

— GamerLord123 Report User
How americans feel about every state 75 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
Cali is on everyone XD
Death Note and Fun 9 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
Thats the thing. Light had NO stress he was happily using the DeathNote and getting plenty of sleep as well. He had a family and a girlfriend that was horny 100% of the time as well
Death Note and Fun 9 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
The last episode was shit imo. It was nothing like Light's plans or thought process.
The writer just didn't want the show to continue so he made Light die in the stupidest way possible. When has Light ever trusted anyone in the series? Never, so whats this? A complete stranger who I have never even seen face to face? I'll trust him with my life!
That was complete bullshit. Death Note should've ended the only way it could've. With Near dying and Light winning. Afterwards he would kill Misa and eventually "give up" on the case to find Kira. And then the world would finally be at peace
5 · Edited 8 years ago
"Obama changed nothing for the good!" 2 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
wtf happened in 2010
Oh god 4 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
Its Godzilla!
Is this why he looks older? 12 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
He is also more tanned
Oh noez 3 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
do the thing
For the pokenerds 20 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
Don't play this is my suggestion.
If you don't live in a city you will only see 1 Pokemon an hour while people in cities can catch over 200 per day
Now this I would watch 13 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
I would comment that Edward is made of a substance harder than diamond and can run at extremely fast I'm currently trying to calculate how fast they run now I have gotten 24k+, I'm trying to find more accurate distances and time, but I have not watched supernatural.
But I'd have to go with Edward because I cannot find Sam's powers anywhere and Dean may be stronger than Edward, its hard to say as We've seen Edward lift massive things and never struggle, and I assume Dean is also incredibly fast although the wiki doesn't mention speed only strength.
I believe the winning factor for Edward is that he can read minds instantly and can know exactly what Dean will be doing almost before he does.
If you have a counter argument or a list of Abilities for Dean I'd like to hear them
The whole Internet right now 8 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
I usually don't move much, maybe 100 feet a week, but Pokemon Go came out and I just jogged/ran 11km today
bai 13 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
The game has been made to have you move for years now... What were yo expecting?
i really shouldn't be laughing this hard 3 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
I don't get it
y 14 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
It crashes everytime I try to load my character
Flat mode 10 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
Hoodini is in Ninja Training
True af 7 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
I thought I was the only one wtf XD
It might be harsh but deep inside we all know its true 19 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
Sorry Edward, Jacob wins
First time you've played minecraft 12 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
How did he get a block perfectly above him like that?
Why some guys are single right now 26 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
You never miss an episode of Dragon Ball Z
Or Dragon Ball Super as of now
2 · Edited 8 years ago
In Denmark when someone finish high school they get a hat! 24 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
Gamer has got a sock?! GAMER FREEEE!!
Not even a ninja can defeat the great bubble wrap 5 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
He could walk around it though
Just coding things 5 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
you play with it like it says
So That's How The Fight Started 6 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
Someone give this man a medal
There are only two types of people 20 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
What about Hit Points?
The Illusion of Choice 25 comments
gamerlord123 · 8 years ago
Also she hardly knows anything about the people. She knows nothing about what the people want. In my opinion she is getting votes because of one reason. She. She may suck ass, but "feminists" see a female (similarly to how they think men see women as "meat") and go "Oh yea look at her gender, She must be smart."