

— Ilikemoderation Report User
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
Actual percentage of U.S. abortions in "hard cases" are estimated as follows: in cases of rape, 0.3%; in cases of incest, 0.03%; in cases of risk to maternal life, 0.1%; in cases of risk to maternal health, 0.8%; and in cases of fetal health issues, 0.5%. About 98.3% of abortions in the United States are elective, including socio-economic reasons or for birth control. This includes perhaps 30% for primarily economic reasons and possibly 0.1% each for sex selection and selective reduction of multifetal to follow
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
To all you who say it is not his body it is hers. It's not her life, it's the baby's. So how does the appears and pain on her body trump the LIFE of his. Now I understand that she has to go through immense pain and stress and that sucks, but it is a consequence of your actions. If you decided to go riding a moor cycle without a helmet and your bust your head open, you have to live with those consequences. If you had sex, you have the chance of getting pregnant. It's as simple as that. Everything has a consequence. Live with your decisions. I know the "absence isn't the answer" argument and I know people are going to have sex. But it is the same as anything else. You take the risk, you deal with the consequences. You smoke and develop cancer, you deal with the health issues. You punch a guy in the face and he sues, you face the charges. You text and drive and wreck, you face the injuries. Learn to own up to your mistakes and face reality.
It's becoming a big problem 48 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
I honestly cannot figure out you point here. Not trying to be an arse or anything. I am interested in your argument and just don't see the correlation or point you're trying to make.
Unpopular opinion these days 62 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
@eaweber the mentality of "of it doesn't directly affect you" does not work today in society. It effects everyone. If my little sibling saw this and said "she's pretty I can be fat and pretty" and then they let themselves become overweight, it now directly affects me. Same thing happened when my little sister watched Biggest Loser. She thought she had to be skinny and started eating very little to be skinny. Do you know how unhealthy that is for a child? My grandmother sees a lot of older ladies looking really skinny now a days and thinks she needs to as well. She has been getting seizures and has had a stroke because she starves herself to maintain her image. It may not affect you directly right now, but it's better to be proactive then reactive.
The feels 19 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
@bwaters It is often said that elephants are relatively "smarter" than us. That plus that fact that elephants are essentially born at 2 years old (the age of a toddler who in fact would feel that kind of rejection) raises the debate that they can indeed feel emotions such as this.
10 · Edited 8 years ago
I will accept your down votes to speak the truth 118 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Say those words. Now again as I stated before. If you are not actually calling people those names then it was again a MISUNDERSTANDING and we can move past it. But for the last time, learn to show some DAMN RESPECT for others and talk properly and refrain from using words like fuck you and racial slurs. Now. I have tried to be civilized during this whole thing and saying that our opinions differ and we can go our separate ways without any further argument but civility has failed in your case. You are not only being rude and clearly not reading what I am saying but you are speaking the way a racist person would and showing others that side of a human being so for the last time, I agree to disagree and I am leaving this chat because i will no longer waste my time on someone who shows no respect for other human beings. I wish you a long and happy life FSuser
I will accept your down votes to speak the truth 118 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
First, when I clearly stated that the comment before that implied you were diminishing my father's hard work and that if that is not what you meant then okay I'll move past it. Meaning it was a misunderstanding. Second, my wishing is that we can all move past it and all be humans instead of labeling one another as "black" "white" or any other race. That is not a wish that I am saying will happen. I'm more realistic to know that. And I'm going to make it a little personal right now with the first statement you made. You calling people "coons" and "vixens" and "crackers" further adds to the racial division. Whether our mean it in a serious way or not. It adds to it. Other people read that and say t must be okay to say that. You are the problem. By saying that whites are racists and have privileges you are adding to the problem by increasing racial division and is in fact racist to say those names. Jokingly, mockingly, or seriously. By saying it in any context shows that it is okay to ...
I will accept your down votes to speak the truth 118 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
What got him where he is today. Black, white, yellow, green, purple. Doesn't matter his hard work and education go t him to where he is. Period. With that my comment is done. Feel free to ask away more questions or refute my side. But as stated before I'm extending an agreement to disagree and stop fighting over something so stupid. This is only further forcing the racial diversity that so many, including myself, wish could just end and we could all enjoy this planet together as one race. Human.
I will accept your down votes to speak the truth 118 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
As it seems my agreement to disagree did not follow through to you, I will respond only to your questions and not try to cause anymore disagreements between us. Yes you do seem like someone who calls people "coons" and "vixens". You did not use quotes in your initial comment so it appears as though you did mean that. If you did not, say so and we can move past it. But from your other comments on this thread, calling people crackers and other slang, it appears as though you use that slang a lot. As I had posted previous I will quote again "... speak clearly and completely, and show some damn respect for who you are talking to and who you are around." Secondlg, you implied my father did not work hard and only got where is he because of "white privilege". sinc stout said you didn't mean it I forgive you and we can move past it. But I do not think it would have been harder for him if he was black. Because my grandfather raised him to work hard and use his head. That's what he did. that's..
