

— ivolunteerastribut Report User
Alright guys, the putin formation! 5 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 7 years ago
That can't be Australia, we drive on the left...
Dear parents and potential parents 30 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Why? It seems illogical for such a popular artist to give music away. If you can make money then you should make money
A postman from Brisbane wrote letters to the pup 3 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Aussie dogs are so precious
Pokemon feels 12 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
That's terrifying
Good memories 7 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
He's Australian, that's the logo for Ringwood secondary college
So accurate it hurts. 1 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Hey this is what my calendar is this year
Please will someone explain this to me 47 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
They wore these on a buzz feed 'try guys' video
Narcoleptic moose! 11 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Can we take a moment to appreciate 'narcoleptic moose' please
This guy has perfected the art of animal selfies. 4 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
His Instagram is 'daxon'
Deny thy name badge 9 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
"What's in a cheeseburger?"
The American Society for Microbiologists hosted the first bacteria art competition 4 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
It is, this is the medium I have chosen for my art folio this year.
Tick, tock, tick, tock 8 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Las Vegas dip 7 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
I'm confused.... Is that a hand grenade, an avocado, or a portable pool ball holder?
Thanks to an episode of XFiles I avoided these for years 13 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Tooms, season 1 episode 20 I think.
Fun vs. Effort 18 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Hermit crabs to be kept healthy need a lot of upkeep, they should be further up on effort.
Black One The Survivor Of Mars 170 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Quake Doctor, the Consort of the Future.
sometimes art just... 8 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
And he's got her bow..... He's playing her
sometimes art just... 8 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
I find this mildly terrifying...
Impressive periodic table cake 12 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
The blank ones are where the lanthanides and actinides live
Intellectual cube 12 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
So is the last one as green is supposed to be opposite blue, not on top of it
I just do this whenever I see those six lines lined up like that 68 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Even Australians were doing this
The Heart of Paris 8 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Oooooh that's really cool sorry for my mistake.
The Heart of Paris 8 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Car headlights, it's a giant roundabout.
Wasn't expecting that 11 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
Fainting goats are used by farmers to protect flocks of sheep. When a predator comes along for a snack the goat will faint and be eaten, leaving the precious sheep unharmed.
This would be useful in industrial areas 23 comments
ivolunteerastribut · 8 years ago
It doesn't mean that we need to cut down an extra four hectares of forest though.