

— Ilikemoderation Report User
Mission report May 23rd 2019!! 16 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
payers don't want to have their rates increased to pay for these things. They think they won't use it so they don't want to pay for it, which i understand. Most of the time insurance companies will cover it though. Its pretty rare when their insurance wont cover at least most of it. There might be a co pay but it is not usually too high. Its mostly the emergency room visit that costs so much, not the ambulance.
Mission report May 23rd 2019!! 16 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
As an EMT, I can only give the view from the ambulance crew. The reason that ambulance rides cost money is because we use supplies and a crew which both cost money to supply them. Tax payers get upset when their rates go up to pay for these things because everyone thinks they will never need it. The reason it costs money has nothing to do with people who abuse the system. EMS personnel has no ability to turn down a patient from being transported to a hospital. If you call 911 and want to be brought there, we have to bring you. HOWEVER, it is widely abused. We have a flyer who comes 20 minutes north to see his girlfriend on his bike and then he calls 911 to bring him to the hospital near where he lives and then he decides he doesnt want treatment from the hospital. Another does the same to get drugs from a dealer. You can be charged with abuse of 911 but it is dam near impossible to charge them. It is widely abused. But the main reason there is a cost involved in EMS is because tax...
Vagabond needy perfect Camel 8 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Sorry for the way be behave...
Teach em right 6 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
It was only one shenanigan
· Edited 5 years ago
Blue raz is life 9 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
control your own mind to think the red taste like raspberry...
· Edited 5 years ago
Making abortions illegal will just make them more dangerous and more expensive 102 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
@jasnmon But with 6 and 7 they will when they develop. Otherwise you are saying that a baby who is 1 year old doesn’t meet 6 and 7 which means they aren’t alive either. So we could abort children up to the point they can reproduce. Any entry level biology class explains with 6 and 7, due to stages of life cycles, that they develop this ability.
I would need to see the statistic to see that outlawing abortion makes rates go up to believe that.
I completely agree that other options should be pushed. But by that logic then abortion shouldn’t be the discussion. It should be about healthcare. But it’s not about that. It’s about abortion. Because there are people that want that safety net for their decisions and the consequences that follow them.
This sign shouldn't have to exist 110 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
@laughwendylaugh I am pro life, Don’t think that children should be imprisoned, see plenty wrong with the death penalty, and believe our foster system does need reform, along with many areas in our country. To say that someone thinks that banning abortion is saving lives has nothing to do with me as an individual claiming to be more moral than you. It’s simply saying that it would indeed saving children from being killed. It has nothing to do with my morality. It is a subject matter. Not a part of my personality. As for the deflection to school shootings, I don’t think anyone is okay with school shootings so you can’t say that pro life people are hypocritical.
This sign shouldn't have to exist 110 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
I do not recall anything about partial births. Also, the point about the majority/minority is exactly that. I don’t concern my debate toward the minority that says fully viable fetuses. They are the minority. I am concern with the majority
Making abortions illegal will just make them more dangerous and more expensive 102 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Now. It meets he criteria of life and meets the criteria to be called a human clump if cells. So it is a human life.
Making abortions illegal will just make them more dangerous and more expensive 102 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
7 criteria
1) Homeostasis: the cells try to maintain Set levels in their internal environments.
2) Growth and change: cells reproduce and grow from the first mitosis after fertilization
3) Metabolism: cells perform chemical reactions to divide and begin differentiation
4) Stimuli: cells respond to changes in their environment by increasing and decreasing differentiation in order to provide best chance of survival inutero
5) Structure: built from cells that organize into tissues
6) Heredity: cells contain chromosomes (46 like every other human) that can pass traits to offspring
7) Reproduction: organism has the potential to reproduce at full growth
Making abortions illegal will just make them more dangerous and more expensive 102 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
@guest_ if you would like to have the life discussion then we can. I tried to stray away from it because the topic was about the bills. But here are the scientific, no belief or religious, reason why the fetus is a life. 1) same number of chromosomes and same chromosomal make up of humans. So it can be agreed that it is indeed human. So if you want to call it a clump if cells, it is at least a clump if human cells. 2) it meets all the criteria of life based once biology. The criteria that is often debated is the reproductive criteria. However, the reason it does meet this criteria is because it will be able to reproduce. Otherwise, children don’t meet this criteria because they can’t reproduce. Other criteria to follow this comment ...
