

My name is Jar, hence the name

— Jar Report User
THIRTEEN 13 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Oh c'mon. What's the 'bullshit' part? That she doesn't have a reason to have depression, or that she does?
1 · Edited 8 years ago
M..mom? Please don't cry... Oh here comes the feels 32 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
I'm so sorry. Hope he's alright now.
That fits surprisingly well 8 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Happy birthday Jesus 18 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Umm, I'm pretty sure it's Han Solo
<insert cheesy pun> 22 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
<eat cheese>
Happy birthday Jesus 18 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
No it's honeyjar
That fits surprisingly well 8 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Very grammar
don't tell me how to live my life! 8 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Or her
Female soldier 19 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Yes, I heard! I'm so exited! I can finally say: 'I'm from Kurdistan' when I introduce myself, without havin people tellig me 'it's not a country' or 'don't you mean Iraq?'
Female soldier 19 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Look, why don't we just agree on this: Daesh are horrible "people", who kill people in the name of Islam. Maybe we have different perspectives on wether they are Muslims or not, but that doesn't matter. I think we should stand tall and work together agains ISIS, instead of fighting over how bad they are.
All of this made me think of my uncle who died in one of the terror attacks, so I just went ahead and donated some money to the Syrian refugees. I think that's way more helpful to humanity, than to sit on my chair and argue with strange people.
The Swedish king everyone. I love my country 11 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Aah yes, Knugen
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Sure, maybe I went a little bit off topic with the KKK thing, but I still do not, in any way, agree with you when you say that Daesh are Muslims. Nowhere in the Quran it says that you can kill a man if he doesn't tnink like you. Nowhere in the Quran it says that the lifestyle that Daesh live by is right.
Yea they've said that they are Muslims, but that does not make them Muslims. They just THINK they are Muslims. I can say that I'm a frog, and go around with green paint on my body, but that doesn't make me a fucking frog, now does it?
And even if they were Muslims (which they are not), that doesn't have to mean that every Muslim thinks like them. Islam is the second biggest religion in the world, do you really think that every single Muslim agrees with Daesh?
My mom is a proud Muslim, and she hasn't killed anyone. My dad is a Muslim, and his best friend is Christian. My sister is Muslim, and she lives in a Christian country. I didn't know that made them into terrorists.
You're welcome 24 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Why are you using exclamation marks? Just because you can scream? That's offensive to deaf AND mute people.
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
The link had quotes from Trump when he had talked about how Mexicans should be deported because most of them are rapists and other stuff like that. Nowhere did it say 'illegal Mexicans'. He just said that Mexicans are a problem. Mexicans. That means all Mexicans. Even the legal refugees.
He even wants to build a wall separating Mexico from America, and he even wants the Mexicans to pay for it, and build it. How is this different from the Berlin Wall? Treating other people like animals just because they have a different skin coulour or religion?
And just because Daesh says that they are Muslims, which I say they're not, it doesn't mean that all Muslims should be banned from the US. The KKK say that they are Christians, right? But I don't see a racist fuck banning Christians from a country as powerful and popular as the US.
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Yeah, sure, but how about his talk about how Muslims should be banned from the US? He literally said "by the way, many, many, most Muslims are wonderful people, but is there a Muslim problem? Look what’s happening. Look what happened right here in my city with the World Trade Center and lots of other places [...] I mean I could have said, ‘Oh, absolutely not Bill, there’s no Muslim problem, everything is wonderful, just forget about the World Trade Center.’ But you have to speak the truth. We’re so politically correct that this country is falling apart."
· Edited 8 years ago
You're welcome 24 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Why do you leave? Just because you can walk? That's offensive to crippled people.
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
When I say racist I refer to the many times he has oppressed hate and discrimination against Mexicans and Muslims. If you want a specific ethnic or national group out of your country, I think you're pretty racist. But maybe that's just me.
You're welcome 24 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Why do you have a star? Stars are from the galaxy. Aliens offend me
You're welcome 24 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Guys? GUYS? So all the people on the Internet are men? *gets offended*
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
I just translated it to English, if you want to know what it says :)
· Edited 8 years ago
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Det måste vara som SD, gamla tantjävlar vill ha ekonomiskt stöd, och väljer därför "människor" som Trump, som var att han bara kan locka till sug röster genom att lova mindre skatt, och mer bidrag till pensionärer. Och så finns det också många dumma människor som inte har hört talas om internet, och håller med Jimmie, och Trump.
It must be like SD, (a very racist, but popular, party), old fuckers who want financial support, and therefore chooses "people" as Trump, who knows that he could only attract votes by promising lower taxes and more contributions to retirees. And there are also many stupid people who have not heard about the internet, and agrees with Jimmie (the leader of SD) and Trump.
· Edited 8 years ago
TØP 16 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
I forgot my glasses, your face is kinda blurry.
You're welcome 24 comments
honeyjar · 8 years ago
Umm, as a girl, I really get offended by this post. It's specifically targeted to men, since two out of three illiterates are women.
14 · Edited 8 years ago