

— harperfan7 Report User
What do you think of this beautiful and spacious deck? 11 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
what an expensive place to get bitten by mosquitos
I would definitely go to see Jason Momoa as Ariel 16 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
literally no-one gives a shit about aquaman
It's a shame 5 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
coming to an everywhere near you!
Where men cried 4 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Omg take me bacccck 11 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
I dunno, being able to draw sure was impressive. And having the neatest home-made projects. And there was this one kid, Corbin Clowe, who could do backflips and holy shit that was amazing.
And here we go again 3 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
oh my poor sweet summer child
Not all heroes wear capes 10 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
One of my favorite videos on the internet. The cat doesn't run up and start hissing and swiping with it's paws, no, it just fucking plows into the dog at running speed, chases it until it confirms the dogs bitch status, then goes to check on the kid. Fucking hero.
Smill with 12 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Like Dr. Strange? The ancient one was originally an asian guy and they made the character a white woman, BUT Mordo was a white guy and they made him black.
Smill with 12 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
The thing is, before this modern era of putting black people in *everything* even to the point of replacing originally white characters, black people were represented in film and tv in proportion to their percentage of the population. Meaning, they made up about 13% of roles, as they make up about 13% of the population. That's perfectly fine.
But now, they've got this big dishonest pushy agenda and everybody rightfully hates it.
They are as evil as they used to be regardless of their new friendly face 13 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
What do you mean "bans"? Just fucking do it. I'll put whatever the fuck I want on my grave and everybody else can eat a dick.
Packed trails 9 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
but they are packed
in some places its like a fucking conga line all the way up a mountain
TJ 11 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Really dude!
TJ 11 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Communist propaganda
TJ 11 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
My favorite real-life person.
Even kept his wife out of his office. Legend.
Being historically illitirate to own the libs 36 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
For real, try it.
Being historically illitirate to own the libs 36 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Yeah but try tearing an australian note.
Utah, america 1 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
The world would be a legit fantastic place if I didn't need to eat and there was no such thing as tresspassing or psychopaths.
Being historically illitirate to own the libs 36 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Well, us "fascists" are actually pretty mad at Trump for being a fucking jew and doing practically none of what he said he'd do.
You are in for pain 2 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Being historically illitirate to own the libs 36 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
came here to say this
libs are known to do shit like this
commies 5 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
McCarthy was 100% right. The commies couldn't beat us in a fight so they indoctrinated our youth through hollywood, public schools, and colleges.
Best friends 1 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
I do not remember this.
Counsil of men approves 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
jaundice can be your skin too
Counsil of men approves 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
What, you think we know names for all that? We just grab what fits and go.
One of my favorite quotes 3 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago