Heywood Jableauxme


— Heywood Jableauxme Report User
When childhood friendship turns into love 4 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Please tell me that's the Merry Go Round in City Park in New Orleans. Otherwise there is a duplicate out there somewhere and I can't stand to know such a thing exists.
That's One Huge Tuna 12 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Bloated and sunk in eyes is a baaad look for fish
Be careful of what you say in Germany 10 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Because of the missing apostrophe? Wow. They really are grammar Nazis.
Why aren't these everywhere? 4 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Candy doesnt know how to praise equality ; are you dumb :) 29 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
The day of reckoning.
Candy doesnt know how to praise equality ; are you dumb :) 29 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
I like you guys. Edit: sorry. I like you, people. Edit,edit: sorry again. I have posative feelings for the beings present in this tread. I think I got it right.
7 · Edited 7 years ago
Candy doesnt know how to praise equality ; are you dumb :) 29 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Hahahahah....that's what you get for,trying to pander to people that live as perpetual victims. I need a bag.
Sleep elites only need less than 6 hours of sleep 41 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
OJ is in the can. Is that ok?
Why would someone sit like this ? 16 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Again...I beg to differ. Look, I don't have an ax wound so I find them all....intriguing.
· Edited 7 years ago
Why would someone sit like this ? 16 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Public setting.
Sleep elites only need less than 6 hours of sleep 41 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Ain't nothing in this world for free
Why would someone sit like this ? 16 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
I beg to differ.
7 · Edited 7 years ago
Why would someone sit like this ? 16 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
And if he's going to take a picture he should have a better camera.
Swimming cube of cheese 13 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
They really are.
Swimming cube of cheese 13 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Fish are so much more aware of their surroundings than people give them credit for. They have their own personalities and can even recognize their owners. The goldfish I have try to munipulate me. I feed them in the morning before work and my wife lets my nephew help in the evening. So here's the cool thing: when I come home from work and the fish see me walk in the door, they go to the feeding spot in the tank but only if they don't see my wife on the sofa. If she's sitting across from them when I come home, they "know" I'm aware that she fed them. If she's off to the side and I walk in the door, they try to get another feeding. Fucking goldfish are just as munipulating as my kids.
Meow yourself 44 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
@fiestycricket, ok you changed my mind. No threesome is worth living in filth. My dick don't do its thang in a smelly tang. Ugh
Meow yourself 44 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Did you miss the part about being allowed to bang other, I assume more normal, chicks? Gotta say, may be worth dealing with that shit for a while.
Meow yourself 44 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
You'd be surprised how many start college.
Meow yourself 44 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Well the scary thing about these people is that they vote. That's right these idiots get to decide on leaders and laws for the rest of us. They also drag down society by refusing to contribute to the advancement of our species. They don't want to BE our species. And it makes me very very sad that my kid will be going to collage soon and will likely run across these people. God, help me if she comes home and tells me she's having kittens. One flight of stairs won't be enough.
Meow yourself 44 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
We all did. Spay and neuter your pets, folks.
Meow yourself 44 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
It's a gift to the world.
Meow yourself 44 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Bingo. These idiots don't even bother to research the actual behavior of their "otherkin" bull shit.
Meow yourself 44 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Homicide would work if not for stupid "laws". Damn "humans" keeping me from being the killing machine I was born to be.
Shut up and take my money! 16 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
I'll be the judge of that. If you don't mind.
Seize the means of production! 11 comments
heywood · 7 years ago
Lol. Ok. Tell that to the Cubans and North Korea or every fucking attempt. In fact, China has boomed by allowing some capitalism.