

— Kissalinda Report User
This person clearly doesn't know the meaning of "dark humor" 26 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I don't mind a good dark joke, but sometimes 9/11 jokes can be tricky. There are many people alive today who did see it or lost family and friends that day. I'd say the wound is still pretty fresh as it directly effected people that are still alive. I always try to make sure I don't tell those jokes around people who may have been effected, that's a dick move.
This Kitty has some unique eyes 4 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I thought the mutation itself was called heterochromia. When two different colors present themselves in the iris. Its the same mutation that causes two different colored eyes, this is just a different version of the same mutation in the gene.
Okay but the movie Alien ... 11 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Usually chicks dont have much trouble they don't even need the help, it was just an example for this post. But mammals can definitely need some help such a breaking membranes and clearing fluids and other items from their mouths and throat. Technically they don't need the help but it greatly reduces the chances of the babies dying. Humans definitely need quite a bit of help! For mother and baby
But...How 8 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
How was she not already releasing huge amounts of adrenaline falling to the ground knowing her parachute was not functioning? I would think her body would have already been releasing it as she's panicking in the air
Okay but the movie Alien ... 11 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
You can break open an egg and life will begin, it just has to be ready for it. Obviously if the chick isn't developed fully it will likely die, but if it's fully developed and ready to come out you can break the shell for them or just help them break it.
Same hair as a granny 2 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
He's got hair like Jimmy Macelroy from Blades of Glory as well... It may be time for a new style
Take this fashion advice 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Man, kids these days need to pull up their joots! Have some respect for themselves!
Any FSers in/near Manchester stay safe just incase 17 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I think more evidence points to a terror attack, the authorities think it was a shrapnel bomb of some kind, at least the last i had heard. What kind of sick shitheads shrapnel bombs little girls and their parents...
True queen 23 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Oh wow I didn't even recognize her! I'm used to her looking fierce, she looks so elegant here. I've never seen her out of character
Too bad we can't retroactively unvaccinate the antivacers 26 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Get the tetanus shot, tetanus is a horrible way to die and some of the symptoms are difficult to pin-point. There's been cases where people step on something rusty and get a small cut and don't realize what's wrong until they are in the ER. The medical professionals can't always pin-point what's wrong, the patient likely doesn't even know what's wrong (or can't vocalize it because of their jaw locking up) because the initial wound was so minor. This happens many times with adults that don't realize the vaccine has to be administered every 10 years, one shot will not protect you for a lifetime.
great idea 42 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Kids aren't going to use a fire extinguisher, just as they do not pull fire alarms, the punishments are too severe and most kids have the morals to understand faking an emergency is dangerous. (Although yes sometimes kids do these sorts of things anyway). Initial costs would be relatively high, but they only have to be inspected once every handful of years, and this could be done all in one day. Yeah its easier to hide but it's not a safe option if their intent is to harm kids. Most classroom doors have windows that could easily be broken, and once they open the door from the inside every student in there is a sitting duck.
True queen 23 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I'm more interested in why they even asked her this question? Seems kind of like the interviewer is just prodding her for a reaction, but I'm not sure who this woman is. Can someone clarify if the interviewer is being an ass or if this question is relevant to her?
Too bad we can't retroactively unvaccinate the antivacers 26 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Vaccines are highly tested, but how every individual reacts to them can't be accounted for. Your sister likely had an allergy to the vaccine, why they continued administering it is insanity, but this isn't why people hate anti-vaxxers. Many people have allergies and do not have the vaccines and that's ok, but when people choose to withhold them from their children for other reasons it's incredibly dangerous for those with allergies. It increases the chances of getting everyone without vaccines, allergic or not, sick with life threatening illnesses. Getting vaccines helps protect kids from very preventable diseases, but also helps protect kids that aren't able to have these vaccines due to their allergies. No solution is perfect, the best we can do is test for allergies towards these vaccines and get vaccines to protect ourselves and those who can't have them.
Too bad we can't retroactively unvaccinate the antivacers 26 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Diyrogue may be thinking of antibiotic resistant bacteria? Bacteria can evolve resistance to antibiotics really quickly, and its become a huge problem. Most viruses​ take quite a bit of time to mutate enough for vaccines to become obsolete, some haven't mutated at all since their vaccine was created. Though there are definitely a few, as in why a flu shot is different every year.
how does anyone support these losers? 38 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
They are happy to be rid of all the wool, there's been several stories where sheep run away and haven't been sheared for much too long. Some are found in time to be saved and sheared, others have overheated and died from their huge coats.
There are some good people around 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well there are issues with food safety, they wouldn't be thrown in jail and likely wouldn't even be given a fine. Police would probably just ask them to stop as it is a matter of safety when eating a food from a stranger who doesn't have the proper permits. Though they are only trying to help, if this wasn't illegal it's possible for people to put things in the food to harm others, not everyone is as kind as this family are unfortunately.
Always come prepared 9 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Yeah sure..."working out for basketball" sounds like the cover the Philadelphia Dunkin donuts robber would use to cover up his injuries from his latest heist! You're not fooling anyone Dunkin donuts robber!
My parents never outright say it, but I can tell that they don't want me to be a writer 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well if they never out right say it and don't try to stop you, then I'd say that's most parents. Parents worry, no one wants their kids to struggle or fail, they want you to be successful. It's your life and your future, do what you want, but you shouldn't resent your parents for worrying.
Thoughts?? 15 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I thought Medusa was a Gorgon and didn't have legs anymore. Like a mermaid but with a snake tail instead.
When animals have more more humanity than humans 14 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
If they can get away with it, a whole pride versus one male are pretty poor odds especially if they have a male protect them as well. But they will definitely kill the babies if they get the chance.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
When animals have more more humanity than humans 14 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Yeah I was thinking the same thing, lion prides consist mostly of lionesses and maybe one male lion. They probably thought they were hurting a cub and rescued her. Nobody messes with lion cubs.
Maybe he didn't dream on?? Ha ha get it? 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well her Mom is drop dead gorgeous, she definitely looks more like her mom than her dad.
Shut up Norman 4 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well they're just going to tell him to go to hell. By law, if the nuisance comes to you, you have a claim. If you go to the nuisance, you don't have a claim, its your own fault and you can't take legal action against it.
Amazing tattoos that turn scars into Works of Art 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
It can be very difficult to tattoo on skin with scars, it can look distorted, ink may not take properly, and they can be more prone to infection. Make sure if you plan on doing this you find a good tattoo artist and make sure they are comfortable tattooing on the scars, you don't want anything that is going to make a scar look worse.
Interesting present 9 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
There's all kinds of situations, just because they are your ex doesn't mean you're never allowed to talk to them again. Some people have kids together and have to stay in contact, some people contact their ex to warn them to get tested for STDS they've been diagnosed with, and sometimes they run into each other after many years. My dad used to date a now family friend in highschool like 25 years ago, they ran into each other after they were married and had several kids each, and became friends. Our families would baby-sit eachothers kids and we all became friends. All relationships are different.
6 · Edited 7 years ago