

— Ilikemoderation Report User
Afraid of gluten 31 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
They often take concepts previous created by company's, change them and often ones make them better. They tablets and phones are way more reliable than android tablet and phones. Their laptops have a much better life expectancy and quality than the competition. The idea of innovation is improving products. That's is what the do. They take previous products and innovate them to make them better. Sure they don't have come up with some of them originally but they improve quality. And Mac OS is completely theirs and it is a very well respected and very efficient software. Say what you will about the owner and say what you will about not liking their products, but saying they decrease capabilities and lie to their users just shows ignorance.
Afraid of gluten 31 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
The majority of companies come from madmen who are morally wrong. And you can't blame a company that has done amazing innovation and is a very well set and respected companies for the past sins of its founder.
Conservative logic 75 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
It is possible
Conservative logic 75 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
If they have allergies and intolerances they get special items. It would cost less then drug testing them. And you can live your entire life on potatoes and milk. It has all the nutrients you need to live. The ability to choose is a privilege. Not a right. If I work for that ability than I gain that privilege. But if I waste my noney on other things I lose that. I am a college student who had to live on peanut butter bread and milk. For 6 months. Not because I wanted to, but because I had other bills to pay. It's all about prioritizing. All I did was pay for school, housing, utilities, and peanut butter bread and milk.
Afraid of gluten 31 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Why'd you have to throw in Apple using? Your argument was very valid until you threw something with no relevance to the topic. Come'on son. You're better than that.
Conservative logic 75 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
And milk. Can't forget that Vitamin D and Calcium :D
Conservative logic 75 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Send them rice, bread, potatoes, and meat instead of money. Along with supplies that are needed on a daily basis and track home much us needed and how much is given and to who.
Fixed it 15 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Correct, because Windows computers don't have drivers out for the OS to work with the hardware. Apple makes it impossible because they hold the software to such a high standard that they don't want it tainted by running on something that wasn't designed to have OSX running on it.
Fixed it 15 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
And to add on that you are getting amazing software that has great deadlock prevention to keep it from getting locked up and getting office products that work as well as Microsoft Office, for free. Plus the hardware and software together means tha no drivers are needed because they are made for each other
Also I have both Windows and Mac OS computers so don't say I am biased. I have experience with both and use both daily.
Conservative logic 75 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Tell me what about and I'll find them for you.
Come on Google 15 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
On iOS, if you close the app and then swipe up and press play it will continue to play. If you lock the phone and press play it does the same.
Don't make a fool of yourself 16 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Better yet... "How you doin'"
It's fair 24 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
To identify someone by there skin is not racist. Just like it is not racist to say someone has red hair or black hair. It is however racist to not like someone or be mean to someone because of their skin or hair color or whatever. Technically speaking there is no such thing as race. We identify a race based on something we find different in someone. For instance, you can be of Indian race, or African race but then you could be Caucasian. There are people who call the Astralian a race. Or a Native American. Why is a Navtive American a different race that I if I was born in America. I am natively from America just like them. It's not a matter of race. It's just that we point out difference to be more descriptive. If you're white you say there was a black guy walking down the road the same as if your black and say there's an Asian walking down the road. It's just a matter of people being offended by stuff that shouldn't offend anyone.
Human fetus? 79 comments
ilikemoderation · 10 years ago
To saltlakesnark, men are compensated by having to pay child support. It's a law. There's not really any other way to punish men unfortunately. I'm a man and I still agree with this.
They'll just collect more bribes 16 comments
ilikemoderation · 10 years ago
I agree with you jjohnson in the fact that they shouldn't be paid much more than the average population, but one reason they make so much is cost of living in DC is high, granted not many of them live in DC, but when the constitution was created they had to live there and for the most part Congressmen just adjust for Cost of Lving and Inflation (they do It a lot lol).
They'll just collect more bribes 16 comments
ilikemoderation · 10 years ago
... Except for the fact that they went to college to get a degree in something that caused them to get elected. Minimum wage is for the people who either can't or won't go to college and to ensure they still have a way of making enough money to live.