

— Kissalinda Report User
When you have no chance for a mistake 4 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Isn't this sort of a better option though? I'm no aircraft expert by any means, but the engines and such really don't do much when it comes to flying, they give the plane enough thrust to get it off the ground and get going but the wings really take over and give the plane the lift it needs to actually fly. Wouldn't doing it this way allow enough lift for the plane to take off while using less fuel to get it airborne?
It's effective, okay? 17 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I always have tampons everywhere too, but that can also be a bad thing, it lures you into a false sense of security. One month i told myself "i have plenty lying around, I'll just use those!" It turns out i had much less than i thought... Had to run to the pharmacy late at night with my make-shift pad :/
7 · Edited 7 years ago
Amazing underground fridge 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Because this isn't a fridge its a wine cellar, somone got confused when they made this.
Smuggling a dog 6 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
If it were a situation that she was never going to see her dog again I could understand, but most hospice care allows dogs for this reason and the smuggling wouldn't have been necessary. But it's horribly inconsiderate to put other lives in danger just for a visit. Dogs aren't allowed, its not because they want to be mean, her grandma isn't the only one at the hospital and she's putting other people in danger just by bringing the dog, including the next people to stay in a room contaminated by dog dander and hair.
The f*ck do you do with them? 11 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Mozart, and his succulent bosom, would be so dissapointed in this waste of breast!
Another SJW getting offended on behalf of someone else.  14 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well technically they are portraying a Mariachi band as they are playing instruments (and likely Mariachi music), not so much mexicans per se. It's a traditional Mariachi costume to wear items like a sombrero, bollo ties, ponchos, or Matador esqu clothing (I cant remember the actual name). There really isn't anything offensive or stereotypical about a ballet flolklorico dancer wearing the traditional dress, so why is it stereotypical​ for a Mariachi band member to wear the traditional outfit? In fact, most would prefer they wear traditional garb as its upholding what is a large part of mexican music, dance, and culture. Traditional clothing is not a negative stereotype or a stereotype at all, its upholding culture through tradition, which is why it's called traditional clothing.
9 · Edited 7 years ago
How are they distracting...? 26 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I always see a ton of comparisons between breasts and balls/cocks and its infuriating. Obviously there's a difference between adjusting your bra and scratching your balls in public, one is adjusting an article of clothing while the other is touching your genitals in public. Breasts aren't genitals its the equivalent of touching your chest skin, if a woman shoves her hands down her panties in public it would just as disgusting as when a man does it. If you gotta touch your genitals do it at home and wash your hands, but touching boob/bra does not equal touching genitals. Bras are uncomfortable and difficult to hide, they suck, so if someone has a problem with looking at my bra they can look away.
That's a lot of orange juice 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Its not stuck on orange, the rest of the varieties of juice are just not shown here. Theres pretty much a whole refrigerated isle dedicated to just juices its about 1/3 orange juice because of all the brands and varieties.
Lil b***h 8 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Yeah I doubt a full grown woman would be waist-high I think this is about asshole kids
(cause it used to belong to another person who never touched it) 3 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Most people do use the China in China cabinets, but only for special occasions like entertaining guests. For the rest of the time they're used as a decoration. The people that don't use them are either too lazy to get them out, never have an occasion to use them, or won't use them because they're not easily replaceable (e.i. family heirlooms)
Never thought of it that way 11 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
What does a chimichanga have to do with anything? Chimichanga isn't a verb, how does the Earth "do" a chimichanga? Do they mean the Macarena? Even that doesn't make sense...
Serena kozakura 17 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Many people are saying it would be possible if she used sports bras/bindings, this may work for someone with a smaller bust but i doubt it would help much with her. Even with sports bras the breast mass doesn't​ just dissappear​, it cant receed back into the ribcage, its just displaced. Usually in a sports bra the breast are flattened further into the center of the chest and out toward the armpits, they dont dissappear, meaning all of her breast tissue would still be in her chest area. Even if her breasts were flattened with a cup size as big as hers (Fcup, G cup, maybe larger?) she would unlikely be able to fit as the breast tissue is still on her ribcage, its just been moved around.
Pupper Don't Snitch 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Many times these retired dogs end up having side effects from their work. The chemicals and drugs they are meant to search for effect their mind when they get older. I had a retired bomb/drug police dog and they told us she would begin to "lose" her mind. Eventually she did, it almost seemed like dementia, but she was one of the best, most well-behaved dogs we've ever had. Dont let the side affects deter you these dogs are well trained and deserve a loving family for all their hard work they do protecting us.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Promotions 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Generals also earn respect and power and many times work their way up through ranks, a princess is just born into the right circumstances.
Never trust anyone, especially sketchy parents 5 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
That's awful that she stole your identity, but it would have been a very good idea to check your credit before even considering buying a house. You would have seen that someone was using your identity and made sure your credit score was good enough to get a home loan. Monitoring your credit is too important to ignore when considering buying a home
8 · Edited 7 years ago
Leopard camo 8 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
You wouldn't be dead before you saw the leopard, the leopard would be gone before most people saw it, leopards are actually shy around humans and try pretty hard to avoid us. Unless you really threaten them or their cubs they don't attack people, this is a reason its also very difficult to film and study them, they don't like being around humans.
It was made out of a thick, dark wood! And now it's ruined! 9 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Guys have some respect! This poor man is heartbroken about losing his table and for some reason everyone is joking about porn!?
Every damn time 26 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Yup or missing your bus/train home, not being able to pick your kids up on time, or being late/ missing night classes. Just because it is their job doesn't mean its a persons only responsibility.
Or having them on the entire time in their apartment 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
That's definitely not an American thing
Every damn time 26 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
No one would care if it was just closing at closing time. What they care about is staying an hour and a half after closing time because a customer is inconsiderate to other people. If it's a quick get in get out, or a to-go order most employees dont mind, but when its sit down and stay or shop for a full cart of groceries while everyone waits on you that's inconsiderate.
Every damn time 26 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
They very much do mind but they are not allowed to say it or act like it. Most places you're not allowed to tell customers that you're closing, you have to just wait for them to leave.
What does that prove 8 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well she's doesn't seem unhappy with her decision. Its possible she was going to cut it short anyway and then was told that she wasn't going to be pretty with short hair, but did it anyway because thats what she wanted to do.
I did not ask for these feels 13 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Steve Irwin was like Bob Ross or Mr Rodgers, a beautiful person who's small actions made everything seem worthwhile. They're people that enjoy what they do so much and enjoy life so fully that it radiates to everyone they touch, even if times in their life were dark. The world grew a little darker the day it lost Steve Irwin, so yeah its still too soon.
I love red lobster though 13 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
If you're 28+ you're running out of time to judge men based on something so stupid. The older you get the harder it is to find somone, not always but it definitely gets more difficult. If you're​ that age and still that immature, then why waste time dating? Adopt the 20 cats and become a lonely old cat lady already, because no one is deserves to have to cater to your salty​ ass.
6 · Edited 7 years ago
*demonic voice* BURN THE CHILD 11 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Thats is what it means? I thought an upright star was one thing (in most cases good), but an upside-down star was the demonic one? Im not sure maybe I'm wrong