
just a lemon here nothing to see

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Identical 10 comments
lemoncrush · 8 years ago
haha exactly what I thought!
Trench coats can do wonders 40 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
they are magic coats..
We need their Ministry of Magic here in the States 20 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Yes @shampoo many countries do have that, and people from other nationalities often say that we Swedes are lucky that Uni is free for example. I am not complaining at all, I like the system here... although I bet that most people dont understand how much we Swedes pay in taxes.. or at least parts of Sweden, as the tax % is different depending on how much you earn..
· Edited 9 years ago
We need their Ministry of Magic here in the States 20 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Realistically, almost everything that is free, is really just "free"... what I mean is, even though something is free, you always pay it somehow.. In Sweden all education is free, but as we pay taxes that is then invested within our school systems, education cost.
(The only people that enjoy free education in Sweden are students from other EU countries as they dont pay tuition nor taxes.)
I hate it when they do this 31 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I love silence of the lambs! First time I saw it was on Halloween, at my friends stepfathers house.. he is a priest so he lived in this old house next to the church.. for sure haunted.. Could not sleep for days afterwards.. Granted was 11.. my mum is still pissed off about it :P
Why I always use the oxford comma 18 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Some of my teachers always corrected this, others did not.. I never not used the oxford comma, and finally they stopped correcting me. (To be honest, those correcting me were Swedish-born english teachers, and those who didnt were from the UK... so I just did what "the experts" said)
So you want to be around your mom 11 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
no not really.. :P That's why you bike everywhere and they teach defense classes at uni for free.. (although there were complaints of sexism when they were called "female defense classes".. )
So you want to be around your mom 11 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I know.. I have great friends.. (and there have been many rapes/assaults in my town during the last couple of years...)
So you want to be around your mom 11 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
My friends and I do this all the time.. If you don't text after a while they call..
His new best friend 14 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
my cousin bought a pit bull mix from a shelter when he was in Spain for a holiday.. that dog is the sweetest dog ive ever been around.. my little one is way more aggressive.. (and she really isnt that aggressive either)
If Ikea sold a treehouse 7 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I dont know if it is because Im Swedish.. but I love it.. I want it..
Candy corn 45 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
im not sold on them yet.. they do not look delicious
· Edited 9 years ago
So sick of this sexist stereotype 7 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I didnt get the memo to take the cape off when going to the toilet..
Candy corn 45 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I had to Google candy corn..
3 · Edited 9 years ago
The sweetest friendship in existence 5 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
noooooooo! dont say that
His new best friend 14 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
kisses! Soo many kisses!
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
haha okay.. then do explain.. what is mudding?
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
hey do you have Kik? this comment section is getting quite long haha
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
dont know how that fit in the conversation tho.. just came to think of it..
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
haha when I had to do the ice tests for my driving license we had a guy who had lived in Somalia his entire life doing the test in the car with us, eventually the instructor just screamed out "for the love of God!! You have had a driving license for 30+ years.. have you never driven on ice before?!" and the man just turns around with a huge grin on his face and says "NO! But sand".. it was a fun day..
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
I love snow.. I have had christmas in warmer climate.. but its not the same! Love snow during christmas.
I could have snow for about a month or two.. go skiing and such.. then it could kindly just go away..
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
(and I do have to add... farenheit is so confusing.. first its more than celsius.. then less... dont get it... )
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
35c is apparently 95 fahrenheit according to google... Winter here gets to be around -30 at its "normal" coldest (-22 f) but mostly is around -15 to -25 (5 to -13f) .. I have experienced -52 (-61f) and it was not fun at all..
The sweetest friendship in existence 5 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
Oh! This makes me want a puppy even more!
Accurate warning sign 7 comments
lemoncrush · 9 years ago
that car was very lucky..