

— killcodex Report User
killcodex · 9 years ago
your move gingers (can someone explain this i never got it)
True love 14 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
did he do the part where he played drums with his (what he called it ) "chicken wing"
Idiots. Idiots everywhere 22 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
i broke my nose i facepalmed so hard
Which Emma would you choose? 16 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
who is the top one ?
Which Emma would you choose? 16 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
i only see two emmas and one Hermione (Emma Watson hands down no competition)
I love it when a joke is so bad it's funny 3 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
very pun
much wow
This guy asked me out today 21 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
i cant even start to try and comprehend this level of stupidity, im sorry ladies but if this is what ... i can't... i just don't..
"men tend to believe that they are entitled to "just" ask a woman out on a date, but the truth is they don't have the right. it is classed as sexual harassment as it shows direct sexual interest"
wait i am beginning to get it, so if asking you out on a date = taking my mini me and flailing it in front of your face
does that mean calling you stupid = punching you with a car while singing the theme song to mission impossible
i hope shes sarcastic otherwise im done
Quality bumper sticker material 3 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
i wet myself
Filming bear grylls 7 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
nope because have you ever seen their behind the scene's episode ? the camera crew has lots of safety equipment that he does not have access to
Filming bear grylls 7 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
incorrect he has a team that wears protective clothes has rations, ropes and tons more.... this guy is truly awesome
Wax Or Real? 4 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
there are people that look like this
Wax Or Real? 4 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
this is real
Racist people of the world, read it and weep 5 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
lol girl ? bro do yourself a favor get 10 bucks go rent the movie (its called The Matrix) and sit there with it playing and let your mind be blown
The truth after being here for too long 15 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
this is my life in a nutshell
Best romance story 11 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
Id most likely freakout die my hair blue
God dammit bob bob 14 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
Bob bob is drunk, he lives in bikini bottom
Drive thru at McDonald's 2 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
This took me 10 minutes but if you look closely you can see the car is fake , some tips are to look at the fact that it doesnt have a badge
Sometimes you just 5 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
All day
Errry day
If the moon landing happened today 32 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
Tinycabbage you cant say that, youll be targeted by modern feminists now
How To Change a Douchebag Into a Really Nice Person 7 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
Very thanks
Much appreciation
Russian slide 14 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
Uhhm im still waiting to get pwned :\ its been an hour now
Are you a Pikachu or a Charmander? 4 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
I never got this (mainky because we didnt have pokemon in south africa) 1)why does everyone hate magicarps and 2) what makes pikachu so special
This Has To Be The Luckiest Kid To Ever Exist 7 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
I approve this message
Don't stop, keep it hot, DJ blow my speakers up cx 12 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
Thanks guest for totally screwing up the groovy moment (never go full hippy)
Russian slide 14 comments
killcodex · 9 years ago
how about a poem ?
roses are red
violets are blue
if you think i care about your statement,
well then screw you !
look at this clown,
thinking hes gonna get me down
i pitty this fool
i bet youre a tool
now excuse me while i go to live
because ive ran out of fucks to give
and while your running home
all i can do is sit here and thinks
b*tch you just got pwned
· Edited 9 years ago