

— harperfan7 Report User
The ultimate evidence that God exists 18 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
actual based black man
Thonk 3 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
jesus, he just plain LOOKS retarded
poor guy
Perspective~ 5 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
well, I just realized there are people who didnt figure this out when they were 12
Authorities protect civilians 2 12 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
imagine that
sweet 10 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
The fact that we even need a bill for this is insane. Fucking clown world. *HONK HONK* (pun intended)
· Edited 5 years ago
In 40 years 3 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
there wont be retirement homes in 40 years
True Story. What a joke 24 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
yeah they definitely get the benefit these days
Thoughts everyone? 21 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
lol, guest peasants can't edit their posts
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Thoughts everyone? 21 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
Fast food nostalgia 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
not offended, just curious. Its happened several times.
Fast food nostalgia 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
what's up with everybody calling me "she"
Who ever thought about this one before? 4 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
could it be that he moves around....HIMSELF?!? (*gasp!!!*)
Fast food nostalgia 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Yeah, I don't think any sane person doesn't think the late 90's were peak civilization.
One tattoo to rule them all 5 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Can we confirm this? 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
we've heard of them because they blow themselves up; you don't need to be an engineer to make a simple bomb
and even if you did, israel is behind terrorism and trains and funds/supplies many of them
60's and 70's architects should be jailed for ruining cities 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
in my experience, a lot of the time if something *looks* good, it's a huge pain in the ass to build or maintain
people probably got tired of repeatedly dealing with dumb shit and were like "alright fuck this, plain boring buildings now"
Meek damaging spectacular Termite 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
what's the matter?
Meek damaging spectacular Termite 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
At least they're having kids. Non-whites are having them in droves while not having money. White birth rates are low, and we're already minority white in the USA at age 5 and under (as of a couple years ago, im sure its worse now), and when the boomers start dying off (there's more of them than us), we'll drop from like 52% white to probably 20-30 something.
Please, move over 2 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
move your shit to the side, then move yourself to the side, so other people can check out while you put stuff away
Roasting the Antivax losers 35 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
I can't keep up with these goalposts
Roasting the Antivax losers 35 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
which admit that you can't live freely in the wilderness like they originally claimed?
Roasting the Antivax losers 35 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
since the 90s at least, you can't just live in the yukon
they regularly scan those areas with heat-sensing satellites to make sure people don't do just that
Roasting the Antivax losers 35 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
literally where can you move to the wilderness and live off the land? Nowhere. All land is owned, you can't own land unless you can afford property taxes. The government demands your kids get some kind of education, and soon, vaccines. The powers that be have been making strong moves against off-the-grid types to where it's practically impossible now, especially for any sizeable group of people. We do not have those kinds of freedoms.
No chill 5 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
psychopaths dont care about their mothers
If she's 9 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
One extra hot basic, please.