

Directions unclear; accidentally aimed a GRB at Earth in the future.

— DarthSagacious Report User
World's only artificial self-righting shape 8 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Topologically, it is a sphere. I think it's strangeness is therefore 0.
And we haven't even touched Logic an*lysers 3 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Remember the good old days when all you needed was a signal generator and a portable power supply and you could fuck with anything like TV's, garage doors, car locks, etc?
Honest labels 5 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Last time I drank considerable amounts of tequila, I had a fully-developed and feasible plan to destroy the planet. I get mad on that shit, not dancy.
Jesse James being savage! 19 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Neither am I. But good on you two.
Scottish twitter is amazing 18 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Well, they aren't actually chemists. That's probably why we don't call them that. Not that everyone's job title makes sense.
Robots/AI are coming 26 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
I'm ok with that. People can use their thumbs as they choose. It doesn't bother me to see a red del symbol when I express myself.
Purrrrr 5 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Came here to say pretty much just that. I had a great dane and a husky around once. Let me tell you, it was awesome and scary at the same time.
History is being written as we speak 18 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Grim, it sounds like you are talking about radiation weapons. A neutron bomb is probably the best known example (but this is also a thermonuclear weapon and would be part of the ban). Trust me, there are already worse weapons, but, as far as I know, nukes are currently capable of the most destruction from a single application. This ban is a start.
History is being written as we speak 18 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Wait... I'm a scientist. Where do I sign?
d*cks are weird 4 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Yeah, that was the worst part of microbiology class. We had to choose to either have someone else swab our throats or do it ourselves.
Just when you thought it was over 3 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
"I'm back bitches. Daughter nature doesn't put up with shit like mother nature."
Robots/AI are coming 26 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Peachypersimmon must have been designed by a computer, because she is tiny and looks super awesome.
Things that usually happen on monday 15 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
I apologize.
Things that usually happen on monday 15 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
That pizza is still not as hot as @carne_asada
R.I.P. 2 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
They probably had a heart attack from eating too much fried food, thereby dropping their most recently obtained fried food on the sidewalk.
Me kissing my crush for the first time like 16 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
What makes it more hilarious is that she looks like she knows exactly what she is doing, but he looks like a dog lapping up water.
why can't study groups be so co-operative? 31 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Cheers to everyone with obscure knowledge.
I love a gamble 11 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Reminds me of Princess Bride. Did I give you my number second to keep it closer to me, or did I put my number first because I knew you would pick the second number...
Swinging a string of glow sticks with burning steel wool at the ends 5 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Perhaps one day we will be so technologically advanced that mere children's toys like yo-yo's will be capable of opening up wormholes. Imagine the kind of stuff cutting-edge tech would be able to do by comparison.
Swinging a string of glow sticks with burning steel wool at the ends 5 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
You mean getting knocked into the Astral Plane by the Ancient One.
Genius move 3 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
You mean the cat is a genius for figuring out how to get your sister to do her bidding in such an effective manner
Don't mess with an armadillo 5 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Yeah, sure, that's the best explanation you have for how a bullet from your gun ended up in your mother-in-law's back?
Ryan Reynolds' bromance with Jake Gyllenhaal 4 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
They can. But fucking around and wasting tons of other people's money is a dick move when your paycheck is on par with whole families life earnings. Unpopular opinion though it may be, but they could probably manage to get the job done and have fun at the same time.
I wish they would make something like this for real 4 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Someone should do a daily dose of good shit that happened recently.
Candle smoke 5 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago