

— Ilikemoderation Report User
One for the liberals 5 comments
ilikemoderation · 4 years ago
Just out of curiosity, when someone says Merry Christmas, why is it hard for some people to say Merry Christmas back instead of saying Happy Holidays to stir the pot. Like I agree that if you say Happy Holidays, people shouldn’t push Merry Christmas on you and all. I’m just curious why some people feel the need to push against others who say things like Merry Christmas.
That money is for football 14 comments
ilikemoderation · 4 years ago
Youre an angel on earth @unicycle
A little louder for the liberals in the back 48 comments
ilikemoderation · 4 years ago
Your comment had absolutely no connection. What is his problem? Who is the his you’re referring to? When was adoption brought up? As for her knowing better what happens, id say a trans person has pretty good insight. And as for the feminist thing, I mean you’re correct but by saying that you’re just deflecting and saying that anyone anywhere can lie about what they are and thus we shouldn’t trust anyone
A little louder for the liberals in the back 48 comments
ilikemoderation · 4 years ago
Blair white is a feminist and is transgender though...
That should do it 26 comments
ilikemoderation · 4 years ago
It does not anywhere state that all women have stupid college majors. There are men that are feminist studies majors. You’re the one taking the words they said and inferring something about it. Don’t blame the person for the inference that you made.
That should do it 26 comments
ilikemoderation · 4 years ago
@nicengleman you inferred that as the post does not make any implication that it is speaking to a women. You inferred it was about women.
Modern problems require slav solutions 6 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Couldn’t he just..turn it around?
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Texans vs. Europeans 7 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
And even if you are whining. Texans would be whining too if their cold temperatures hit the same as the northern areas winter temperatures. To each their own. No need to compare.
"Um, maybe God has a plan for them..." 23 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
I personally like the ideology of Steven Crowder, which is that he would never force anyone to have a baby and he is pro choice as well. There are four choices, parenthood, adoption, abstinence, and contraceptive.
Psych 3 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Best show ever
Climate change is real 3 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Technically there isn’t any proof that air pollution cause an increase in allergies. In fact, now they are beginning to teach that it may be Mast cells of your immune system that cause it because society is so clean that Mast Cells don’t have to react to parasites anymore so they react to random allergens instead because they are trying to figure out what to react to.
Hong kong 43 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
I see. Interesting. What viewpoints of yours are fascist haha
The BJ Burger origin story 9 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
I think everyone has the opportunity to escape. Watching TV, going to a bar and drinking, food. These are all escapes. I just said I can see why people can be annoyed when their escapes have other things come in
Hong kong 43 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Care to elaborate on who or what you’re talking about there @famousone?
The BJ Burger origin story 9 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Social movements in my reality escapes. It’s like you can’t get a break from it no matter where you go. The LGBT movement doesn’t upset it. It’s the fact you see it everywhere and can’t get a break from social movements that I can see why someone would find it annoying.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
The BJ Burger origin story 9 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
I mean that’s not really fair to no one is forcing me to do blank. I’m saying I could absolutely love the sandwich and think it tastes amazing. But it’s constant overload of politics and social movements that could be annoying. What you’re talking about is someone who doesn’t like the product because of the association. That’s be like if I didn’t like the sandwich BECAUSE it’s called the LGBT sandwich. What I’m saying is that there are things people use as escapes from reality and it sucks when those escapes are tainted with movements and such. For instance, let’s say I loved football before the take a knee movement (I really didn’t watch before or after just an example) and then the movement came and I said “I don’t want social movements in football” it’s because I use football as an escape from reality and you’re bringing reality into that. Which sucks. It’s harder to relax and get a break then. I’m pro-LGBT. Live life however you want. I just don’t like the constant bombardment of
The BJ Burger origin story 9 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
I mean I sort of agree to a degree. It’s often discussed as to how people are bombarded over and over again with things that they not only get desensitized to it but also they get flat annoyed with it. I’m not saying I agree that the LGBT part of it is annoying for the sake that it is LGBT but I can definitely see why someone would think it’s annoying that everything is intertwined with politics/social causes/etc. for instance movies/TV shows are often used as escapes for people to relax and get away from real life and it can be annoying when the movie/TV show you’re watching starts talking about the thing you want a break from.
Shut up karen 34 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
@pripyatplatypus you can also look at his conversation with Andrew Yang. A very far left leaning individual but they have a very good discussion. Also, on the BBC debate. If you notice, the interviewer is doing the exact things you are calling Bed Shapiro our for doing. Now Ben didnt handle it the best I agree, but the interviewer literally asked him questions where the only two options were the opposite of what Ben was saying and then Ben’s POV but labeled in a derogatory way where it makes him look hypocritical. He also brought up stuff Ben has said in the past and has since corrected which can be frustrating for anyone who is in the public when the opposing side is deliberately leaving information out.
Like the antivax mom, only different. But not very much 7 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
And don’t get me wrong. I don’t deny global warming is a thing and we are the cause of it. But I do think that it is a little dramatized by certain communities. I also believe that it is important that everyone challenges the scientific thought to ensure it is accurate.
Like the antivax mom, only different. But not very much 7 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Just because you have an advanced degree doesn’t mean you are inherently correct. I know of a few individuals with advanced degrees that when you ask them questions beyond what text says, they can’t explain or understand. If you went to or are going to school for a science based degree, your school should teach you how to analyze data. For instance, a psychology professor of mine had us read an article she thought was good where they linked marijuana to mental health issues. But after reading it, the students pointed out they collected their data at a mental health clinic. So it’s obvious there’s be a connection. After that she agreed with us the data was skewed. Just because you have an advanced degree doesn’t mean you can automatically determine causation
Like the antivax mom, only different. But not very much 7 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Good point, however, there are multiple cases where climate research has data that is argumentative or even in some cases falsified. In something as large and unknown as climate and the earth, it’s very hard to prove causation. With good data, this topic is very argumentative in academia as well. Plus any scientist or professor worth anything will say that you can’t just take what researchers say as law. You have to be skeptical and read their work and try to understand their process and make a judgement on whether it’s good data or good interpretation of data.
****ing loser 28 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Agreed, @garlog. There probably should be.
LGBT privilege & victim culture is disgusting 24 comments
ilikemoderation · 5 years ago
Not saying I agree with this or not, but neither of those things are a right. No where in the Constitution or Bill of Rights does it say that anyone has the right to healthcare or to a be in a homeless shelter. Again, not saying I agree with these policies, but it is the truth.