

— garyd Report User
The pyramids were made from love 11 comments
garyd · 3 years ago
Not Quite, Ancient Egypt wasn't a mass slavery society. However the common people could be drafted to work on these construction projects. And, even though these were often religious buildings, we don't know how enthusiastic the workers were.
This is the Official White House portrait of President Obama that Trump refuses to hang 5 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
Sorry rather fake news, turns out Obama doesn't want to participate in the ceremony
Jesus hears ya, Jesus don't care 4 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
Actually in many cultures Christ is depicted looking like the locals, He is black in Africa, Oriental in China and Japan, and South Asian in India. Though Western "White" deceptions have become established because of the media.
Today, in Mexico, women are on strike. I'm the only person in the office 5 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
But yet the same amount of work got done (laugh)
The year is 2192 1 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
Why are people still posting these out of date memes?
The more you know 5 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
That always happens to me, but not the other way around
It's an interesting predicament 11 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
Advocating, and Planning to Commit a crime are two different things.
Speechless 13 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
I agree with the "No Tattoos" limit. Not that there's anyone interested in me so the point is moot.
Guns have been banned at the NRA convention where VP Pence will speak. 8 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
Actually it was the Secret Service that requested it, not Mike Pence.
Has science gone too far...? 21 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
Governments know how to fight wars, due to centuries of experience, and can do it quite well. Unfortunately there is a very large graveyard of sometimes spectacularly failed plans to help the poor.
We don't have enough storage to rely on solar panels and wind turbines 15 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
There was a plan to put the waste under Yucca Mountain but President Obama canceled the plan. Most nuclear waste is low level waste (clothes and equipment) contaminated with radioactive material. As for High Level waste, the fuel rods, can be reprocessed for reuse in reactors. This is because only part of the fuel is used up, but the United States has banned it, and many reprocessing plants around the world have closed due to the Anti-Nuclear movement. Right now only France and Japan do so. Also muck more nuclear fuel can be made, U-235 (which is what is used for fuel) only makes up 0.72% of mines Uranium. The rest, U-238, can be turned into fuel in a Breeder Reactor, which turns it into Plutonium. Unfortunately as Plutonium is used for nuclear weapons, this has been rejected out of fears of nuclear proliferation. This is my main complaint about the Climate Change Activists, they demand it be done their way, and no other; rejecting nuclear power
He is right you know 8 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
So, standard socialist plan, "Kill people till our plans work, if that doesn't work, kill even MORE people."
Math optional 28 comments
garyd · 4 years ago
Interesting how the left has flipped about the Electoral Collage, during the campaign Trump complained about winning the popular vote but losing the electoral vote. After which the press ridiculed him saying how "These are the rules of the game, if you don't like it don't play". The Electoral Collage is about making sure a few big population states don't control the outcome.
Welcome to beginner conspiracy theories, today we'll be talking about the Titanic 3 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
The Titanic sank in the North Atlantic, the Iceberg came from the ARCTIC, Penguins live in the ANTARCTIC
3 · Edited 5 years ago
A very powerful image showing a batallion before and after the Great War, the upper 4 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
Actually the Battalion would have received reinforcements throughout the War, though as the war went on it became increasingly difficult to keep units up to full strength. This is probably a picture of who was left of the "Old Originals" of the Battalion, meaning who was left of the original 1914 group.
Good job 10 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
Considering that China is building Hundred's of new coal fired electrical plants this is like using a single paper towel to clean up a major oil spill. Whole thing is more for show than anything.
For those of you worried about the future 12 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
In no way is this happening to me, short of actually divine intervention. And even if some girl liked me there is no way I could handle it.
Free thinker 15 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
They are illegal in France already
Got jesus? 13 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
Not accurate, People were generally not conquered and forced to convert. After it was legalized in the Roman Empire there was a slow increase in official support for Christianity and suppression of pagan religions leading people to convert out of self interest. Sometimes the ruler would decide to convert and then force the populations to convert. For the Natives in Spanish America it was "conversion or slavery". While later European colonial expansion, conversion was the work of officially supported missionaries and the locals often converted do to the superior technology of the Europeans convincing them that Christianity was superior.
Sounds about right 8 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
Its mostly because they have more access to financial resources and opportunities.
sweet 10 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
Actually the protection is limited and only applies if they didn't hit them on purpose.
stand up for yourself :) 8 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
The Fathers: laughing at the idea their wives were "silent".
Imagine if 23 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
Actually I think women in the trades is a great thing. Actually more people should get into the trades in general. As for women doing so much in World War Two, well that was a very different time. But the fact is that most on the left look down on people in the trades as to dumb for university, and think they are raciest, homophobic, and sexist if they are white males. Actually there is problem in society in general that undervalues such work and gives no thought to how electricity is delivered, water is moved, or even food grown and trucked.
Imagine if 23 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
Only about 1-3% of electricians are female. And we're not talking about home electricians and plumbers, but workers who often work out of doors, with heavy machinery, or in many other jobs that keep the electricity on and water flowing. There was once a video on YouTube. since removed, that showed a Dutch versions of Survivor with separate male and female islands. While the male island got up their shelter, made a fire , started to fish, and one guy even made furniture. The female island got none of that done. Then they sent one man to the female island and one female to the male island. The woman said the male island was like a vacation spot , while the male was deluged with work orders before he got off the boat. Bear Grylls created much the same kind of show called The Island. The women literally walked around in circles and generally got nothing done. On a different mixed sex, survival type show one woman, in a fit of pique, threw an ax, into the ocean. (an important tool)
Imagine if 23 comments
garyd · 5 years ago
In reality, if there were no men the women would be in the dark and without plumbing