· Edited 5 years ago
This sign shouldn't have to exist 110 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
The opposite would be that abortions can be done up until the moment of delivery for no reason except because they want it. That would be the opposite in which case there are plenty of people calling for that.
This sign shouldn't have to exist 110 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
I stand corrected in the sense that there was a bill introduced by a single congressman. However, if you continue reading the article it clearly states that there was immense backlash on all fronts toward this bill. There are fanatics that are calling for this and there are fanatics calling for the opposite. It’s important to look at the majority. Not the voice of the minority
This sign shouldn't have to exist 110 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
No such threat of killing women. Not even a claiming of charging women with a felony. If you believe it is true, find a credible source that supports it.
Making abortions illegal will just make them more dangerous and more expensive 102 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Also @funkmasterrex , I read the bill and, unless I accidentally skipped that section, it clearly states that any woman who has the abortion shall not be charged with a felony. So I’d like to see your source saying if they leave the state and come back they will be charged for up to 10 years.
Making abortions illegal will just make them more dangerous and more expensive 102 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Restrict the actions of doctors and keep them from doing said action. It does not restrict the women’s choice in the matter. It just restricts the ability of the doctor. For instance, as stated before, in some states at least, people under 18 years old have no restrictions from smoking cigarettes. But they do have restrictions on buying them and vendors have restrictions on selling them to underage people. That’s the point I was making.
Making abortions illegal will just make them more dangerous and more expensive 102 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
@guest_ I never spoke about the interstate side of this. I was merely talking about the states bans. And of which you have every right to go to a state where something is legal and partake in legal activities there. Nothing can be done about it as you are out of the banned states control. I never once spoke about persecuting people who move between states. I simply said a doctor couldn’t perform the abortion (within that state). As for the idea of big government I completely agree that the government has its hands in too many PERSONAL aspects of life. But this is an aspect of life where it involves multiple people in which case one of the roles of government is to protect the rights of individuals, one of which is life. Now, we can get down and argue the age old argument of whether a fetus is a human life and then go in circles and never come to an agreement besides to disagree. But that is neither here nor there at the moment. The fact of the matter is that states have every right to
This sign shouldn't have to exist 110 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
And also @guest_ I must point out that they can take away the choice because it is not enumerated in the Bill of Rights that grant us citizens our rights. The right to bear are however is enumerated so it can’t be taken away.
This sign shouldn't have to exist 110 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
@Celticrose that “state by state bullshit” you spit on is the essence of the country. It is the United States of America. We were not built as one country. Because the founding fathers knew that trying to rule a vast area was futile due to the unhappiness when the scale tips one way. Thats why the 10th Amendment exists. It clearly states that any and all rights and powers not enumerated to the federal government in our Constitution should be given to the states to decide and such powers should only be given to the federal government by addition of an amendment in which 2/3 of states agree. It is this idea that is the foundation of our country. Learn your government before portraying it falsely.
Making abortions illegal will just make them more dangerous and more expensive 102 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Technically the ban wouldn’t stop women from having an abortion. It just prohibits doctors from performing an abortion. Similarly, it is on a federal level it is illegal for someone under 18 to buy cigarettes, HOWEVER, it is not illegal for them to consume or smoke the cigarettes. There is no restriction (federally) in terms of what the 18 year old can do with their body (like women and abortion) but it doesn’t allow vendors to sell to the kid (like doctors and performing abortions). So technically this ban does not do any restricting of right of the women (if you believe it is a right of them women)
Making abortions illegal will just make them more dangerous and more expensive 102 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Im not sure if @guest_ is trying to type long paragraphs in an effort to make people give up on the conversation because few people want to read through a whole opinion article for the sake of an internet debate or if they are just a very informative and thus wordy person
That's for sure 2 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
TMG fan?
This 'security' gate is just a ladder 7 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
When your “security” gate is just a ladder
Well there's quite a few factors 11 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
It is the 1%. Which would be a minority would it not?
Your insurance bill is due 19 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
I agree. Depending on condition. Paralysis of the waist down wouldn’t qualify since you have fully functioning arms. A disease where your arms are nonfunctional would qualify.