

— Kissalinda Report User
World's Smallest Chess Set 3 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
This better come with some damn tweezers to move the pieces otherwise you're gonna have a fun time knocking everything over!
And yet I can't see my classmate's test answer 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well if you can't see light then you probably are literally blind and should see a doctor.... This fact is about how sensitive the eye is to light, not how far the human eye can see clearly.
Not only the old and conservative 9 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
If I have something that is going to be that expensive and that much responsibility, it better be cuter than the screaming boogery things I see at the store.
too cute 30 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
These are cute pictures and I used to truely believe that it was how you raised them that mattered, but unfortunately I just can't bring myself to trust these dogs anymore after my dog was attacked by one. :(
I guess so 9 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well good for you OP! I'm not a fan of vaping or smoking, but at least you're taking steps to be a bit healthier.
Having a person to plot and scheme with for the rest of my life is gonna be fun 6 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Kind of stupid to continually buy plates, you guys should talk to each other, you know communicate like a couple should... Get plates that you both like so you don't have to keep throwing money away.
Logic 13 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
You're not allowed to smoke a lot of places but people do it anyway, this is hotel it's not like they can go door to door checking for lighters, matches, cigarettes or other things. The fact is a fire is still a very real possibility and they should have just put up smoke detectors, it wouldn't have ruined the "everything is ice" effect because not everything is ice. You can't make ice lightbulbs, ice blankets, or ice toilets,they should have just put up smoke detectors so their customers and employees aren't in danger.
Logic 13 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
The garbage in the bathroom is not ice and ice lights, what? I'm sure not every single thing in the building is ice. The bad thing about this building is the fire really isn't the problem. You just said the ice would put out the fire, the whole building is ice. It wouldnt have to get very hot for the structural integrity of the building to start giving out. The building has a high possibility of collapsing on everyone in it if it got hot enough. Even if a fire was put out by the melting ice, the building is melting, it's not a safe place to be.
Doesn't matter bro, you've won our respect 22 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
His date was the man in the green hat but they never turned around. They both now think they stood eachother up.
Logic 13 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Lots of ways, there's plently of lights that could malfunction, a fire starting outside the business and spreading, someone smoking in the bathroom and tossing the cigarette into a garbage. There's countless ways a fire could start, this building doesn't make fire an impossibility.
Don't take pain killers from strangers in the bathroom, guys. 28 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
It's healthier, but I'm not sure sure if its more hygienic. Having a pad with blood and sweat in such a warm area is a breeding ground for bacteria. The healthiest and most hygienic option is probably those menstrual cups, but they're probably pretty messy to remove :/ we can't win.
iSpy 23 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Hey you wanted a cute rat not a healthy rat! There's no going back now, I want to hold the rat!
That's unfair 16 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
It isn't enough room for them period, large sea animals like orcas, great white sharks, and whale sharks shouldn't be in captivity at all. They are not used to having walls and many times have ran into their enclosure with enough force to kill themselves. Sea world themselves have lost at least one orca this way, she hit the wall and bled to death, the vets couldn't even help her she was bleeding so profusely. Many whale sharks and great whites have died just the same, no matter how large their enclosures are, if there are walls there's always a chance for this to happen.
Logic 13 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Why didn't the bar just put a fire detector up! It sounds stupid, but not as stupid as having to close your elaborate business for something so trivial.
Don't take pain killers from strangers in the bathroom, guys. 28 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
We are all blood sisters, no one understands the plight of periods like another woman. Even if she is a stranger, she will know what it feels like to be totally unprepared for a period and help you out.
Don't take pain killers from strangers in the bathroom, guys. 28 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Eh more like men ridicule other men for having jizz stains or even things that look like it such as toothpaste stains. A pretty embarrassing joke, pretty funny but I wouldn't say helpful...
iSpy 23 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
How to get unlimited cute rats for free!
Step 1:Get your room this dirty until cute rat arrives.
Step 2: Catch cute rat.
Step 3: Clean your room again.
Step 4: Invite me over to hold your cute rat.
Step 5: Repeat until you have optimum amount of cute rats.
this actually makes sense but im still disgusted xD 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well that doesn't really account for him calling her "me daughter Pearl".
Big difference! 44 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well you can be smart but if you have no motivation to do anything with your intelligence, then you're about as useful as someone who is stupid. There's no point to intelligence if you don't have the motivation to use it.
When they forget the pickles at the krusty krab 2 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
My diet Dr. Kelp!
First Post (corrected) 15 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
It could also be used for experience depending on the volunteer work done. Sounds like a good way to fill your resume after you get your degree.
Technically correct is the best kind of correct 2 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Someone was talking about this scenario a while back, they said that it was allowed because liquid explosives don't freeze.
This bothers me, more than it should. *cries in a corner* 18 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I don't think that it comes right down to just evolution. Though yes, we are animals and will choose the best mate whenever possible, it's definitely not purely like the metaphor states. Perhaps someone else does have more desirable traits, but there is nothing stopping you from obtaining them as well. Effort is a key but not the only one, you can be a fool and fan the cup forever, or use your intellect and go and find ice like the other man did, use your efforts wisely. And though many would say " well intelligence is one of those desirable traits" well it's really not, you live and you learn, you didn't have ice this time around, but next time you will. No one starts out with these desirable traits, they must be learned through effort.
Seriously...Can people really be that stupid? 17 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Actually I think there was a news story a while back where a woman did not have matching DNA to her child. If I remember doctors were saying she was supposed to have a fraternal twin, but she absorbed her twin in the womb early on. Though technically the egg still came from her ovary, it was not her own DNA found in the egg, nor the child, but that of her twin. There are also cases of human Chimeras that have two different DNA patterns in there body, in which a DNA test between the child and mother don't match, search up Lydia Fairchild, it's some pretty weird stuff. But yeah this lady is just not too bright..
Leave flowers in a vase containing highlighter fluid and shine a UV light, and voilĂ ! 3 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
This doesn't actually work guys, sorry to say. you can youtube it and many have tested it, sometimes the uv shows up in the flower but by the time they soak it up they are so wilted they look like crap and the uv looks nowhere near like this photo :/