I will accept your down votes to speak the truth 118 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
If you compare the rates at which "white" or "minorities" commit the crimes, a larger percentage of the minorities commit crimes, thus skewing the imprisonment rate. Now, I am going to leave this conversations with that. If you have further regards or comments, continue please. Our difference in opinion will not change so I fail to see the point in arguing. I agree to disagree. And I would like to point out that the reason every time I use a race I put it in quotes, is because we are all human and I don't like labeling us as anything but that. Humans. Good night, finsubstanceuser and all of funsubstance. I love you all, you are all beautiful human beings and I wish you all a great life. Good night all.
8 · Edited 8 years ago
I will accept your down votes to speak the truth 118 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
I never said anything similar to lard-assed white cracker or coons and vixens, except when quoting you. When I say it makes your argument invalid it's because when you use derogatory words like that, you lose your credibility. Again, as I started before in a later comment, "show some damn respect for who you are talking to and who you are around." And wealth inequality is not because of "white privilege". I will not argue that the percentage of wealth is in the "white area" of the graph. But ypu have to remember that the largest amount of people making money are already rich. So the graph is skewed towards the families who already have money. Now, coming from a family who had one working father and a mother who stayed home with the kids, we were not wealthy. But we weren't poor either. That's not because of race. That's because my father worked hard and earned his way up. You calling that a "privilege" is a disgrace to my father's hard work. The imprisonment rate is skrewed because...
I will accept your down votes to speak the truth 118 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Thank you bellestjulian. And don't think I'm saying some people don't have it easier than others. Most definitely that happens. But I don't believe it is a racial privilege. It usually comes from wealth and parental standing. That's it from me though. Good day interwebs.
8 · Edited 8 years ago
I will accept your down votes to speak the truth 118 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Mainly because people do not like being called ignorant when that is the picture they portray. I think the whole White Privilege thing is not existent anymore because our country has taken great strides in providing opportunities for people of all races and genders. The thing that is holding anyone in our country back is themselves. If you look at people who does not get very far in life, look at their education and attitude. (Just to clarify I am not saying that all white males are this way and would like to set the understand here that any example I use is in no way me stereotyping a race). I've seen too many young people walk around with the pants around their ankles, ripped pants and shirt, and speaking in slang and with disgusting grammar. That's black, white, yellow or green. If you want people to take you serious and you want to open doors for yourself, pull you pants up, speak clearly and completely, and show some damn respect for who you are talking to and who you are around.
I will accept your down votes to speak the truth 118 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Your argument becomes invalid when you say things like lard-assed white cracker and coons and vixens. If you want your argument to be taken seriously, stop being an irgnorant, child and grow up and speak adult. Immature words Like that do more harm than good.
Ready for the hate flow 116 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
And that's the thing we should be doing. We should be embracing people to be able to do things like that but not embracing people to change who they are. I have "feminine traits". I like "chick flicks" and I played with dolls when I was little and I like playing house and looking at home decorating. But that doesn't change who I am as a male person and I don't feel obligated to "act like a man." That's what we should be embracing. We should be embracing people to feel comfortable doing whatever they enjoy doing. Not changing their biological make up.
Ready for the hate flow 116 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
I'm not here to say that there is not people who feel that they are a different gender than they were biologically created because it is damn near impossible to prove that it is or isn't possible. I'm just saying that there is no evidence either way. Personally I believe there are two genders because biologically there are. You are created a man or a woman. If you're a man and want to "dress like a woman" or "act like a woman" than by all means embrace that side of yourself. But personally I don't think it changes your gender. And to clarify I mean no disrespect for anyone who does identify as another gender. I am just speaking my beliefs and if yours are different than I'll agree to disagree and we can grab a drink together and be life long friends.
Ready for the hate flow 116 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Oh and Pripyatplatypus the only link I could get to work and bring me to a page was the one from and it brought me to a page that talked more about gender equality and the roles of gender than gender identity
Ready for the hate flow 116 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
See the problem with that argument is that according to that source anyone that acts as a societal "male" is then classified as a male and vise versa. Gender Identity is in no way a psychological thing because if a female "acts like a male" that does not classify her as a male. She is still female. There are plenty of females that act "manlier" than some men but it doesn't change that they are female. Just like I personally have more than a few "feminine" qualities but I am a male. That's it. There is no question about it.
Ready for the hate flow 116 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Show me a fact that proves its wrong...
It's Alittle Bit About Age 23 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Not Gender but they proceeded to put the religion, age, and race in a male-female relationship. Weird how subconscious behavior works.
This teacher is in trouble 14 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
There was a time when teachers didn't have to worry about getting fired over little stuff. Sad how that is no more. Everyone has to be afraid of speaking words.
Afraid of gluten 31 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
And as for the Mac is based on Linux, every software is based on another software. That's why innovation is a thing. You take products and improve them.
Afraid of gluten 31 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
If you are having problems running PowerPoint and audio on a Mac it is either a 6+ year old Mac or you have corrupted files/messed up settings. I used a 9 year old to run programming software and adobe illustrator products and it was running just like my friends who had a <1 year old computer with i7 and graphics.
Afraid of gluten 31 comments
ilikemoderation · 8 years ago
Coming from someone who uses Windows and Mac computers everyday, I like them both. I know they both have strong suites and weaknesses. Their products are the same way. I have never felt cheated or lie to about either and I have been buying both for 10+ Years now.