few cats in my life that I have actually liked, have all been black cats
4 · Edited 4 years ago
We need name suggestions (see comments below) 37 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Praise these doctors 12 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Right above it explains this was an accidental she caused to herself
Yawns 2 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Right, also if the person is close enough they can feel the vibration of sound and would know it wasn't a scream
Can't find the error here 18 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
They already do drug tests. Testosterone levels testing is actually a pretty simple blood test
I am asking for a friend? 6 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
It's at the point they're sure YOU would raise it and not them!
Can't find the error here 18 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
I think we're at the point where, to be fair, sports will have to be "testosterone dominant" and "estrogen dominant". With no gender mentioned.
Can't find the error here 18 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Anyone who goes back to identifying as a different sex should have anything they"earned" in their former identification stripped
What’s good for the goose must be good for the gander 12 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
Can we get a NSFW on this?
Will it happen? What do you think? 8 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
I would LOVE that!
Dig deep enough, we all want the same thing 14 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
#2 is to defend #1 duh
Actually that's me 12 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
To my understanding a lot of it is zoning regulations in different cities
Has someone experienced this? 7 comments
cryscross · 4 years ago
These could be a sign of either low or high vestibular ( sense of your body in space) or proprioceptive (sense of your body in relation to itself) senses. Me sister used to have night/day mattress about her hands being either massive or tiny
Happy lamb 3 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Yes! That is their natural defense when you flip them upside down. They freeze in this position