
just a lemon here nothing to see

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The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Wow.. and last summer we complained when it was 35c here.. (but hey, we are not used to it.. no AC.. nothing..) and I had to work in a store where the AC broke (luckily I sell freezers, so I literally stood in an open freezer for 6 out of 8 hours a day)
The town I live in currently is practically exactly how people view Sweden.. with snow from November to May.. 3-4 hours of sun in the middle of winter, but also beautiful moderate summers with the sun shining 24/7.. that part I do love.. when you are sitting outside in the middle of summer and wonder what time it is, and realise that it is 2.30am, and you thought it was max 10pm...
The Onion speaks truth 31 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
yeah it does seem pretty square, the way people look at this problem..
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Oh I would definitely do that! Have always wanted to go to Texas.. the heat will be interesting though..
The Onion speaks truth 31 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I do apologise if it came across as if I was saying that my country is perfect, that was not my intention at all. Sweden has many many problems that needs to be dealt with (like seriously.. prison here for example is like vacation). I am agreeing with you that removing guns would not solve anything, all I was trying to say (in a very clumsy way) was that for many from other countries that might seem like the ideal situation, the "quick fix".. "Oh look, we are definately not doing that.. so change to the way we are doing".. culturally that doesnt work, one cannot say that a thing that works in one country will work in another. I was just asking what you think needs to be done.. and now I got my answer.
The Onion speaks truth 31 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
But it does seem like it happens more often in the US compared to other countries, not giving them the publicity is one thing, but something else needs to be done too.. taking away guns is a "quick fix", but what else can be done? (a real honest question.. we dont have these killings in Sweden.. perhaps I'm missing something that we are doing fundamentally different then you guys...) Is it just the fame or are they mentally ill?
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
you do? Woohoo! Hello Neighbour!
Two cute ponies wearing cardigans 10 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I want one in every colour!
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
more than welcome! Although prepare for some cold weather :)
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Northern part of Sweden :)
It's a cool picture isn't it? 21 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
bridesmaidSSSS... Gready much?
Morgan Freeman is the best 9 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Absolute best
Vikings Don't Get Any Credit 25 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
well thank you! Would love to go to Ireland (again) someday soon.. not to pillage and plunder, but drink beer and sing along to live bands!
I love this Film! 16 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I cried so hard first time I saw this movie, the girl living in the corridor room next to mine came knocking, asking how I was feeling...
One of my biggest wishes, to see this light with my own eyes. Am I the only one? 10 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
It was high activity last night so I went out to the nearby lake with some exchange students from my university.. sadly it was cloudy.. I have only seen it a couple of times.. but it truly is mesmerising
Vikings Don't Get Any Credit 25 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
hells yes...
Vikings Don't Get Any Credit 25 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
The Sheriff on the Oregon college shooter 53 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
wow.. 7% in tax.. here I pay 33%, and that's minimum as I'm a student and only work part-time.. you guys do not want to know what my parents pay in taxes..
Vikings Don't Get Any Credit 25 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Women had a very central place in viking culture, and had the right to inherit land and divorce if they wanted to..
Vikings Don't Get Any Credit 25 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Yeah.. we stayed closer to home for that stuff
Seeing a shaved chimp makes you realize how f*cked you are if you get into a fight 25 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Some people are just sick.. Apparently some would also pay to be intimate with an Orangutan..
The Sheriff on the Oregon college shooter 53 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I think that enforcing a tighter gun control is a way of fixing the symptom and not the main problem at hand. Surely those who really want to commit such vile crimes will find another way of doing so, either by getting guns in an illegal way or (as said before) by killing in other ways, for example by arson attacks, stabbing sprees (both which in the last couple of years occurred in Australia), or by making bombs. Then I can agree with you Kamatsu (as guns are not easily obtained in Sweden either) that the guns might be a problem too.. but perhaps not the main problem ... but what do I know..
The Sheriff on the Oregon college shooter 53 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Still.. that you have to have an assembly about it. Good considering the circumstances.. its just scary that its necessary.. I think the only thing we have ever had an assembly about in school was in case of fire.. and what to do if your bus crashes when you're out on a field trip.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
The Sheriff on the Oregon college shooter 53 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
you actually have classes where they go through the possible scenario of this happening and what to do if it does?! Its so sad that you have to...
What they used in the past to kill vampires 9 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I want to know what that letter says!