

— Ilikemoderation Report User
Problem solved 33 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
No but a better parallel to nudes would be if I gave you a present, are you allowed to give it to someone else? They aren’t giving you someone. Not renting you something or letting you borrow something. It is given to you. Don’t get me wrong, I think sending a nude someone sent you is horrible. You deserve to be punch in the groin/face for it. But I think it is a risk everyone takes when they send them and they need to accept responsibility for taking that risk and sending the nude. It’s not completely their fault it got sent to more people but it was a risk they took.
Problem solved 33 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Is it okay, no. But it is a risk you have when you send nudes. The secret is the same thing. It is a risk you have to consider. If you put it out there then there’s a chance it’ll get shared. I’m not saying it’s okay to do it but it is still the risk that is there. The argument is, if you don’t want to have nudes go public, the safest thing to do is to not take them. If you don’t want Facebook to have your info, don’t put it on Facebook. If you don’t want your family member to let someone else use your car, don’t let them borrrow it. There is a risk involved when you open up the door, you need to account for t.
Problem solved 33 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
The problem is, this isn’t a good parallel. One is you sending stuff out and one is someone taking something from you. The more similar parallel to what she was saying would be someone taking pictures of you without your permission or someone taking your phone and sending nudes you have on your phone to people. But the parallels she made are not the same thing at all
Problem solved 33 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
But if they send them to you, they aren’t private anymore.
One of the most relatable scenes ever 15 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Is this movie British because for some reason I immediately read that text with a British accent
Why are we not funding this? 9 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
The sink portion gets filled from clean water and then it gets put into the toilet for use there. It saves from having to fill up the toilet with new clean water all the time.
rejection 29 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
I think the point they are trying to make is that if a women calls a guy fat or ugly or says she won’t date a guy who is short or fat, no one really says anything or even agrees without whereas if a man calls a girl fat or ugly or says he only dates tall women or blond women he is told that he is a a pig or shallow. I’m not saying it’s correct or my opinion just explaining what I believe to be his point.
Data is the new Oil for world 4 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
The concept is true though.
This fake brain has the same consistency as your brain. This is how concussions happen 8 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
There also cerberalspinal fluid there to cushion it as well
Sure would have trouble seeing him in the crowd 4 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Filled in tear drops by the eye means you have killed someone...he’s definitely a criminal
Tuition fees in detail 21 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
In reply to your post,
-so students are supposed to take one off and push back doing their careers and push back joining their field for a yes or more? If you wanted to graduate debt free on those numbers I’m pretty sure you have to take off 3 years if my numbers figure out. Now suppose youre going into the medical field. If you wanted to be a doctor you’d have to take off 3 years which takes that person, a potentially wonderful doctor out of the work force for those three years and it makes him over 30 before he even joined the medical field.
-by the understanding of supply and demand, the need for skilled workers (demand) push students to have to go to school (supply). So for colleges, the high supply of students should lower prices since there is so many of them.
-just my thoughts on it, do I think there should be free education, no. Absolutely not. But do I think the government should place some sort of restrictions on tuition or price inflation, definitely.
I am pleasantly surprised this is coming from someone who writes for the Huffington Post 60 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Thank you diyrogue. Also, I am going to end the discussion there because discussion ends when someone refuses to provide any further intellectual information. Information such as “ergo eff off” does not further the discussion and that is when I will remove myself. Please remember, you are a wonderful human person and I would like for you to have a wonderful day!
I am pleasantly surprised this is coming from someone who writes for the Huffington Post 60 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
One, i based my question on facts and statistics of black vs non black. You based your answer to my question with man vs women. Thus changing to focus from race to sex. Now you are talking about rich vs poor. In all of these occasion, you are saying that you are not prejudging but you are also saying youd be weary. You can't be weary without basing your opinion of them based on outside information and not knowing them. Ergo, you are prejudging them. Now if you say you are not prejudging them then that is fine, but then you cannot say that you all men are dangerous because statistically they are more likely to commit rape. Because you cannot say that men are more sexually dangerous because of statistics but black people are not necessarily more dangerous even though statics say that they are. That is a broken line of logic because they are the same arguments with a word change.
I am pleasantly surprised this is coming from someone who writes for the Huffington Post 60 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Also here is the Cambridge Dictionary to give two sources of that instead of one ... "someone who supports an opposite argument or one that is not popular in order to make people think seriously"
I am pleasantly surprised this is coming from someone who writes for the Huffington Post 60 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
here is link as well since I know you will refute it if I do not post it.
I am pleasantly surprised this is coming from someone who writes for the Huffington Post 60 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Also, since I know you will say that Wikipedia is not a credible source, here is - "a person who advocates an opposing or unpopular cause for the sake of argument or to expose it to a thorough examination."
I am pleasantly surprised this is coming from someone who writes for the Huffington Post 60 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
That is not a trolling attempt. And devils advocate is someone who speaks the opposing view when it is not their own. I am not stating my view. I am stating the opposition of your own. From Wikipedia - " In common parlance, the term devil's advocate describes someone who, given a certain point of view, takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with (or simply an alternative position from the accepted norm), for the sake of debate or to explore the thought further." So please refrain come saying things like it makes me look stupid when clearly I do understand what the meaning is. And so you are saying that it is okay to pre judge a group of black men but not a group of black women? By saying this you are invalidating your own argument because you are just saying that you have sexist views because you are focusing only on the sex of the person.
I am pleasantly surprised this is coming from someone who writes for the Huffington Post 60 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Just playing Devil's advocate here ... so @halfdeadhammerhead, by your line of thinking that by looking at statistics and probability, it is okay to generalize a group based on the acts of a few. You are saying that by this idea, percentage wise, men are more likely to commit rape. Which means we should be more weary approaching a man. Now take that same argument and replace man with black people. You are saying that since percentage wise, black people are more likely to commit violent crimes, we should pre judge them as violent?
My son has an issue 10 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
Real pedophilia is not a joke. But comedy is used to make the sensitive subjects easier. If you come to a website that is for comedy and jokes, expect that there will be jokes about sensitive subjects involved.
It was fine in the past 18 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
Or that he was just messing with people. I mean I don't know about you but I would get mad if some random person or worse some person I dislike came up and kissed me while also making me mad ... Not everything is suppose to be an insult to a group of people
Warning: Political (Also, thoughts?) 127 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
But we aren't talking about death of the mother. We are talking about pain (which can be lessened by painkillers) and cosmetics of their vaginas. But we are now going around in circles so how about we agree to disagree and continue our friendship with a new foundation and appreciation for one another :)
Warning: Political (Also, thoughts?) 127 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
But it is life. So you are ending a life which does not need to be ended.
Warning: Political (Also, thoughts?) 127 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
If you want to speak legally then yea. But the whole point of this debate is discussing what the law should be. And biologically speaking it is alive as soon as the egg and sperm meet and it attaches to the uterine wall because it fulfills the biological criteria of life.
Warning: Political (Also, thoughts?) 127 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
But we are talking about ending the life of a human because of looks and inconvenience. It doesn't matter if the baby is in or outside the womb. It is taking a life and throwing it away for cosmetic and conscience reasons
Warning: Political (Also, thoughts?) 127 comments
ilikemoderation · 7 years ago
So I can decide to drug someone until they don't feel anything and then kill them? You can't harm someone else's body because you want to.