

— Ilikemoderation Report User
I guess we need a doctor to figure it out 67 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
But they said anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant and judgemental. That’s what screwed me up
· Edited 6 years ago
I guess we need a doctor to figure it out 67 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
@Celticrose, are you saying that it’s a good thing or a bad thing for her to be promoting obesity acceptance and glorification?
I guess we need a doctor to figure it out 67 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
I think the main reason is because men aren’t praised for being “big and proud”. To add a parallel, why aren’t there any fat men on magazine covers wearing bathing suits saying “I’m big and proud of it”. Men are criticized as much for it because they aren’t glorified for it either.
I guess we need a doctor to figure it out 67 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
So let me stop you right there. I never said they weren’t completely in their right to be obese. If you wanna be obese that’s fine. But I will continually tell you’ve it is unhealthy. As I do with anything. If you’re losing or gain weight obscenely fast I will tell you it’s unhealthy. If you’re smoking, I will tel you. The issue isn’t if what you are doing is or isn’t in your own rights but if you promote it and say it’s fine. If you are obese, it is not okay. Period. It is unhealthy. However, if you want to do it, that’s your choice. But it still isn’t okay. As for the people who gain lean muscle quickly for movies and such it is unhealthy yes, but not comparatively to the other side of the spectrum. And if you get fit quickly and then keep that healthy lifestyle and keep your lean muscles then that is great. But no matter what, being obese is not okay.
I guess we need a doctor to figure it out 67 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Having low body fat but high muscle is far healthier than being obese. The muscles act as an energy source instead of fat. It will not kill you faster. It will not even kill you to bed physically “shredded” because the muscles are a source of energy. You are spreading completely false information.
I guess we need a doctor to figure it out 67 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
You’re taking the stance that just because other things are unhealthy makes obesity okay. Obesity is unhealthy. Plain and simple. Other things are unhealthy too. But don’t try to change the fact that obesity is unhealthy. We aren’t talking about borderline healthy/overweight. We are talking about obesity. That is always unhealthy.
I guess we need a doctor to figure it out 67 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Except it isn’t just when people are called fat that others care. If you stand outside and smoke consistently, people will tell you how bad it is for you. If you drink constantly, people will tell you it’s bad for you. The only time that someone gets mad about being told what they are doing is unhealthy is when it’s about weight. Everything is okay in moderation and that includes not being active and food but once it becomes unhealthy you have to make a change.
So easy 29 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Shouldn’t be to retaliate unless necessary. Other people have problems of their own and retaliation doesn’t deal with those problems. If you are infected with bacteria in your finger, you don’t cut the finger off you try to fight the infection.
So easy 29 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
@i_ you have a very broad sense of value of life. If person A robs someone and then uses that money to buy his family food, the robber has no value in society but has high value in his family. Value in terms of life is relative to those around you. As for your questions stated above, the legal or moral issue of those questions does not reflect the value of the person involved. You speak about these incidences as if there is no other options besides the two. If person breaks into my home, I use any possible resolution before the death of the person. Now if they become violent and I have to choose between their life and the life of another I choose the latter. There is always the chance someone can be rehabilitated and become valuable to society in the sense you speak. It is statistically proven as well as spoken highly of those in the prison system. Another question you brought up was bullying. If you want to talk about bullying then your approach...
· Edited 6 years ago
Since some people don't know, here you go 18 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
This made me so happy lol
U ok hun? 14 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
The higher you go in a company, the more responsibility you have. The more responsibility, the harder and more stressful your job is. The harder you have to work, the more you get paid. The better your company does because of your hard work, the bigger your bonus. It makes sense. It’s not like they are just sitting there watching TV in their office and playing pong on their computer. They are working hard like everyone else. It’s just a different kind of hard work.
Teachers 3 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
But if they have sources, why can’t we source them?
Everyone are good inside 15 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Bad 2nd degree to 3rd degree burn...typically a 3rd degree burn you are getting in the dermis and in tissues beneath it like tendons and fat
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Cross section of a commercial airplane 13 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
I once read another kids idea about making a plane that was solely used as a quick mode of transportation for business people and it did not allow any luggage other than a personal item and he basically had a plane like this with two sets of seats instead of the luggage area and his idea was that you could use it for short like 20 minutes flights from city to city like a train for quick commutes. Not entirely plausible but interesting to try to think of applications for it.
Why not just drink milk 22 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Are you okay? That was a long cough.
Damn he got me 11 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
I mean I agree with you there in that. I like short t&a as much as the next person. But just because it’s long doesn’t mean you sign it without reading it. It’s legally binding. I mean I do this with little things on website accounts but whenever I hit install, I read through it because they could have any type of spyware or data collection in that software and you just agreed to let them. Just saying, when it comes to agreeing to legally binding contracts, don’t be mad when the creator wants you to actually read it and make sure you agree.
· Edited 6 years ago
Damn he got me 11 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Or someone who things people shouldn’t just agree to legally binding agreements without even opening them ...
Anon is brave 38 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Personally I believe anyone who lives in high crime areas are just as brave everyone they walk out the door (assuming they are not the criminals). They risk their lives walking down the street all day, everyday
Anon is brave 38 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Immediately tuning someone out because you don't like one piece of their argument is not a good way to argue. If you don't agree with past of the argument, counter that piece. Don't just say it's shit and that means the whole thing is shit. That in and if itself makes your argument Worse then theirs because you offered no opposing opinions or facts. Just saying it didn't help progress anything.
· Edited 6 years ago
'Endless Journey' by RHADS 5 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
It's beautiful. I want it.
Gaming on a MAC 16 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
Mac updates very very rarely cause issues.
Slick 1 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
...what is that?
This comment chain 43 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
As an EMT, I can second that EMTs make lousy money. Especially since most places require you to not only have your EMT card but also have additional certifications as well now...ah well. The job has better rewards than money though. In my opinion at least.
This comment chain 43 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
This is accurate Funkmasterrex, however, jobs back then we're grueling and the point of the minimum wage and living wage was the keep factories for exploiting their workers in the hard labor and giving them dirt cheap wages in return. It was not designed for non skill related jobs that are open to anyone to pick up. I agree there should be a living wage, but it should apply to skill related jobs only. If the job requires experience or schooling/apprenticeship, living wage. If the job does not require anything more than and high school diploma, or maybe even less, non living wage. That's my opinion though.
This but a scratch 22 comments
ilikemoderation · 6 years ago
*thumbs up* *smiley face* lol