

— garyd Report User
Daily Dose Of Love #59- Never forget, your true love is waiting for you 25 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
When she saw me, she ran like hell in the opposite direction
Resistance is futile 2 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
Actually the Wearable Tech from Deep Space 9 was based on the Pilot Helmet for the Apache Helicopter. The eyepiece controls the Chain Gun
To the people who think climate change is fake and co2 is not caused by man 14 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
I'm rather conservative but I consider Human Caused Climate Change as highly probable. Some of the predictions have been wrong; such as that there were supposed to be many more hurricanes now, and there is less; but that doesn't undermine the basic principle. However I disagree with the Greens plan to use Solar Panels and Wind Turbines to replace Fossil Fuels as these still need subsidies. I still think that a well run Nuclear Power System (like France) is a better alternative. One of the main problems is that we can't store large amounts of electricity (no, batteries are unable to store Megawatts of electricity). Unfortunately the climate change problem is also being used as a wedge to increase taxes and increase control over people
For the twenty-year-olds who have never been loved 67 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
Well still applies to me ,No girlfriend never had a date ect.
Stupid fracking scientists and their fake news 16 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
In reality those who disbelieve in Global Warming (which is mostly likely real) think its a conspiracy to place more controls on people and hike their taxes by Globalists
Why tho 47 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
Well since they referred to being "Trained to Kill" that is what I was commenting on. And yes even in the Army the Ratio of Combat to Non-Combat can run as high 1:7. And even members of supposed non-combat arms can find themselves under attack, especially in insurgencies like Iraq and Afghanistan.
Why tho 47 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
Soldiers also sign an Unlimited Liability Contract. The have to Kill and Die and Suffer Grievous Wounds when we tell them too. And don't just claim "The Government is to only one to blame"
A 90s kid made this 2 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
The graphics on the trailer reminded me of Movies and TV from the 1980s and 90s
Punch a Nazi 11 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
OK if you want to get picky: instead of Communist then Marxist-Leninist or Stalinist or Maoist or....
Punch a Nazi 11 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
How about Punch A Communist?
As a follow up to self esteem and strangers having a crush on you. 14 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
Actually I'm someone reason for taking Perpetual Vows of Chasity.
Choose a pill 21 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
Blue: I'm already invisible
Green: Just what I need: hearing s**t that even weirder than what people post online
Yellow: If I have total control, OH YA
Purple: They well walk into traffic and get killed anyways
J.K. Rowling citing her own fiction 29 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
The Romans didn't conquer the Barbarian Invaders, they came from outside the borders of the Roman Empire. Sometimes the Romans were able to defeat them and then let them settle inside the Empire. But overall the Barbarians overwhelmed the defenses of the Empire and forced their way in. And those they had let in ended up carving out their own kingdoms.
J.K. Rowling citing her own fiction 29 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
Lauren Southern is of course referring to the Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire, which began with the Romans letting them in and recruiting them into the army, till the Romans Legions were almost entirely made up of Barbarians. That and high taxes, failing economy and a out of touch elites, let to the downfall of the Roman Empire and centuries of the Dark Ages.
NASA Scientists in 1954 17 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
Most them were actually used as human calculators, faster than the computers of the era
Do what YOU want, people 41 comments
garyd · 7 years ago
The author states that it doesn't take much to live comfortably: Warm Home, Laptop, Food (should also include clothes, some kind of transportation and other stuff).. you know what? That all takes quite a bit of money (a ton of money depending where you live) and a constant outlay of money as well to keep them. This advice will probably leave you homeless, and probably comes from someone who grew up with money (or at least comfortable)
Scotty 7 comments
garyd · 8 years ago
He wasn't a Flying Ace, though he did pilot small planes but he was a Artillery Officer (14th Field Artillery Reg., 3rd Canadian Infantry Division), Hit Juno Beach D-Day, hit by four rounds from Friendly Fire that caused the amputation of his right middle finger, Later flew as a Artillery Observation Officer
Easy :3 28 comments
garyd · 8 years ago
I am sure the person who put this up only think it applies to white guys an not say Islamist's (who think its OK to kill Gays and rape non-Muslims), Asians (who are often very raciest against Blacks) and Liberals who try to keep Conservative viewpoints from being heard (especially in universities)
Pulse rings 17 comments
garyd · 8 years ago
Something else I'll never need
Awesome potato 12 comments
garyd · 8 years ago
I won't do that because I can't inflict myself on the world. Its also the 2nd sign of the Apocalypse, and a crime against humanity. I make Donald Trump look like Tom Hanks
Always be grateful of what you have 5 comments
garyd · 8 years ago
A boring nightmare?
Dear parents and potential parents 30 comments
garyd · 8 years ago
I disagree with including Taylor Swift. She took control of her own career, writes her own songs and really appreciates her fans.
Medieval facts 21 comments
garyd · 8 years ago
First one is quite wrong. The English devolved the Bodkin point (more narrow that traditional arrowheads) to pierce chain-mail thus defeating the French at Crécy, Poitiers, and Agincourt. This (and the use of much slower crossbows) drove the development of Plate Armour
Banksy hits it 9 comments
garyd · 8 years ago
Whoever brings up Hitler first, loses the argument
Don't you think? 16 comments
garyd · 8 years ago
You know there would be those claiming there is no such thing as a Alien Invasion and we should welcome their alien culture of peace, love and destruction of all other life in the universe