

— gary17 Report User
Unlimited supply, limited access 69 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
I consider getting pregnant to be the main purpose of sex. Nobody thinks falling out of the tree is the reason to climb it.
Unlimited supply, limited access 69 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
But the only two of those that a person intentionally does are smoking and having sex. You can't compare getting pregnant from consensual sex to accidentally hurting yourself.
This is deep and stuff 7 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
The doctor
Ill = Doctor, PC broke = IT guy and so on 20 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
Boredom and lack of entertainment are problems, and people want them to be solved. This is more talking about wanting things than needing them.
Ill = Doctor, PC broke = IT guy and so on 20 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
The problem is boredom.
Ripe old age 11 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
I think what guest was saying is that organic food was not part of the problem, as it implies in the picture.
Hats off to who ever thought about this 18 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
That's why I said when men are being accused as a collective group of doing something. If someone is saying that all men are rapists, saying "not all men" seems like a necessary statement. People claiming all men do something contributes just as little, and what they're saying is a lot more likely to cause problems than just saying "not all men."
Hats off to who ever thought about this 18 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
I've never really understood what's so bad about saying that when men are being accused of collectively doing something.
Poor bird! 14 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
Are you saying we should call turkeys americas?
No one woluld ever have to go hungry 17 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
The real problems with feeding the world are transportation and preservation, not production. Unless this can solve those problems, it won't end world hunger.
When you remembered the singular and plural of shrimp is the same 4 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
It's even singular in Spanish where the singular is different than the plural.
Puppy playing with a baby pug 8 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
Look at the eyes, nose, and ears. I'm pretty sure that is a puppy.
J.K. Rowling confirmed. After all these years 7 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
She's been pronouncing the T the whole time and she let them pronounce it in all the movies. Honestly, this just sounds like something she decided afterwards to try and surprise people.
Already realizing the struggle 15 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
I'm guessing it's supposed to be a Detroit Lions fan. Both her shirts are their colors and the picture on her left sleeve in the second picture looks like their symbol.
Animals pretending to be other animals 8 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
So many animals pretending to be cats and dogs.
I love my skin cells so much that I avoid sunlight so they can live! 18 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
Actually, it's pretty much correct. Cells regularly kill themselves when things go wrong and they can't fix it.
Let's get with the times 'murica 21 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
As an American engineering student, I fully agree with this. Everything would be so much easier if we only had to learn one set of units and all the conversions made sense.
Anon has an episode 8 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
But why did he photoshop those pictures?
Some fortune cookies 5 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
Wouldn't that just be a weirdly shaped cookie then?
its almost like there are variables 5 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
He may have been brilliant, but that doesn't mean everything he said was brilliant. I'll admit the comparison of the quote to the thing about apples was kind of bad, and sure, there's no need to disrespect the dead, but that doesn't make Bukowski's quote any better. If anything, I'd say the person on tumblr was smarter than most, because they saw past the name the quote was attributed to and the fact that it was supposed to be brilliant, and realized that it's kind of pointless.
We all had that one b*tch teacher 8 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
Some students do that, but that's rarely the case for 95% of the class.
Presidential Candidate Deez can almost see the regret in his eyes 47 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
All the decent points this article makes are undermined by the fact that they thought Nuts was an appropriate thing to call him.
Presidential Candidate Deez can almost see the regret in his eyes 47 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
Why did he use his actual information instead of making things up?
How I see it 22 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
The point was more that people don't even try to learn things because they know they could just look it up if they ever need it, but they never actually look it up.
How I see it 22 comments
gary17 · 9 years ago
Learning kind of becomes less valuable when you can find anything you need to know on the Internet.