

— knockdown209 Report User
What’s PEMDAS ? All I know is BODMAS 9 comments
knockdown209 · 1 year ago
I was taught if there was no x there than it means that the next course of action is to add an x in there
What’s PEMDAS ? All I know is BODMAS 9 comments
knockdown209 · 1 year ago
I always knew it as BMDAS and occasionally BDMAS depending on if your QLD or NSW
What’s PEMDAS ? All I know is BODMAS 9 comments
knockdown209 · 1 year ago
Nah its gotta be 9 surely brackets first so 1+2=3 and then its just left to right so 6÷2=3 and then that 3 times the 3 from brackets is 9
Can I get an attendance check. I miss y’all 19 comments
knockdown209 · 2 years ago
Looks like we can post again 2 comments
knockdown209 · 2 years ago
The terrifying anatomy of Grimace 15 comments
knockdown209 · 2 years ago
End of year party in this comment section??
Halfway to embrace monke 8 comments
knockdown209 · 2 years ago
Very unfortunate and all but im just very confused where it ties into the meme lmao what part did i miss
Halfway to embrace monke 8 comments
knockdown209 · 2 years ago
Funk are you ok g??
Remember, you have claws, too! 1 comments
knockdown209 · 2 years ago
Its been a while since ive seen these comics, wonder how many they've released now
Haha free chain go brr 17 comments
knockdown209 · 2 years ago
"Because hes going to influence" exactly what adam44 said, people are responsible for their own actions, if someone wants to fuck around stick some wire in their head and fucks them self up thats on them. You see people rolling around with heaps of tattoos and ya dont blame them for influencing people to go and do botch home tattoo jobs. So why would you blame this guy?
Haha free chain go brr 17 comments
knockdown209 · 2 years ago
What about accepting the fact that its his money, his body, his choice, hes free to do whatever he likes with it. Its not hurting anyone. He is the one at most risk with it so why everyone hating on him?
Haha free chain go brr 17 comments
knockdown209 · 2 years ago
Damn lmao someone has money to do something that they want to do, enjoy something in their own way and you guys immediately resort to "lets beat the shit out of him" what the fuck is wrong with you lmao
My nephews face mask 1 comments
knockdown209 · 3 years ago
What i swear i saw this exact same post on instagram from a page called grunge_bible
This’ll be lost in the spam. Hope at least one Australian sees it to confirm the truth 7 comments
knockdown209 · 3 years ago
Same goes for the Aussies, the beer doesn't even have to be cold ;)
Different Perspective on Submachine Guns 7 comments
knockdown209 · 3 years ago
Thats actually pre interesting
He’s okay 4 comments
knockdown209 · 3 years ago
No hes one of the guardians of the galaxy lmao
How lucky are you? 7 comments
knockdown209 · 3 years ago
Its pretty accurate i looked at that and was told in science words my vision is fucked lmao
What the hell, Australia? 16 comments
knockdown209 · 3 years ago
Me and all my mates just say chips ay, no distinguishing, if im feelin fancy tho i might say smiths
What the hell, Australia? 16 comments
knockdown209 · 3 years ago
They are chips, wait till u hear about fries and icecream
Original one 3 comments
knockdown209 · 3 years ago
Pretty sure in Australia if you try calling 911 it automatically directs you to 000 because so many people think the correct number is 911
Glass house mountains, qld australia! 2 comments
knockdown209 · 3 years ago
Great place, had a fam wedding at this place that had a great view of them at the end of 2019
Wisdom 15 comments
knockdown209 · 4 years ago
Yea usually I find it will cost more and also the convenience of going straight to Amazon and finding it is too good
Inking glorious Sand Dollar 6 comments
knockdown209 · 4 years ago
Middle was good, outer two i haven't seen