

— Kissalinda Report User
Working pockets 27 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
How has nobody mentioned the massive zipper men's jeans have! If I accidentally leave my fly open on womens jeans no one is going to notice because its 1cm long, if I left it open on men's jeans I'd be arrested for indecent exposure.
Roses are red, your money is gone. You'll never find love, forever alone 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I think you mean garlic
Roses are red, your money is gone. You'll never find love, forever alone 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Yeah I agree this isn't always true, of course if she ignores you and is on her phone on your dates she's probably using you. If she's having fun and seems interested she may be taking it slow, I dated my boyfriend for a month before I kissed him.
S T E A L T H B O Y E making an appearance on local TV channel 2 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Sneak boye does a swipe
2 · Edited 7 years ago
Listen up 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
That wouldn't be insecurity though, then he wouldn't be trusting of her, and for good reason. If he fears that she may find someone better, it is insecurity. If he doesn't feel she will be loyal to him, it is a lack of trust.
The more you know 11 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
This can also be the case when rinsing a stain out of clothing, if you've spilled something on your clothes quickly rinse it under cold water. Hot/warm will set the stain making it harder to remove.
Games of thrones 9 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Brows are usually a couple shades darker than your natural hair, so having platinum blonde hair, her brows should be a darker blonde shade. Its obvious shes not blonde I cant imagine why people would think that.
The Truth is Revealed 5 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Would all this mean the Avatar is gone? The Avatar brings balance to all four elements and when they world needed him most he vanished.... We need to start checking icebergs!
I need this app 5 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Why would I want an app thats going to show me a blank list all the time?
4 · Edited 7 years ago
Like in the movies, America is always the first one to get hit 13 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
No need to call me an asshole, its not about predicting the future. The title is worded to be misleading, so people will read it. If you actually read the article it says what I said. A more accurate title would have been "Scientists are researching ways to harness energy from supervolcano under Yellowstone", just as you said, it perfectly describes the article and people are informed by what's ACTUALLY going on. Of course I believe people should know about it, thats why I explained the article, but the title is clickbait compared to what the article is actually about. There is no reason to instill fear into your readers with a purposely missleading title, I believe many people would still be interested in reading an article about how they plan to harvest energy from a volcano, that's kickass!
Like in the movies, America is always the first one to get hit 13 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Yeah its a click bait title that is misleading. The article is about scientists researching into harnessing the volcano to use for energy, and in turn, stopping the volcano from erruption due to it never building up enough energy to actually errupt. The title makes it sound like its on the brink of erruption, which is untrue. They are technically preventing it from erruption by harvesting energy from it, but it is in no way a race against the clock to save our lives, there is no danger from the volcano for the time being, and if they perfect this harvesting method there will be no danger ever.
5 · Edited 7 years ago
It's ok 6 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Improve yourself by being a reliable person by showing up to what you said you were going to go to. Continuing to break off your plans with others will lose you your invitation and possibly even your friends. If you don't think you'll go, don't make the plans.
Dogs and their stuffed animal form 5 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I don't think these are stuffed animals, they're needle felted.
NEVER drink and drive 6 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
There is an ad just like this... It was a super bowl ad here in the US a while back of drunk driving and not coming home to your dog.
Wonderful view from the Monterrey Stadium, New Mexico 9 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I think they mean the beautiful mountain view is a bit wasted, considering all these people are looking at the game instead. I have to agree, i feel like this would have been a good spot for a park or even a nice hotel or apartment so people could enjoy the view without the game hogging the spotlight.
Comme des Garcons 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Its probably read-to-wear vs made-to-order. Made-to-order is where the garment is custom tailored to the person/model and takes a few weeks to make, where as ready-to-wear is already made in standard sizing and already ready to be shipped and worn.
5 · Edited 7 years ago
Wonderful view from the Monterrey Stadium, New Mexico 9 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Yeah there is no "Monterrey New Mexico", this is in Monterrey Mexico.
Been in both position 5 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Definitely, just because you feel you're in love with someone in two weeks does not make it so. You're only infatuated with them. You can't even truely know someone within two weeks, and that's what love really is, seeing someone's true self and accepting and loving their true self. You have a connection with them and possibly chemistry, but in order for love to stand the test of time, it takes time.
Savage af 20 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well a period is a decent excuse, not to act like some crazy psyco no, but when youre not feeling well its difficult to act all cheery and happy as you usually do. Just like how people tend to be more irritable when they have a bad cold or flu, you're tired, you hurt, and you just want some food and rest! If your girl is on her period empathize and treat her like you want to be treated when youre sick, because the only reason shes irritated is because she doesnt feel well.
18 · Edited 7 years ago
Customer value 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Doesn't have much to do with being customer-centric considering most of the business are limited in human interaction in general. It has to to do with undercuting price and being more convenient. Which isn't always best considering Netflix is having trouble keeping its low price while offering its services. This also doesn't consider Redbox which does charge late fees as Blockbuster, but its cheaper than Blockbuster and their locations are more convenient for pickup/drop off. Eventually these businesses will be replaced by businesses that are more convenient for a cheaper price tag as well.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Timing is crucial 6 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
It may just be a "best by" date, when eventually the humidity and other things it will come in contact with may make it taste different. It doesn't mean it spoils, it just may not taste as fresh or have a different flavor.
Birthday in college 5 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I was going to say the same, and they could have used the leftover eggs and oil for cooking. Could have gotten a few breaksfasts out of it as well as an actual cake.
WLTH 194: you ever just rub your temples at something and wonder who let this happen 43 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I kinda have to agree with Jensen considering she did say "I never gave the draft much thought being the mother of two girls" and also saying she "now realizes how much she opposes it" she didn't say she opposes girls being drafted, she said she opposes the draft, for both genders. I agree it is close minded to not think anything of the draft just because it doesn't directly affect you, but she realized that her children may have to go to war and realized that is the reality for anyone with a son. She's not opposed to her daughters being drafted but anyone being drafted.
FS, what do you really want to buy today? 23 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Wait we still need the security code on the back!
Amazing artist changes sexualised dolls 21 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I think they look pretty cute repainted kinda natural like American Girl dolls, but they could definitely use some natural eyelashes too. They look a bit strange with none, almost like they've been plucked out.