Cole Savasta-Ruf


— Cole Savasta-Ruf Report User
Potato 7 comments
ksqueezey · 6 years ago
Joey would still eat it
Quantum results 2 comments
ksqueezey · 6 years ago
Ayyy i get it
Holy shit never thought of that 4 comments
ksqueezey · 6 years ago
EXACTLY what i thought of
Moldly bread 14 comments
ksqueezey · 6 years ago
@sunnyhouse007 that shit def looks like weed, and even tho im high rn, that dont mean its not true
Mathematical christmas 18 comments
ksqueezey · 6 years ago
Thank the lord I understand this all
Pale blue dot 4 comments
ksqueezey · 6 years ago
*900 million miles
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
There is a a very famous scientific experiment that shows how organic molecules can form from simple ingredients such as water, oxygen, or CO2. This is how life slowly formed. Life didnt form from nothing, it just took chance for all the right molecules to be in the right place at the right time.
Also macro evolution has been proven through extensive fossil records and visual/genetic proof of species currently on earth showing ancestral relations to other species currently on earth.
I want this shirt 15 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
Lol how does him being pretentious have anything to do with him holding up a shirt. Thats like you sporting your favorite shoes and then someone saying "yeah those are cool but he is racist". Like ok no correlation. The man appreciates the shirt, let him be.
An unbalanced war 15 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
Who else immediately thought of Kung Fu Panda?
I want this shirt 15 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
@ajhedges do you even know who that guy is? Its Neil Degrasse Tyson btw
What a mad man 2 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
Neil deGrasse Tyson votes for Iron Man 21 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
captreno, Batman IS the most skilled and he is ALWAYS prepared for fights, that is why he so dangerous and highly regarded. If Batman had powers, adding his skills would just make it cheating. If somehow he wasn't ready for a fight with Iron Man, he would find a way to at least even the fight or escape for preparation later on. Also don't under estimate his strength. He is probably one of the strongest mortals in the DCU or Marvel without enhancements and I'm sure he could go against someone enhanced like Steve Rodgers pretty well in hand to hand.
17 Awesome fact about our Universe. 23 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
How can a planet orbit its sun backwards?
The knitting master 11 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
That was my first thought lmao
Nothing can stop him 5 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
Wtf bro 3 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
who is the girl?
HIS FACE 8 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
Yes, because he knew it was too complicated already
I vote both! 26 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
Por que no los dos?
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
Morgan, im not a creationist myself so you are right im not totally sure. But every thing i have every read or watched that was by a creationist included an attempt to falsify evolution. Also if a creationist believes in evolution, they are kinda contradicting themselves since being a creationist means you live by the literal word of the bible and the bible says many things that try to falsify evolution and also it suggests the Earth is only 6000 years old which goes against evolution as well.
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
master, I cant tell if you are being sarcastic or actually asking that question. Animal are able to adapt to their environments via evolutionary processes. So they arent the same but very connected
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
milkshake, i did read it and that was my rebuttal. My point is that is DOESNT explain it well enough. If you are going to answer back again, at least hit me with a good arguement.
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
Dude are you even reading what i said.
I did say land animal. I was already excluding sea animals. The total is like 8 million, google it.
Also I dont know what you meant that I repeated your point. I said you admitted to evolution, which every creationist doesn't believe in who also argues the ark was literal.
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
You just admitted to Evolution by saying animals changed overtime to fit their surroundings. You got to be more careful than that.
There are over 6 million species of land animals on earth. Even if u were to subtract the species of insects and the ones that you said "changed", there would still be at least 3 million and there no way all of them fit on this large boat.
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
Guest, your own argument is literal when u say things like records and soil deposits. How am i supposed to argue with a non literal argument to a believer who will have a literal arguement?
· Edited 7 years ago
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
ksqueezey · 7 years ago
You didnt answer my question.
Even with the dimensions of that boat, there is no way he fit all species in that boat. Also how would all the species have been relocated to their current habitats. And dont say these animals spread out and had birthed generations with new genetics because that would suggest evolution and u cant believe in both creationism and evolution.