

— Keepsake Report User
Abuse it 3 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
good for you ahmed
Isn't it Ironic 11 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
Not every man or woman thinks like that. I find it best never to make assumptions about someone's intentions, and instead just asking them about their views and opinions. I don't think anyone is immune to hypocrisy, and it works best to just talk and figure things out together.
Isn't it Ironic 11 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
I guess she ate away her problem 6 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
Isn't nature just beautiful?
i'd never be as hot as Joan on a stick 11 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
and DIED. Died. She saved France and died. Seems to me like she could've had a better life.
Horrible employer 25 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
I understand the shoplifting rule; they want their employees to not risk unnecessary harm for stuff that can be easily replaced. However, this case is very different. Who knows what might have happend to the child had the employees not intervened. In addition, they followed police instructions to the letter. Home Depot should strive to define these policies so employees aren't punished for things like this.
Some questions you don't ask 7 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
Honestly the feeling is real. Even as a young childless woman I get asked often enough if I would ever want kids, and then not get taken seriously when I say no. People need to learn that it is a woman's own choice, not a social obligation
He lives! 19 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
It doesn't matter.
Black woman not allowed to sit and have her breakfast with Elvis behind her. 1956. 10 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
Even though Elvis stole 90% from black artists without paying seriously wtf.
White anger 13 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
He's not your guy, friend!
White anger 13 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
I'm not your buddy, friend!
Leaving this here 17 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
@guest_ of course, people are allowed to like what they like. But I got bullied for it, and that shouldn't happen.
Sad times when we need to humorously counter arguments like this 17 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
@shepard530 Exactly. We need to look at gender with more fluidity instead of wanting to sort our children in categories, be it transgender or cis-gender.
Sad times when we need to humorously counter arguments like this 17 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
It is not uncommon at all for a child around that age to show behaivor that is not in accordance with their assigned gender. The difference is between now and the past is, that parents are brave enough to say yes when a boy wants to be a princess or a girl wants to be a knight. Instead of viewing gender with the same rigidity as we have before, we need to support parents who listen to their children, and not to shame them for being empathetic.
Design 6 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
Yes, let us not forget female animals have more titties than humans do. Cats have six.
Leaving this here 17 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
Heightism isn't limited to men. I'm taller than most women and I've gotten shit for it countless times. We should work to together to defeat this shit instead of making it about one gender.
Trumps' jenius 2 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
'J' for:
etcetera, etc.
Marty, we have to go back! 29 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
Why do you assume that the performance of the character would have been better if a white person had played her? And why did the picture go viral, you reckon?
Just girly things 14 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
I wonder what oil might be best though. I think some of the smell from olive oil with definitely carry over. And coconut oil can be expensive :/
Marty, we have to go back! 29 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
Looks quite different, doesn't it? I wonder why the internet focuses on the picture posted above.
Marty, we have to go back! 29 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
Perhaps she could look like one type of sex-worker, but that does not take away from the fact that making the association based on her skin-color/gender is questionable. Neither her skin-color, nor her costume will prevent this actress from giving her absolute best to bring this character to life. In the end her acting is what matters most. It's merely unfortunate that fans will immediately equate her darker skin to ugliness. Here's another picture of the same actress dressed for the same part:
Marty, we have to go back! 29 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
@rosalinas You could also paint a black person orange. Apparently black women do not fall under the category of 'anyone'. To me, it appears you think diversity is not a positive thing. Perhaps you should wonder why. Moreover, I fail to see how the dress and fur-coat she is wearing equate to her looking like a sex-worker. For futher reference here a few pictures of people that are sex-workers:
Just girly things 14 comments
keepsake · 6 years ago
Complicated issue. My sister doesn't wash her hair, and she ofter uses lavender seeds to give her hair a nice fragrance (she just pulls them right of the plant). But if you're looking for a more durable solution, you could try scented herb oil (lavender oil, peppermint oil, etc.). Although those might be expensive. I suppose it might be possible to make your own by using cheaper materials such as dried herbs and put them in scentless oil, or better yet water as to not affect the natural oils of your hair. Perhaps you could try boiling lavender seeds, basil leaves (I like the smell, but perhaps not everyone) and rinse when the water has cooled? I am from a colder area however, so someone might have a better solution.