

— Lilfrai Report User
Not in November 1 comments
lilfrai · 3 years ago
That’s called an addiction, lad.
My news feed after the debate 16 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Committed fraud to enter the country. That’s ILLEGAL. Finally, have you seen Somalia? The country Ilhan came from? It IS a shithole. It’s people aren’t, but the question, like Trump said if you read his entire quote in context, he why are they coming here and, like Ilhan, actively working against the US. Why are they trying to destroy it from the inside? And don’t even try to claim he said he’d shut the riots down with violence. He did what every state wanted. If they wanted him to back off, he backed off. If they asked for help, he sent in help. And if that help used violence well no shit they were rioters not knitting circles. Do your own research. Everything you presented as an argument against him is the exact stuff the media hammers every single day. I was a registered Democrat in 2017. But I’ve started to listen to the experiences of people NOT news stations with agendas or celebrities.
My news feed after the debate 16 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
"As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.”
And so what if he calls it the Kung Flu? Have you not watched anything about the people of Hong Kong that are being attacked by China? That are in danger of losing their freedoms? THEY call it Kung Flu. THEY call it the Chinese virus. If anything, it’s an insult against the wicked Chinese government not its people. And if anyone feels more racist towards Chinese after hearing the virus called that, they are the problem. Where’d the virus start? China. Chinese virus. Ebola is a place, so does it offend people if you call it the name it got for starting where it did?
Yes those politicians are black or brown but that isn’t why he’s attacking them and saying they should go back to their countries. It’s because each one is pushing for a communist America. It’s because Ilhan has broken the law as a member of congress and
My news feed after the debate 16 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Executive order 13769 was not a ban on Muslims. That is a completely false and politics label. Have you yourself actually read what it says? It put a limit on how many people could actually come from Syria for a set amount of time until Executive order 13780 which made it so travel from several countries to the US is much harder IF you don’t have a visa or travel papers.
I Wouldn’t trust the words of his attorney who says he said this or did that when that attorney stands to gain a LOT of personal income if people believe his shock and awe while purchasing his book. Plus, as someone who lived in Mexico recently, even those who aren’t in the United States generally love what Trump is doing because he’s making things better for working class people.
Saying he hasn’t distanced himself from white supremacy is a lie. He officially labeled the KKK as a terrorist organization. He has denounced David Duke loads of times, and here are his words on white supremacy that he has shared MANY times
My news feed after the debate 16 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
I’m sorry mass rallies are a bad thing? Lincoln had mass rallies. JFK had mass rallies.
And no, I don’t gotta admit it reminds one of Hitler because it doesn’t at all. He’s not liked by Republicans because he doesn’t want to run his time in office the way they want him to. That does not mean he is subordinating a party. And, most crucially, he isn’t targeting, eliminating, and working against a specific race and/or class of people. Hitler wanted certain humans wiped out. Trump using his power in office (the office that he accepts ZERO income for) to make a less restrictive government and give more power back to states, average people, and businesses is the polar opposite of Hitler.
My news feed after the debate 16 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Literally not one thing about him is even close to Hitler. I’m not a fan of Trump, but you cannot say something so ludicrously incorrect.
Words 5 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
An entirely redundant point when the law you use as an example is the law of Nazis and fascists.
Words 5 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
The law they were following was put into place AFTER a bunch of fascist radicals overthrew and changed the existing laws that DID NOT target human beings.
Gumshoe 14 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
If you’re married in the U.S. and make 45K a year, it’s 12%.
So that's how they did it 1 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Nah, this comic has to be cancelled. Only black people are victims of slavery.
Sunrise over the pyramids of Giza 3 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Very cool stuff. I never thought of that.
You can do this, wholesome jock! 1 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Love this.
Sunrise over the pyramids of Giza 3 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Those were built by slaves. Destroy them.
Bath room sign at a Shuckin Shack in NC 1 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Do you want an increase in sexual assault? Because that’s how you get an increase in sexual assault.
Now that's what I call an All-American Grand Slam 5 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Absolutely. *cocks lots of gun*
Now that's what I call an All-American Grand Slam 5 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Ok, if you’ll fight me on my property, then be ready for a lot of gun.
'Angel of Death' the AC-130 gunship's flares being deployed 34 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Of course we have the most cops, the most student loan debt, the most crime, the most reported rapes, the most obese people and so on? You know why? We have 328 MILLION citizens. You don’t think a number that freaking huge isn’t gonna have the most of a lot of things? And I’m what world is the most law enforcement a “shameful” thing as that idiotic article suggests? All those rapes, car thefts, and other crimes are reported and recorded because we have cops.
MAGA..! 1 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
You’re right! But they were legal immigrants. No problem with immigrants coming to America LEGALLY.
water 3 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
A buddy officially spends way too much time worrying about what other people are doing.
Some Police Officers Responding To Noise Complaint Ends In COMPETITIVE COD 2v2 3 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Competitive COD 2v2 on....GameCube controllers? This is the image from when cops responded to a noise complaint and ended up playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Why change the game in the story?
· Edited 4 years ago
Annoy all humans 7 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
So a robot revolution of Benders.
Mr. Beast inspired the internet to come together and plant 20 million trees, Tana scammed 3 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
I was going to say the same thing.
Sexism Swings Like a Pendulum Do 39 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
What is the worst pair you have ever seen? 4 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
I still haven’t.
Have you? 6 comments
lilfrai · 4 years ago
Of course I know him. He’s me.