

— Kissalinda Report User
Anyone else feels the same way? 4 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
If you think solitude could be better than their company, you don't deserve them. If you feel this way, you never need wonder why your relationships fall apart, it's your own fault.
Anyone else feels the same way? 4 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I agree, the only person who should be competing with your comfort zone is yourself. If you expect people to chase you and compete for you, then make yourself someone who deserves it, or else they are going to be very dissapointed in who you are when they win you over. If you're too afraid to leave your comfort zone for someone else, I guarantee you don't deserve the people willing to break down your self-made walls to get to you. Its selfish to make others vulnerable while you stay in your happy little comfort zone, that's not love you're protecting yourself while you string them along.
Manners Vs. Flirting 4 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
He's gonna be pissed when he finds out you were "leading him on" with your manners and polite conversations. Stop being kind and polite you foul temptress!
19 · Edited 7 years ago
A Legend 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Yep another reason college has gotten even more expensive. You pay tuition+ $200 books+$150 homework acess codes. And to make things worse the access codes usually dont last forever, if you need to use the same software to do your homework during another semester, you'll have to buy it again. They became popular in online college, but are now widely used in all college.
4 · Edited 7 years ago
That's so true 17 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
They are both important, not really "grades" so much, but achievement. A childs mental health will only suffer more if they fail and quit school, even if their parents supported the decision. If you feel like a failure its likely you'll no longer try for fear of failing again. Its not right to force them into getting perfect grades, but instead helping them do their best and to work hard. It's important to encourage kids to do well in school, but encourage them to do it for themselves so they can have pride in what they achieve and their hard work.
Chicken tunnel 2 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
A good way to keep the chickens out of your garden and protect them from chicken hawks too!
That's One Huge Tuna 12 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Fish raised in farms also smell fowl, even if they are fresh. They also taste more fishy and less fresh because fish in hatcheries tend to be in small enclosures, so they tend to eat other fish's feces in large quantities.
The living personification of "behold all the f**ks I don't give" 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Not only are they very strong and incredibly brave, they're very smart. They find ways to escape captivity all the time and even give beekeepers many problems. Beekeepers are still searching for ways to keep honey badgers from raiding their hives for many years but its proven to be an uphill battle...
Skinny, white mermaids are unrealistic 35 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Not shallow water, that's why albino dolphins and hippos tend to get very badly sunburned. Some melanin would help protect their skin, but its more likely they would develop a darker or even a gray skin color to protect from the rays.
Skinny, white mermaids are unrealistic 35 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
They would also likely not be mammals because if their scaled tails. If they were mammals though, they wouldn't have breasts but mammary glands similar to dolphins. If mermaids were real they probably wouldn't look like humans at all.
kissalinda · 7 years ago
They went to the same surgeon and picked the same face off the wall as each other, what a coincidence!
Dafuq is wrong with dis dude 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Maybe they have a dairy allergy
Smedley butler knows whats up 12 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
When America gets invoved everyone tells them to mind their own business, if America doesn't get involved everyone is pissed that they didn't help saying "how could you let this happen and not do anything!?"
Check for cancer 11 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
This can also show reproductive problems in women other than cancer
For those who judge all the time 12 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
A tie makes you look professional, that's the problem with visible tattoos. No one sees tattoos as criminal, but they are seen as unprofessional. If you're having problems getting a job, you probably should have got them in different areas instead. You can be professional and have tattoos, but dont tattoo things across your face, neck, and hands and blame others for seeing it as unprofessional. Your physical appearance plays a role in job interviews, showing up in sweats and a T shirt will likely lose you the job, but dressing professional will increase your chances of getting it. Your interviewer/ employer is allowed and will judge you based on your professionalism, so I wouldn't complain about "those who judge all the time".
4 · Edited 7 years ago
Iggy Iggy, too biggie to be here stressin' 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
They're probably heavily overdrawn with liquid lipstick, its an easy way to make your lips look bigger...this is a bit too overdrawn...
Slim Fit Jeans vs Skinny Jeans 19 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Just let them where what they want, if that's what they like or feel comfortable in then that's cool.
Weak 14 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I had heard that the epidural effects where more uncomfortable, like feelings of slight lower body paralysis, kind of like the feeling of your foot falling asleep but in the whole lower half of your body. I'm sure it's only a few weeks after the shot, and probably different for every woman.
It's embarrassing to admit it, but I pushed that button without reward for far too long. 3 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I like this explanation much better
Give Me. It's All Mine 3 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Cats shouldn't drink cow's milk it's not good for them, this kitty needs some treats instead!
fat is NOT healthy 14 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Being so fat is definitely not healthy, but I'm not sure why a sceptic infection is being used to get the point across. Its possible for anyone to have an infection go sceptic, which is very dangerous and in alot of cases deadly. Make sure you go to the doctor immediately if you have a bad infection and make sure you properly care for wounds to prevent infection in the first place. This isn't just an obese person disorder so make sure you take extra care of keeping wounds clean.
Shouldn't try to make people feel bad for this 8 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I dont think extroverts are trying to make anyone feel weird. When i see people eating alone i assume they feel excluded and just need an invitation to eat with someone, not because they i think its weird. Sometimes that's the case and apparently sometimes it's not, i enjoy company when I'm eating but i can understand why someone may not. I'm sure extroverts are not trying to pressure you to eat with people to be normal, they probably just know you're introverted and are trying to include you.
Oh shat 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I used to think this was photoshopped or fake, until i saw it with my own eyes on TV. For those that were like me it's real guys I seent it!!
This hit me hard 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Flowers die, ham is eternal.
Feeeeets 3 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Thank God I'm not the only one that saw that too!