

— igotzapped Report User
A fungus 5 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
It looks like some sort of weird mold, not a face mask....
Jedidiah Allardyce "Cookie" Farnsworth 7 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
Very true. Its like a fine wine, just keeps getting better with age!
Jedidiah Allardyce "Cookie" Farnsworth 7 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
This movie was fucking gold
In his Prime 2 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
Optimus Fine
Queen of wasps 14 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
That would happen in Michigan...
Twitter is gay 27 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
This is such bullshit
Insects looking for shelter after a flood 22 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
Yes, I will take the first nope train to fuck-thatville
India is at it again 10 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
Someone call up Blues Clues.... Blue got out again
Violence feeds more Violence 27 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
How much cognitive dissonance do people need before they see that they are turning into the very thing they claim to fight against?!
Violence feeds more Violence 27 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
My God, you cannot kill or maim people for their beliefs. Not only is it morally wrong, that is LITERALLY what Nazis did. You are LITERALLY turning into a Nazi
Violence feeds more Violence 27 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
Oh, please don't worry! I was trying to reply to german_satan and by the time the comment uploaded, it was underneath yours!
Violence feeds more Violence 27 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
While that is true, it should always be used as a last resort. If your goals can still be accomplished using other non-violent actions such as PEACEFUL discussions or protests, that is what should be done first. Jumping straight to violence to get your message across makes your stance look weak and gives everyone else the wrong impression
WLTH 194: you ever just rub your temples at something and wonder who let this happen 43 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
Well, here's the thing about it; feminists have been bitching and moaning about putting women into more and more combat roles in the military, calling it sexist that they weren't doing it in the first place and "women are strong, they can don't need a man to do it for them" and what have you. The natural progression of pushing women to be more and more active in combat roles would then be, when there are enough women in those positions, to have them sign for the draft, just as the men have to do. And you are right, because these people bitch and moan and complain about equality until they have to actually give up a legitimate privilege that they deny was even there in the first place.
WLTH 194: you ever just rub your temples at something and wonder who let this happen 43 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
That is 3rd wave feminisim 101
What 7 years of $500 textbooks results in 47 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
The only issue I have with state funded college level education is the fact that it is so ridiculously expensive. If it is between 50-70,000 dollars to send just one person to college, and that is paid for by the taxpayers for the rest of their lives, that is not a sustainable system. The money would run out in only a few years at best. I feel that before anything can happen, some serious financial reform needs to happen first, and then start working on funding colleges.
Miscalculated bird 18 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
How would you like your bird, choppered, or whole?
4 · Edited 7 years ago
Miscalculated bird 18 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
Rest in pieces, I guess...
my lovely daughter 9 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
Do not cry mother, it is just I, your child S A T A N
Hypnotic eyes are hypnotic 16 comments
igotzapped · 7 years ago
I was able to meet her a few years ago and she was super nice... Dammit she's perfect
igotzapped · 7 years ago
But it's not wrong though....